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Everything posted by ShadowsPale
I never like my summaries to begin. I suck at writing them because nothing I can think to say actually gives an accurate idea of what the story is about. I end up with something disjointed that touches on only points.
To me, its about imagery. I don't find wrinkles, watery eyes and toothless gums sexy. Maybe i will when I get to that point myself but at the moment the thoughts of Dumbledore or McGonagal going at it makes me what to take a scrub brush to my brain. When I was younger, thoughts of people my parents age having sex made me gag. That age range as been bumped up about thirty years now that I am in my forties. I wouldn't stop reading a story I enjoyed because of it but I would skip that scene.
I can remember walking along the side of the road picking up glass Pepsi and Coke bottles to take to the store and trade in for money. I got ten cents for the small ones and fifteen for the large ones. I would walk out sucking on a grape Popsicle, clutching a paper bag filled with candy because penny candy actually cost a penny. In second grade I learned the world was a much, much bigger place than I knew, because a sixth grader asked me what my thoughts were on the Vietnam War. My response was that i had not known there was a war. In the fifth grade I got a radio hidden inside a mouse wearing a frilly dress and lacy bonnet; the first song I heard on it was ironically, Captain and Tennile's newest hit, Muskrat love My family would go on short road trips every Saturday afternoon. I can remember my dad fighting to find a station on the radio that wasn't playing Hank Williams and my mom screaming at him to "Leave it there!" because Elvis Presley was playing. We always ended up at the A&W drive in. For around six bucks my dad would feed a family of five with burgers, onions rings and rootbeer floats I have yet to find a "kiddie" burger that compares. I can remember getting an 8 track player for my birthday and all my friends telling me I was so lucky. All they had were Transistor radios that none of us realized how tinny they sounded. Mostly I can remember being sixteen and my mother not being worried that i was out at night, walking the mile to a friend's house by myself because it was actually pretty much safe for me to do so. We rarely even locked our doors. I was born on 10/28/ 1963 btw
My first question is about the length of a chapter. As I am writing my story, I am finding that most of my chapters are between 3 and 4 thousand words. However there are two chapters that are close to seven thousand because it didn't seem right to end them until then. When is a chapter too long? I like long chapters myself but when I look at those two and then the others, they seem way too long. My next question is writing dialogue for a small child. In the story there are a couple of chapters centered on a five year old girl. I was writing her dialogue based on how my five your old niece speaks. I have read fics where I could barely understand what the child was saying because of the way the speech was written and then in others I have thought "No small child talks like that!" because the writer didn't bother with trying to write the speech as it would have sounded. How do you get a blend that lets the reader "hear" the youth in the character without going to one extreme or the the other? Here here is an example of how the character speaks. "Mommy says I am bad for not sleeping but the scarwy lady won't let me. I can hear her climbing up to my window and I waked up. I try telling Mommy but she says I am dweaming, but I'm not. She is real and she is going to get me if you don't show her your teefs. Please Jaime, I don't want to get gotted!"
Help working out a problem with a crossover
ShadowsPale replied to ShadowsPale's topic in Writers' Corner
Yes, I could do that and it would work well. The thing is that I am trying to stay as canon as I can. I won't be following the books or show after a point shortly before they meet; which is going to throw most things canon out the window. If I have too, I will change their ages but if I can find a way to work this without losing more canon facts, I would prefer it. I am not a stickler for canon, in fact I won't read anything that follows it too closely because if I wanted to read that much canon, I would read the books again. On the other hand, I quickly abandon anything that strays so far from it the characters are really nothing but a shell bearing a familiar name. Your question as made me think however. If I am placing this in an AU setting, would I even need Sam to have gone to college? I am now wondering if it is plausible he has been taking online courses. If that was the case, maybe he could have graduated high school at a younger age which would place them in a closer age range. Of course , he would have never met Jessica...which opens an entirely new can of worms. -
Help working out a problem with a crossover
ShadowsPale replied to ShadowsPale's topic in Writers' Corner
What I meant by placing it in the present is that on July 31, 2011, Harry turned 17, instead of it happening on July 31, 1997. Even though I am straying from Canon in many ways; with the characters, I am trying to stay as canon as possible. Yes I made Harry a creature but otherwise I am trying to keep him canon. -
I am trying to write a Supernatural / Harry Potter crossover and I have ran into a problem. Since the two timelines do not mesh, I placed it in the present. It is supposed to take place after Sam leaves college to join Dean permanently. Here is my issue(s), Harry is a Fae of my creation that has a ability I call Charming. It is a device used to draw in a mate, or in this case, mates, and keep them from leaving until the mate(s) have a chance to get to know the Fae and allow for a more natural attraction to form. Here is my problem(s). I don't want the brothers too much older than Harry. I can't see either of them being in their mid to late twenties and not being able to resist the Charming. They would have been to hardened against something like that. Plus having a 26 year old Dean with a 17 year old Harry makes him seem too much like a pedophile for my tastes. In canon, Sam is at least 22 while in college, which would make Dean 26. However, if I make Dean a few years younger, it means Sam would be 19-20. Since he was finishing up his bachelor's degree, he would have had to go to college around the age of sixteen. I know my saying this will make some people cringe but I have no problem mucking around with facts; I just need the changes to be plausible. Can anyone help me make this work? I would like to stick to the four year age difference between them if possible. Thanks
Can anyone give tips on correctly writing points of views?
ShadowsPale replied to ShadowsPale's topic in Writers' Corner
Wow, I need to check back on old posts more often. I glad I checked back here because I have been given much to think about. Thank you all for replying and clarifying points I wasn't clear on. -
I am am a member there, the staff and members are wonderful but slash roleplays are hard to find unless you play dom males. Oddly I can write one but can't play one If you are into het and/or BDSM this site is a role player's dream come true. its very well organized, fairly and consistently ran, I have yet to met a staff member that isn't uber helpful. I love it there.
Hi. I am not sure this is the right place to ask about this but is there a reason the second Chapter for my Fic Wolfen, won't show up? It says that a second chapter has been added and the chapter shows if I go to edit but if you want to read it otherwise, it isn't showing. I haven't received an email on this nor is there anything about it in the reviews so I was thinking maybe its glitched somehow? I have tried deleting and reposting it three times and it still not showing (update) It is now stuck it seems. It shows my A/N and nothing else; I can't get it to delete. Somebody please help! (Update) I tried again to get it to show. It shows my Author note but nothing below that. Here is the link to the chapter in question: Wolfen: Chapter Two FYI: I have another story that is working correctly. Its just Wolfen that is making want to pull my hair out.
N/m. Sorry for being a pain in the butt. I didn't realize the drop down menus corresponded to the section you were in. Once I tried leaving anime for Harry Potter I got the needed category.
I am sorry for being so dense but I am not seeing an option for Harry Potter in the drop down menu in either the category or subcategory. I must be doing something wrong that it isn't showing up. This will be my first time posting a story here and I am a bit confused still.
I am not being offered the category I need. The lists of what to choose from is not offering me the options I need which is for a Harry Potter/Supernatural crossover. Someone please help as I don't want to get in trouble for incorrectly placing it.
Can anyone give tips on correctly writing points of views?
ShadowsPale replied to ShadowsPale's topic in Writers' Corner
Yes it does. That is what I was doing and then the comments were made which lead to me being so very confused. I simply could not wrap my mind around how they were telling me to do things. If I can ever figure out how to access my account, the first chapter will be posted. It is all about Harry Potter and completely G rated at the moment if you care to read it. Thank you! -
Can anyone point me to creature fics where Harry is the bottom/sub in the pairing? Severus, Draco, Lucius or Remus as the other part of the pairing. I have read quite a few and I am always on the look out for more. So many haven't been update in so long I have forgotten them. I don't care who is the creature although if the fic is something like Indingo I will give you cookies!. That was one wonderful read.
Call me anal if you wish but if I am writing about something I want the facts accurate. However I only research when there is a need. I have never preformed an operation so would research it intensively while winging the rest such as a nurse caring for the patient afterward as most of what they do is common knowledge. Of course if you are writing about something of which you have little knowledge, research is a must or you will have readers calling you on it. I would say it becomes too much if you are unable to write for reasearching.
I read a lot. I spend far more time reading than I do writing. As a writer I know how it feels to want to tell your story as you see it panning out. As a reader I know what it is like to be sitting there many chapters into the story going "where is the sex?" Being teased is a good thing if the wait is worth it. A well written scene of steamy goodness is well worth the wait but if it is rushed as so many are, I end up bored, disappointed and unless the actual story is amazing, disinterested. I would say do what feels right for you as the writer. You know what you want, what will happen in the future with the characters. You know the Character and how they work in the story. Sometimes smut straight out of the barrel works, some times it doesn't. I have stopped reading fics where the sex felt rushed, like it was just thrown in at that moment as bait to keep reading. On the other hand, keeping me waiting for long periods when it seems that it is the writer stalling and not the characters, has had me hitting the back button more than once
I am not claiming to be an expert by any means but I do have a mixture of gay and straight friends whom I have watched interact. From what I have seen (and understand) its not that size matters so much as being comfortable in your own skin. I have a friend named Mark who is built like a mountain. We're talking six foot three whose muscles have muscles who will start to sweat if my neighbor, Ben, a guy who is five foot six, winks at him. Mark is very self conscious of what others think about him. His reaction is partial based on having a father who insists that "a real man would never lie with another man". Then there is Scott who is five eight and as straight as it comes. He laughs when Ben's much larger partner flirts with him, telling him he can't bat for the other team as it would leave them nothing to wish for. Arron is the husband of my best friend, he is fine as long as no one flirts with him. He get really angry when it happens. He says that he fears being labeled as being gay if he reacts otherwise. Phebe, who lives behind me has no problem with straight men flirting with her despite being lesbian. Let a gay guy start talking shit and she totally freaks. Go figure that one out because I sure haven't. FYI all names have been changed.
I am writing a fic where I thought I had all the rules concerning multiple POV within a single chapter down pat. However, after letting two friends of mine read what I have written so far, I am now every confused as what is the proper way to do it. Since neither write any kind of story but are both quite intelligent; I am at a loss on what to do. The first one said the proper way would be two section the responses such as writing the first person, then the next and so on. The second said each chapter should be written from one point of view only. This leaves me floundering as I am neither writing one scene multiple times within a single chapter which just doesn't seem right as it makes each chapter repetitive or I am left wondering how to show the thoughts and emotions of the characters past the first. All I know at this point is that maybe I have been writing things in an entirely incorrect way which has me hesitant to continue writing.
I am glad I am not the only one that does this. I proof read twice, let the chapter sit while I get to work on the next one and then come back to find more mistakes. It never fails that when I read over the chapter after it has been posted, I see TONS of places where I dropped a letter, forgot to add a word, used the wrong tense or spelling. What is worse is when I see places that seemed so clear while proof reading suddenly reading like they were written by a 12 year old. The few times I was lucky enough to have a beta, the mistakes were still missed but to a much lesser volume and the areas where the wording went wonky didn't happen as often. My guess is that the brain, at times, supplies the information we expect to see making us blind to what is really there. It is my thoughts that in order to post a completely error free piece of fiction there would have to be several pairs of eyes looking it over and not just once.
Hello. I am seeking an experienced beta who will help me with a number of things as follows: Spot common errors that I miss when proof reading. Wording. So nothing becomes repeative or is unclear; I sometimes repeat myself without realizing it or get too wordy. Keeping facts and details straight. My mind is over run with plot bunnies. Sometimes one gets stuck in my head and I end up unknowingly incorporating details given by the bunnies in to my stories. Sticking to the plot and working out possible plot holes. I can't stick to an outline for the life of me. What I write often strays from what I have planned so I have given up even trying to write any type of outline. Details as in I am never sure if I am giving too many and bogging the story down or not giving enough. Keeping the characters believable and making sure I don't over look the reactions of one while writing the others. I also want to avoid writing unrealistic reactions to the various thing happening. Making sure the story flows evenly so nothing feels rushed or lagging. A beta with an open mind and not a stickler for canon is a must. I do try to keep the personalities as close to canon as possible but due to the setting as well as the story itself, some changes are a must. Someone to bounce ideas off. I have an over active imagination and can't always see that I am going overboard. Because of this, having a sounding board to keep me grounded helps a lot. I prefer to work chapter by chapter. Each will run anywhere from 1000 to 3000 words. The story will be slash with a rating of NC-17. Harry is a creature and might at some point become pregnant. At this point in time I don't foresee any incest between the brothers nor do I see where I will be writing graphic scenes of rape or violence ( other than maybe a hunt or fight). There will more than likely be a few scenes containing minor gore such as a description of a dead person but nothing extreme. I am not sure just how long the fic will be, only that there will be multiple chapters. I would like to post as quickly as possible but I am really only expecting one or two posts a week. It would depend on how fast I can write a chapter and you can look it over. What I am not seeking is a beta who tears the story apart in a manner that is rude and harshly critical. I don't mind the fic being torn apart but not in a manner that it feels as if I am being attacked. Telling me you dislike something and then giving me the reason why, won't be a problem. Telling me I am not original with no hint has how to make it more so, will not go over well. Blunt I can take; being rude or mean will make me growl nastily at you A beta who can't get past their possible dislike of the fic so doesn't put much effort into editing it. Sorry for this being so lengthy but I wanted it all upfront to avoid a needless waste of time.
Is there even a place for Supernatural fics? I have a wincest one I am working on and don't see where to post it.