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  1. sorry it took me so long, haha.. i've been so busy trying to write my newest fic (shameless promotion) that i'd forgotten about it! anyway, the site has links to anime, harry potter and anime fanfiction, music, my artwork, and also my forum/email signatures. theres also a little (heee ^ ^) anime series gallery. for close friends and admirers, there are several HIDDEN Pages , lol... But seriously, if you like anime, at least check out the gallery, k? do yourself that tiny favor, you owe it to yourself, trust me.. and if you like what you see anywhere on the site, drop me a line ok? i wrote the entire page in notepad, and did all the graphic-type stuff myself, so try not to be too disappointed with my paltry effort. and before ANYONE asks, YES, i AM still taking signature requests, within reasonable limits, and YES, i do allow people to use the signatures pre-made, as i have .bmp and .jpg of all of them, blank and ready for your screenname/nickname. all i require from you is the courtesy of telling me before you use something. that said, enjoy yourselves! http://hostinghelps.com/5ilver5nake/
  2. Hey there, just wanted to drop in with a notice, i've managed to start yet another fic, D. Gray-Man is the innocent (ha!) victim of my manipulations this time, please read and review as it suits you! Sailorlight22 oh, here's the link: Invention Is The Mother Of Necessity
  3. haha, i'm so sorry, i just had to put that somewhere... my first thought was "...god, that looks..... uncomfortable"
  4. sorry to bother you guys, but can anyone tell me who exactly these guys are supposed to be? http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v506/sai...al_00019835.jpg
  5. well, i thnk i still have my first fic lying around somewhere, written years ago, but i don't think it't too bad... lol, i'll have to transfer it from paper to hd and upload it, then i'll link it here so you guys can judge for yourselves, old fic verses my newer stuff, hee
  6. nope, its me, lol quamp?
  7. i think he meant exactly what you thought. ever tried using anime attack moves to see if one might really work?
  8. not guilty g/ng: promoted your fics at every opportunity.
  9. i dunno, i think the guy from warlock would have been better for lucius, julian sands was hawt in warlock 1...
  10. my sig right now is my first from Fate/Stay Night, saw the ep, had to make a cool sig from it, and the text is pretty self-explanitory, lol did give serious thought to using this one, but someone here has part of it as an avatar, lol
  11. yeah, i dont understand it either, cause i consider all but one of my fics to be slash, but this one got rejected from an archive, but they accepted this..., i don't get why one and not the other, neither has sex, lol
  12. Because they make easy targets...why?
  13. Title: Unbroken Author: Sailorlight22 Rating: Adult++ Summary: hey there, for all you haruka naru fans, theres a new story by yours truly at aff.net, titled 'unbroken'. just one chapter, round 1200 words for now, if i get some decent hits and reviews, i'll continue! so, check it out! Feedback: desired Fandom: Harukanaru Toki no Naka de URL: http://anime.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600020979
  14. i've read this one, the slytherin order is called 'rat rebels against tyranny, right? i'll tyr to find it for you'
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