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    CloverReef reacted to JayDee in How Many Active Stories do you Have?   
    “Taste the brainbow!”
  2. Like
    CloverReef got a reaction from pippychick in How Many Active Stories do you Have?   
    Yeah but I gobbled them all up, so my head is whole again. Because that’s how it works.
  3. Like
    CloverReef got a reaction from JayDee in How Many Active Stories do you Have?   
    Yeah but I gobbled them all up, so my head is whole again. Because that’s how it works.
  4. Haha
    CloverReef got a reaction from BronxWench in How Many Active Stories do you Have?   
    Yeah but I gobbled them all up, so my head is whole again. Because that’s how it works.
  5. Haha
    CloverReef got a reaction from KassX in How Many Active Stories do you Have?   
    Yeah but I gobbled them all up, so my head is whole again. Because that’s how it works.
  6. Haha
    CloverReef got a reaction from BronxWench in How Many Active Stories do you Have?   
    If anyone shows up and beats him, my head will explode into Skittlez.
  7. Like
    CloverReef got a reaction from BronxWench in How Many Active Stories do you Have?   
    I happen to be quite fond of annoying attention whores! I’d say we should be besties, but my annoying attention whore friends might not like that. 
    I’m gonna lose this competition. I have a big whopping 0 going on right now. I always go through a bit of a drought when I finish a story. Keep starting things and nothing feels good enough compared to the story I just finished lol. When I am working on something, I have a one-track mind too. I can only really work on one at a time. Sometimes I lie to myself and say I can multitask stories just to justify starting a new one when I’ve got one going already, but that inevitably ends in one of them getting dropped lol.
    @Tcr should have something to say about this. His ability to juggle many stories at once blows my mind. Frequently. 
  8. Like
    CloverReef reacted to pippychick in How Many Active Stories do you Have?   
    Arghh! *unhooks the phone, puts the chain on the door, severs the internet* … *...sighs and turns the modem back on again*
    You did? *sidles closer* Whisper it to me…?
    *pulls back* Wow… that bad, huh?
    Seriously, though… playing aside, I hope you will finish it, no matter how long we have to wait. *throws some inspiration confetti at you*
  9. Like
    CloverReef reacted to KassX in How Many Active Stories do you Have?   
    Oh great, so you’re basically magic lol. Seriously, that’s awesome I wish I was such a prolific writer!
  10. Haha
    CloverReef got a reaction from KassX in How Many Active Stories do you Have?   
    If anyone shows up and beats him, my head will explode into Skittlez.
  11. Like
    CloverReef reacted to KassX in How Many Active Stories do you Have?   
    Wtfffff! Show us your ways, sempai! How do you juggle so many projects when I panic if I have to update 2 of them? 
    Pretty sure you won my SUPER SPECIAL LIKE but I gave all of you one because you’re all winners to meeee! <3
  12. Like
    CloverReef reacted to KassX in How Many Active Stories do you Have?   
    @CloverReef Then we’ll be besties on the DL  Hey, you’ve actually finished something, you’ve got no room to talk! 
    @Desiderius Price Just kind of open stuff with plans to finish, and you probably have to be updating it at least once a year, haha. There are SO MANY things I want to start and write! Curse this fragile mortal lifespan! 
  13. Like
    CloverReef reacted to KassX in How Many Active Stories do you Have?   
    Happy weekend, everyone, it’s the annoying attention whore again! 
    I’ve always had a one track mind as a writer but not everyone is like that! I’m dying to know: how many active stories do you have? Biggest number gets an AWESOME SUPER SPECIAL LIKE 
  14. Like
    CloverReef got a reaction from KassX in How Many Active Stories do you Have?   
    Now that’s dedication. Six years! I swear, I drop shit at the drop of a hat, (which is why I don’t post most of what I write) but I’m a big fat commitment phobe, so there’s that. 
  15. Like
    CloverReef got a reaction from JayDee in How Many Active Stories do you Have?   
    Now that’s dedication. Six years! I swear, I drop shit at the drop of a hat, (which is why I don’t post most of what I write) but I’m a big fat commitment phobe, so there’s that. 
  16. Like
    CloverReef got a reaction from JayDee in How Many Active Stories do you Have?   
    I happen to be quite fond of annoying attention whores! I’d say we should be besties, but my annoying attention whore friends might not like that. 
    I’m gonna lose this competition. I have a big whopping 0 going on right now. I always go through a bit of a drought when I finish a story. Keep starting things and nothing feels good enough compared to the story I just finished lol. When I am working on something, I have a one-track mind too. I can only really work on one at a time. Sometimes I lie to myself and say I can multitask stories just to justify starting a new one when I’ve got one going already, but that inevitably ends in one of them getting dropped lol.
    @Tcr should have something to say about this. His ability to juggle many stories at once blows my mind. Frequently. 
  17. Thanks
    CloverReef got a reaction from KassX in How Many Active Stories do you Have?   
    I happen to be quite fond of annoying attention whores! I’d say we should be besties, but my annoying attention whore friends might not like that. 
    I’m gonna lose this competition. I have a big whopping 0 going on right now. I always go through a bit of a drought when I finish a story. Keep starting things and nothing feels good enough compared to the story I just finished lol. When I am working on something, I have a one-track mind too. I can only really work on one at a time. Sometimes I lie to myself and say I can multitask stories just to justify starting a new one when I’ve got one going already, but that inevitably ends in one of them getting dropped lol.
    @Tcr should have something to say about this. His ability to juggle many stories at once blows my mind. Frequently. 
  18. Like
    CloverReef got a reaction from KassX in How Much Sex is too Much Sex?   
    If you can keep the sex scenes fresh and interesting, you can never have too much, even in a plotty story (in my opinion). But if it’s just the same mindless banging followed by a quick squirt and rinse, repeat, then it will get pretty old pretty quick. With some writers, their sex scenes become formulaic, and when that happens, I tend to just skim over them or skip them completely. If its predictable and repetitive, it’s not much of a turn on and it can easily feel like ‘too much’ or ‘gratuitous’. 
    But some people like predictable and repetitive. Sooo… Whatever floats your goat. 
  19. Like
    CloverReef reacted to KassX in How Much Sex is too Much Sex?   
    Is it bad that I thought PWP stood for ‘Pretty White People’ at first (although that is not an incorrect descriptor for a lot of erotica...) and had to look it up? Lol. My greenness is showing. I actually write the opposite, or at least try to. My work is all original and very fantasy/sci-fi based, so I try to put work into crafting the world, concepts and plot points. I mean, most of my time is spent writing YA fantasy, so that’s probably something that carried over into my erotica. I do porn WITH a plot because I enjoy reading porn with a plot, lol.
  20. Like
    CloverReef reacted to BronxWench in How Much Sex is too Much Sex?   
    Well, technically, rape isn’t sex, and neither is scat. Rape is a crime of violence, and scat is a fetish which, along with WS, makes me avoid the story altogether. Minor1 isn’t my thing either, but there you have it. I like my characters to be old enough to give meaningful consent. (At least until I kill them off.)
  21. Like
    CloverReef got a reaction from KoKoa_B in My Funny Valentine Out Now   
    Congrats! Self published counts! I’m super happy for you and I hope you get to publish a shitload more in the future! <3 Rock on
  22. Like
    CloverReef got a reaction from BronxWench in My Funny Valentine Out Now   
    Congrats! Self published counts! I’m super happy for you and I hope you get to publish a shitload more in the future! <3 Rock on
  23. Like
    CloverReef got a reaction from JayDee in My Funny Valentine Out Now   
    Congrats! Self published counts! I’m super happy for you and I hope you get to publish a shitload more in the future! <3 Rock on
  24. Like
    CloverReef got a reaction from Anesor in Unattractive, but Redeemable Flaws   
    This forum looked so lonely. So… Let’s talk about creating flawed characters! Like I don’t mean “omg he’s so tortured it’s sexy” kinda flaw, I mean non-sexy flaws. Things that add a little bit of ugly to an otherwise attractive character. I personally think every character needs a little ugliness added, especially in smut fics (Not counting PWPs in this statement. Everything goes out the window for PWPs) where most of the main characters tend to be on the sizzling side. 
    I think lots of people have a line they draw in the sand between redeemable and not-redeemable. Like if your character is super sexy, but he keeps raping neighbourhood grandmothers, I probably won’t root for him no matter how many animal shelters he donates to or how many sonnets he writes. But there’s ugliness to me that is redeemable that isn’t so redeemable to other readers. Someone who kills, for example. (In fiction only!) Someone with explosive diarrhea (though I wouldn’t necessarily want to see him in an anal sex scene). Um… What else? Scars and stuff are too attractive, but horrific burns over half their body aren’t so much. A penchant for completely inappropriate jokes? Racism? 
  25. Like
    CloverReef got a reaction from Wilde_Guess in Back history   
    Wow, this is a neat thread! Well worth the grave digging you did to pull it back up. Too much backstory is one of the major reasons I’ll stop reading a fic, and definitely one of the first things to go when I get cut-happy in the editing process of my own stories. (Though I’ve been criticized for not having enough, so I may not be an authority on the subject.)
    For me, it has to be relevant to the moment in the story as well as interesting. Not just one or the other. Otherwise it feels forced or boring to me. But I’ve come to learn that there are people out there who don’t groan and skip over backstory and exposition dumps like I do. If you zone out while reading your own writing, that’s a pretty good indication there’s a problem. If not, but you’re still unsure, ask someone for help. 
    (Just to be clear, the ‘you’ I’m referring to in the second paragraph, is anyone reading this who may be unsure. I’m fairly certain you already trust your instincts, @Desiderius Price)
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