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  1. Haha
    CloverReef reacted to JayDee in On tags I've used by A Writer   
    You’d need a Nec tag too for that...
  2. Like
    CloverReef reacted to KassX in A Question of Consent   
  3. Like
    CloverReef reacted to JayDee in A Question of Consent   
    If it was established that there was no remaining coercion or influence or fear of punishment if they didn’t come back and fuck or whatever then there;s an argument they can give informed consent to say yes and it wouldn’t be rape. Otherwise I’d say it still applies. Of course, I always tag on the side of caution with rape content perhaps other folks’d say different.
  4. Like
    CloverReef reacted to JayDee in A Question of Consent   
    I’ve written similar themes funnily enough. The thing about consent is that it has to be informed uncoerced consent or it’s not consent. In this situation the celebs are not in a position to give informed uncoerced consent because ultimately if they refuse they’re punished for their refusal. The stockholm syndrome/brainwashing/whathaveyou seems to me to be a comparable altered mental state to someone who is given/takes intoxicants and so might say “Yeah, I’ll fuck!” but is actually too drunk or stoned to make the informed decision. In both situations if advantage is taken by a non-drunk/stoned/brainwashed party and it’s not real consent although frat boy lawyers like to try and argue different. With the story as described I’d be tagging it all rape.
  5. Like
    CloverReef reacted to KassX in A Question of Consent   
    Oh yay, my favorite: a giant, gray, muddy morality swamp!  Let’s go swimming! 
    Mal, you and I are writing similar stories in different genres. I would say, from what you’ve told us, that OVERALL what’s happening is rape. If the characters are in a situation where they can’t leave or can’t stop what’s happening to them should they change their mind, then their consent is merely a happy coincidence, especially since it’s a result of psychological torture/brainwashing/Stockholm Syndrome. Now, the actual, individual scenes where they consent, taken individually from the story, I wouldn’t call rape. But in the context of the whole fic, I guess you could call it part of the pattern of sexual abuse. 
    This is a pretty tricky one though. I almost feel like, depending on the actual mental state of the celebs, that consent can’t be given.
  6. Like
    CloverReef got a reaction from JayDee in On tags I've used by A Writer   
    I actually know a woman who loooves to bang when she is menstruating. She went into great detail about how she loves how the blood stains in patterns on the white sheets when they're done. I can't really relate either, but from a writer's (and lover of all things debauched) standpoint it's an absolutely fascinating perspective.
  7. Haha
    CloverReef reacted to KassX in On tags I've used by A Writer   
    Wooow, I’m curious now as to whether that level of detail was requested or if it just kind of happened  I’m sure some women like it, but I’ve just always felt gross. I also cannot imagine doing that washing later, lmfao, I miss my cute panties now – RIP. 
  8. Like
    CloverReef got a reaction from KassX in On tags I've used by A Writer   
    I actually know a woman who loooves to bang when she is menstruating. She went into great detail about how she loves how the blood stains in patterns on the white sheets when they're done. I can't really relate either, but from a writer's (and lover of all things debauched) standpoint it's an absolutely fascinating perspective.
  9. Haha
    CloverReef reacted to JayDee in On tags I've used by A Writer   
    So a mare goes into a bar and the barman says, “Why the long face?”
    And the mare says “They won’t write anybody fuckin’ me!”
  10. Haha
    CloverReef reacted to JayDee in On tags I've used by A Writer   
    Oooh, I missed one! Yeah, so, I have used this so I can answer. Although the site is called Adultfanfiction it doesn’t just mean adult for sex. There are lots of other adult stories folks can tell, which’re welcome here, and the site admins are also okay about adult-writing authors also sticking their PG-13 stories on here. So, I’ve done a few pieces that don’t have any sex in them, some inspired by forum prompts here.
    Now, some readers are here at the site for just one thing: Manual stimulation of their genitals until they achieve climax. Those users, barring specfic sex free fetishes, generally don’t want to waste time reading JayDee making meta-jokes about Mary Sue or second person writing form, or writing about one dimensional stereotype characters having a sex free slumber party. Or a cat woman being friendzoned by an Orc, although that’s a great fic and everyone should totally read and review. No, those people want to masturbate furiously to sex scenes. The NoSex tag is therefore a great way to let folks know that a story doesn’t have sex in it and hey can scroll on looking for all the good tags that will get them closer to the kind of post orgasmic shame that comes free with every JayDee fuckfic.
    @KassX It’s a sad sick world.
  11. Like
    CloverReef reacted to KassX in On tags I've used by A Writer   
    Okay, I just had one question: WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK? 
    Please tell me Incest wasn’t a companion tag on this fic 
  12. Like
    CloverReef reacted to JayDee in On tags I've used by A Writer   
    I guess it is semantics. I just see it as if you’re adding Rape to BDSM it ceases in any way to be BDSM and so the BDSM tag would not apply. I guess to me it’s completely different, unrelated level of content even with many of the same elements and I suppose I have a mental block of seeing it any different, whereas, as you’ve explained, you feel differently. I think we probably just see it from completely different viewpoints and might have to agree to disagree, or end up repeating ourselves in slightly different ways and failing to get anywhere! Damn semantics…
  13. Like
    CloverReef got a reaction from JayDee in On tags I've used by A Writer   
    I totally read this in a uber posh academia voice. I’m a writing-tips-ophile, and now I am completely disappointed/outraged that all the podcasts I follow don’t cover this shit! 
  14. Thanks
    CloverReef reacted to KassX in On tags I've used by A Writer   
    This is the precise reason we need an AFF Con, mods make it happen 
  15. Like
    CloverReef reacted to Desiderius Price in On tags I've used by A Writer   
    And to do this properly, in the name of this topic, you ought to be at the front of the room, naked, waxing off while peeing all over everybody, that’ll add in some more tags to the discussion.
  16. Like
    CloverReef got a reaction from BronxWench in On tags I've used by A Writer   
    I totally read this in a uber posh academia voice. I’m a writing-tips-ophile, and now I am completely disappointed/outraged that all the podcasts I follow don’t cover this shit! 
  17. Haha
    CloverReef got a reaction from KassX in On tags I've used by A Writer   
    I totally read this in a uber posh academia voice. I’m a writing-tips-ophile, and now I am completely disappointed/outraged that all the podcasts I follow don’t cover this shit! 
  18. Like
    CloverReef reacted to JayDee in Never Would I Ever Write this Tag...   
    I’ve written scat. I’ve got one with Harry and Bellatrix, and it appears in a few others. It’s nice to do something different!
    ...and on today’s episode of “Why you don’t mess with BW”…
  19. Like
    CloverReef reacted to Desiderius Price in On tags I've used by A Writer   
    Alright, the list:
    3Plus, Abuse, AFFO, Anal, Angst, Complete, FF, Fet, Fingering, HC, HJ, Humil, MF, MM, MCD, MiCD, NoSex, Oneshot, Oral, Other, SH, Solo, Toys, UST, Violence, WD, WIP - The typical tags, typical uses Abortion - only because I mentioned a character having an abortion, I’m not describing it. Bi – Sparingly, but it’s there Bigotry – More religious and/or LGBT bigotry. BP – My last halloween story is the only one with this, so far Contro – Generally due to the religious overtones. CR – General corruption, not sexual Exhib – My protagonists generally like roaming around naked Humil – From time to time MBP – That halloween story Minor1 – Doesn’t always imply sex, I’ll list this if the kid is simply running around naked a lot. Minor2 – More frequent.  Teens give a nice balance (from the writer’s perspective) between being rational at times and irrational when I need it. Nec – again, that halloween story NoSex – yes, I’ve had a story or two, the holiday/halloween oneshots that were NoSex (sparingly, but they are there). Preg – not often, but this came more in on The Repair Guy than any other one. PWP – this is one I generally *don’t* write because PWP tends to attract the plot bunnies.  (In fact, my entire orig universe comes from what started as a PWP...) Rape – Sparingly, normally needed for the plot Scat – This is typically CYA, however, my last halloween story was closer than any before. Tent – (pending...it’s written, not posted) Tort – Not strict torture, generally, though the angst/violence/bullying can reach that point where I’ll tag for it. Voy – This is more CYA than real voyeurism. WS – I kinda do like using this, not as icky as scat, but can be used as part of the bonding. Xeno – (pending … it’s written, not posted)
  20. Like
    CloverReef reacted to JayDee in On tags I've used by A Writer   
    The tag on AFF actually was “NC” instead of “rape” or “rapefic” for quite a long time, but the codes have changed and clarified since. I think NC was stopped a good few years ago now. The one that hacks me off is “Dubcon.” Either characters have established consent (whether it has been made aware to the readers or not) or they haven’t. And if they haven’t, it’s rape. If they have it’s consent. There’s no dubious consent. Bah. There’s loads more points I have to rant about this but, screw it, I don’t like the term, other writers seem to, and I’m a bitter old nobody left behind by modern events.
    Edit: ps Horsecock. chortle.
    Edit2: @CloverReef “Today’s seminar: The correct use of pegging in establishing a character as a right little bitch boy.”
    Edit3: The @ tagging didn’t work first time. So I’m also left behind by modern forum tagging. Bah and indeed humbug.
  21. Like
    CloverReef got a reaction from Desiderius Price in On tags I've used by A Writer   
    Omg a AFF perv workshop would be the awesomest thing ever.
    But on topic, I don’t think I’ve ever actually played with any of the fun tags before. I think the raciest thing I’ve done in my stories is 3plus. Otherwise, it’s usually the standard ‘anal, m/m, violence, etc’. Of course I’ve touched on a couple fetishes too, but they don’t currently have tags. 
  22. Like
    CloverReef got a reaction from JayDee in On tags I've used by A Writer   
    Omg a AFF perv workshop would be the awesomest thing ever.
    But on topic, I don’t think I’ve ever actually played with any of the fun tags before. I think the raciest thing I’ve done in my stories is 3plus. Otherwise, it’s usually the standard ‘anal, m/m, violence, etc’. Of course I’ve touched on a couple fetishes too, but they don’t currently have tags. 
  23. Like
    CloverReef got a reaction from KassX in On tags I've used by A Writer   
    Omg a AFF perv workshop would be the awesomest thing ever.
    But on topic, I don’t think I’ve ever actually played with any of the fun tags before. I think the raciest thing I’ve done in my stories is 3plus. Otherwise, it’s usually the standard ‘anal, m/m, violence, etc’. Of course I’ve touched on a couple fetishes too, but they don’t currently have tags. 
  24. Like
    CloverReef reacted to BronxWench in Never Would I Ever Write this Tag...   
    I think the tags I will never write are Scat, WS, and any variation of DL—ABDL, TBDL, and so on. I don’t do furry stuff, either, so there goes Anthro. I probably wouldn’t use futanari, gender-bending, femmeslash, self-insert, tentacles, or WAFF. I suck at WAFF.
  25. Like
    CloverReef reacted to JayDee in On tags I've used by A Writer   
    I started this for the thread Never Would I Ever Write this Tag… but realised it was increasingly off topic and derailing, and if I finish my thoughts on all the current tags it’d lead to wall-of-text breaks in the conversation there so started a new one to keep it in place. If you’ve got a tag you wouldn’t ever write, click the link and talk about it there!
    Meanwhile, my thoughts on tags I have written and other tags and general stuff from a writer’s perspective. If it belongs more in aimless babble or something then I hope one of the mods will be happy to move it (Thanks if so!):
    3Plus - Yep, have written this. The more the merrier but it can be hard for less talented writers like myself to keep track of where things are at any given time. So, you've written a cock up an ass and then you write another cock up the same ass and then you've got either a cocktinuity error or double anal.
    ABDL - If I was back writing and there was a challenge that really engaged me I could see me doing a story with it, but it falls squarely in the "very specific fetish that doesn't arouse me so is hard to understand" catagory for me. I'm semi-surprised it's even popular enough to have had a tag while more common weird fetishes like sizeplay/shrinking/growth don't, but of course some of the tags were very different in the early years and it's grown and changed.
    Abortion - I have a story that would qualify for this warning tag ("Revenge of the Ravenclaw" -self abortion sort-of-blood-magic) but doesn't have it. I think it may have been brought in after the story was written, because I was always pretty hot on tagging anything triggering that had tags available. Could have missed it though. Definitely a tag that you want not because there's any kind of fetished/meant to be sexy content in it (certainly isn't in mine) but because of the importance of helping people avoid content that would disturb them. Incidentally, while I fully support that for porn I think it's fucking stupid in an academic context.
    Abuse - Have written. Have had characters get the shit abused out of them. And indeed into them, but that's later.
    AFFO - I've got some AFF exclusives! I think all of the Slumber Party stories are AFFO. You! is too.
    Ageplay - I don't remember exploring this kink, but you could have some fun with it. Yoda/Luke for example... I guess I'd take a crack sometime if I was writing again.
    Anal -  Written it from both the rough hard violent angle and the gentle more fun loving angle. It has it's place.
    Angst - This is a hard one to get right. Fanfic writers do like to see their favorite characters summer emotional torments that can only finally be soothed away by a spot of anal. I think I have had some angsty characters, although my stories having PWP tendancies tend to reduce the options.
    Anthro - Yiff in hell furfags! You and all your anthro loving kind can... wait, what? I wrote what? Loving furry yaoi? Oh, yeah. Let me rephrase that. Anthro's great! Can't go wrong with a furry fuckfest.
    BDSM - Me? Write anything “Safe, sane and consensual”? Not in this lifetime. This is a tag that I feel gets misused. If a character is tied up and tortured and raped and hasn't given clear prior consent, limits, boundaries and the rest or got the option to withdraw consent at any time it's not BDSM but it still gets tagged as such. And joking aside, I did write a consensual BDSM scene one time I'm sure, with an Orc/Elf, but it was in the same story as earlier rape and such.
    Beast - Have written. It's fine in fantasy, abhorant in the real world. Got a few requests that made me smile. Although throwing out the word "Horsecock" just makes me giggle like a schoolgirl. I'm doing it right now. Giggle.
    Bi - I've written Bi encounters. Bi visibility is something that could definitely be improved in this world of ours. Possibily not through one of my fics though.
    Bigotry - Ahh, trigger warning time. Yeah, I've done it. Lot of bigoted characters in my fics, generally because if I was writing someone doing something horrible to someone else  it was easier if they were not a nice person.
    My List part 2 http://www2.adult-fanfiction.org/forum/topic/66607-on-tags-ive-used-by-a-writer/?do=findComment&comment=414406
    My List part 3 - http://www2.adult-fanfiction.org/forum/topic/66607-on-tags-ive-used-by-a-writer/?do=findComment&comment=414416
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