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Imasuky Lomae

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Everything posted by Imasuky Lomae

  1. What can i say that's just the kind of person I am so just deal with it and try not to be so you i'd be more worried about you but I gave up a long time ago so I can do no more than in shame fore you. And this was all in fun so try not to get with me so we don't but if we do we can alwas:kissblush: and make up by the way Everything Sucks...In My Pants
  2. Wolfy as soon as i read your problem a ton of feelings rushed trough me something like this :clap: And by the way Everything You Know Is Wrong...In My Pants and Wolfy one last thing :>= (suck it hard!)
  3. Hey Wolfy I think I think it is the Night on Fire in your pants!
  4. The Most Useless Machine EVER! The name says it all
  5. You'd think some of them would learn http://anime.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600050694
  6. Wrong wolfy these are more my stlye http://danbooru.donmai.us/post/show/756560/bath_stool-bdsm-black_thighhighs-blush-bondage-bre and i found the kind that you really wear http://danbooru.donmai.us/post/show/769561/afro-arms_up-censored-chest_hair-condom-dark_skin- and lastly I Want Your Girlfriend to Be My Girlfriend Too...In My Pants
  7. LEATHER PANTS~!....In My Pants Yeah I'm getting meta
  8. I make a nice profit stealing and selling souls...And not just to Satan. Bill Gates buys a lot of them as well and so does Cher and I can't forget my best client Lady GaGa. By the way Bad Romance....In My pants
  9. I think everyone should do what makes them happy and so long as no one gets hurt there's no problem with it.
  10. I'd try to be as badass as Aderson from Hellsing If I were a Gay Warlord Zombie T-rex on fire!!!!...
  11. I'd be more of a dick than I am now (Bad pun I know) If I were the Pope
  12. Thanks for the new cookies (Sprikles Rat Poison on it and give it to Calanthee) 8560
  13. Meanie if the battle game were up i'd take some frags as revenge 8558
  14. You Don't Love Me Anymore...In my pants I'm really lonely Wolfy:unsure:
  15. It supposed to be back up later on no real time for sure but hopefuly soon
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