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Imasuky Lomae

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Posts posted by Imasuky Lomae

  1. This is simple just put a lost of some of your fetishes and than the next person ranks how kinky you are based on them on a scale of 1 to 10

    1. Is Vanilla and boreing and 10 is Oh GOD that's what your into!!!!!

    I'll start with just a few of mine

    Agalmatophilia (statues and dolls) something about the complete control over them is so sexy

    Dacryphilia (Tears) There's something about a cute girl crying....

    Lactophilia( Breast Milk) No idea why but the sight of milk heavy breasts is really hot

    Maiesiophilia (Pregnant woman) Related to the above the big belly is kind of sexy

    And just so you know that's not even a third of the stuff I'm into.

    So tell me How Kinky am I?

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