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  1. biigoh

    The Magic Pencils

    Thanks and good luck. I do apologize for long it took for me to reply.
  2. biigoh

    The Magic Pencils

    Angel as an 'angelic girl'. After all, vampires can be operated on. And it's not like Angel doesn't have a soul in him or her... The TG fetish! Also, good luck at remember your password.
  3. http://naruto.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600102405 So I got up some guts and posted a naruto semi-lemonish fic on to AFF. Links up top, if you wanna dicuss it or C&C it... feel free to respond in this thread.
  4. biigoh

    The Magic Pencils

    I think I would like to see the Trio (Warren Mears, Jonathan Levinson, Andrew Wells) finding out about the dethronement of Cordelia/Buffy and wanting in on the fun... Basically, some of the changes that's going on from the point of view of someone outside of the 'loop' in the form of the Watchers, or the Mayor
  5. biigoh

    The Magic Pencils

    Ahh... cool. Makes sense now. Althou, I suspect that the only thing that COULD be done is erase stuff. After all, aren't the pencils soul-bonded or some such? Unless there are multiple sets of those pencils? And they can interact with each other? In terms of what has been sketched. EDIT - would Amy show up at all? Given that she is sort of a background character with some magic and such? Also, an interesting possibility is that the Mayor turning into a demon isn't a -bad- thing per say. He could still be Richard Wilkins, minus the soul, in a giant snake body. All nice and polite and wanting to TAKE OVER THE WORLD as opposed to destroying it.
  6. biigoh

    The Magic Pencils

    Wouldn't the timing be just about right for Anya to try to get back her focus? Only except Vampire Willow showed up? Which would be sexy / nice to see here. A Willow who would 'fall' in with Faith. A slayer with a witch at hand and 'side kicks'. Kind of like a Dark Mirror version of the canon setting. I'm also sort of curious as to what happened to the professor who found clues to what can kill giant snakes. As for the pictures and all that, I thought that they got erased? Or is that only Buffy's picture?
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