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ladynightvamp last won the day on January 21 2011

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  1. Serpent Child by Eriador117 is on AO3 under the same author’s name.. I think all of Eriador fic’s are there now.
  2. sounds something from SpeedyTomato you may want to look there. if you find it please let me know.
  3. well since I have reread the Miscarriage of Justice by Dpiloff that I have ( and no I can’t give it out to anyone), all those points are in the story you are looking for. Harry is in Azkaban for killing cedric and then peter is found and give veritaserum and said that he did it and not Harry. Harry is released and goes to California. Where after 5 years is married with two kids and his hubby name is Andrew Trenlaw. Near the end of the story Snape gets turned into a Vampire with Luna and Percy for retaliation for the Vampire who are killed by the order. Also Draco get turned as well since he is a mate to a Vampire. Both Harry and Draco are Subs in the fiction.
  4. do you have any other details that might be helpful
  5. I think that one is Miscarriage of Justice by Dpiloff. I don't think that it is online anymore sorry
  6. it could be Perfect Bliss by Amoryxya on Archive of Our Own
  7. that would be Out of Azkaban by Laume
  8. That would be A brother's betrayal by Chereche
  9. is it Desperate Measures by vvc
  10. ladynightvamp


    no problem
  11. ladynightvamp


    is it Surrender By: SnapeRulesMaraudersDrool ?
  12. do you have a link?
  13. Saw this question on another site... I remember a story about this a long time ago... any ideas? The main part of the story is Harry was "kidnapped" from Hogwarts during Christmas break and is trying to escape this castle that he is being held in. The people who "kidnapped" him is the Order. This is a big test to see if they should let him join. He goes through a several of obstacles and duels trying to escape. At one point he had a little snake helping him but it was killed. At the end he is in a room with the whole Order and is very angry. I like that Remus and Albus are the only ones that realized how mad he was before he started yelling. He has the Gyffriondor swords and yells something like "take me home" and he apparate to James and Lily's graves. He stays there for a while before heading back to Hogwarts.
  14. It might be Shileo... only a guess http://hp.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600097924
  15. I just tried clicking on a story and the page does a refresh and it remains on the same page. help
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