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  1. Like
    CloverReef got a reaction from BronxWench in How Many Active Stories do you Have?   
    Makes sense. My job is very physical so I usually get a lot of ideas for progress in my fics while I’m neck deep in cat shit. Inopportune time to jot it down before I forget it tho… But still, it does help! 
  2. Like
    CloverReef got a reaction from KassX in How Many Active Stories do you Have?   
    Makes sense. My job is very physical so I usually get a lot of ideas for progress in my fics while I’m neck deep in cat shit. Inopportune time to jot it down before I forget it tho… But still, it does help! 
  3. Like
    CloverReef got a reaction from KassX in How Many Active Stories do you Have?   
    I think I would like to crack open all your skulls and steal your brains and smoosh them into mine. I’m working on one. ONE. One WIP. I can’t even wrap my head around working on a second at the same time. Soooo the obvious solution is brain thievery + bio-engineering? Hm, maybe I should think this through. 
  4. Like
    CloverReef got a reaction from Anesor in How Many Active Stories do you Have?   
    I think I would like to crack open all your skulls and steal your brains and smoosh them into mine. I’m working on one. ONE. One WIP. I can’t even wrap my head around working on a second at the same time. Soooo the obvious solution is brain thievery + bio-engineering? Hm, maybe I should think this through. 
  5. Like
    CloverReef got a reaction from BronxWench in How Many Active Stories do you Have?   
    I think I would like to crack open all your skulls and steal your brains and smoosh them into mine. I’m working on one. ONE. One WIP. I can’t even wrap my head around working on a second at the same time. Soooo the obvious solution is brain thievery + bio-engineering? Hm, maybe I should think this through. 
  6. Like
    CloverReef reacted to KassX in How Many Active Stories do you Have?   
    Aww, well no one can help getting distracted by plot bunnies: they are so gosh darn cute after all  
    Of course @CL Mustafic we expect you to finish all 37 of them!!!
    As an update, I was inspired by this thread and all of you to up my WIP list to three! THREE WHOLE STORIES 
    As another, unrelated update, I now hate this thread and all of you 
  7. Like
    CloverReef reacted to BronxWench in A Question of Consent   
    If the content calls for the tag and it’s not there, we hide the story which drastically cuts down on readership anyway.
  8. Like
    CloverReef reacted to DemonGoddess in Recaptcha   
    Hi there, yes we know it’s not working, and that the old version is no longer supported.  Manta is having to build a php file to call the api, to replace the recaptcha-lib file that worked with version 1.  She will be home in approximately six hours from now, and will be working on it as soon as she hits the door at home.  Thank you for your patience.
  9. Like
    CloverReef reacted to BronxWench in Unable to post a new story   
    I was told that it had been updated by our coder, but obviously, that’s not the case. I don’t code, and have no database access in any case, so we need either DG or manta to make the update. I’m poking!
  10. Like
    CloverReef reacted to pittwitch in Long Time Coming   
    I have been stuck in writer’s block hell for so long I can’t even remember when it started.  I know I bought a new laptop last year and never bothered to download any word processor to it.  Why?  I wasn’t going to use it.  Then out of nowhere, at work, not a likely location, a rabid plot bunny attacked.  It won’t let go.  I’m so strangely excited.  I thought that part of my brain had died.  Cheers to the writers and their rabbits.  
  11. Like
    CloverReef reacted to KassX in A Question of Consent   
    Ooh I learned something new today! I agree on pessimism; I’ve written pretty dark circumstances, but hope and humor have always been central themes in my writing. 
    @Mal That’s actually a really compelling setup so good on you! I would posit something maybe controversial: if she and Alex are happy together in the end, maybeeee… It doesn’t matter what everyone else thinks? Maybe in the story, that’s just between them and they don’t need outsiders passing judgement on what transpired.
    Obviously, the relationship can never be completely morally clean and conscionable and I’m pretty sure Alex would burst into flames if he walked into a church, BUT I don't think anyone would complain if you went the romance route. I mean, I haven't even read your story and I'm kind of shipping Alex and the crazy chick   I’ll have people on my own (very rapey) fic commenting on the two lines of snuggling I wrote after an entire chapter of rape and wondering which of his victims the MC is going to hook up with in the end and I’m just here like, wow, that wouldn’t be healthy at all. But we’re writing dark fantasies which are completely fictitious anyway; so that’s just part of the territory. And I’m sure you’ve already tagged out the wazoo so it is what it is, eh? 
  12. Like
    CloverReef got a reaction from BronxWench in On tags I've used by A Writer   
    Oooo my masochisty senses are tingling… 
    I try not to look at tags at all now, because I’ve become pretty gunshy. When I’m in the story and I like the chars, I don’t care: throw in: shit, talking bunny rabbits in top hats, golden showers. Anything, as long as the characters have chemistry and the plot is gripping, I’m all yours. But just seeing the words on their own, all lined up in a neat little line freaks me out. Then again, so does a comma splice in the first paragraph. So does a too-romantic summary… and a billion other things that technically don’t bother me in practice, but totally scare me off in theory. I approach reading stories the same way the uterus approaches sperm. I don’t know why that analogy seems the most apt to me at the moment, it just does. I have probably murdered a lot of gems. (By murder, I mean ‘not read’. Because they’re the same things, right?) 
  13. Like
    CloverReef reacted to KassX in On tags I've used by A Writer   
    The writer, but now that you mention it, maybe they should have boned or something, lol.
  14. Like
    CloverReef reacted to Anesor in A Question of Consent   
    I think there’d have to be a massive change of circumstance for it to move outside Stockholm syndrome, rape and abuse patterns.  Free will, free movement, and the right to say no without penalty is only the beginning.  How would you separate someone saying yes because of a habit/pattern of abuse/fear even if the threat appears to to be gone? Learned patterns, even psycho ones, for survival would persist.  How long does it take for prisoners and rape victims to recover to even react to sex, trust and intimacy in a more healthy way. Most accounts I’ve seen is a long time if ever.  And I honestly don’t think the abuser has much more than a snowball’s chance in.. after removing personhood and agency over an extended period.
    I had a rape survivor in an early story, and they had several screws loose back at home during recovery when it wasn’t an abuser who was nice sometimes.  In retrospect, I think I probably had her recover too fast, but I had little comments on that part of the story. If I wanted to somehow shift a rape/harem into a romance somehow, I would think there would need to be a more compelling reason why the wannbe sheik thought any of this might be okay, like raised in an isolated cult. In another galaxy.  If they/she visited him in prison and they got together when he got out in twenty years everyone would have agency and maybe there might be love.  But I have to think about the women wanting Charles Manson free for their HEA makes me sad.
  15. Sad
    CloverReef reacted to KassX in On tags I've used by A Writer   
    FF.net gave me chronic commitment issues long before I got here T_T
  16. Like
    CloverReef got a reaction from KassX in On tags I've used by A Writer   
    Oooo my masochisty senses are tingling… 
    I try not to look at tags at all now, because I’ve become pretty gunshy. When I’m in the story and I like the chars, I don’t care: throw in: shit, talking bunny rabbits in top hats, golden showers. Anything, as long as the characters have chemistry and the plot is gripping, I’m all yours. But just seeing the words on their own, all lined up in a neat little line freaks me out. Then again, so does a comma splice in the first paragraph. So does a too-romantic summary… and a billion other things that technically don’t bother me in practice, but totally scare me off in theory. I approach reading stories the same way the uterus approaches sperm. I don’t know why that analogy seems the most apt to me at the moment, it just does. I have probably murdered a lot of gems. (By murder, I mean ‘not read’. Because they’re the same things, right?) 
  17. Haha
    CloverReef reacted to KassX in On tags I've used by A Writer   
    You shut your whore mouth, Clover  Kidding, kidding, lol, I find that the longer the work, the more tags crop up, just by virtue of having enough time to run the gamut. Especially if you’re doing fantasy/sci-fi, the tags just breed like rabbits and pretty soon you’ve got a ridiculous number of them. 
  18. Like
    CloverReef got a reaction from KassX in On tags I've used by A Writer   
    Absolutely. I admit, I’ve been scared off by a long list of tags. I guess I think the more tags there are, the less relatable plot there will be, even though, intellectually I know that’s not the case. 
  19. Like
    CloverReef got a reaction from KassX in On tags I've used by A Writer   
    I just got an image of someone going around trying to catch rogue, impish tags. 
  20. Haha
    CloverReef got a reaction from KassX in On tags I've used by A Writer   
    If y’all inspire the powers that be to add more story codes while I’m working on my challenge, I’m going to cry. Then Laugh, like one of those really loud nervous breakdown laughs. Then compose a long, exasperated, but very Canadian letter that starts with “sorry” and ends with “eh”. Fear my scorn! 
  21. Like
    CloverReef got a reaction from BronxWench in On tags I've used by A Writer   
    I just got an image of someone going around trying to catch rogue, impish tags. 
  22. Like
    CloverReef got a reaction from BronxWench in On tags I've used by A Writer   
    If y’all inspire the powers that be to add more story codes while I’m working on my challenge, I’m going to cry. Then Laugh, like one of those really loud nervous breakdown laughs. Then compose a long, exasperated, but very Canadian letter that starts with “sorry” and ends with “eh”. Fear my scorn! 
  23. Haha
    CloverReef reacted to Desiderius Price in On tags I've used by A Writer   
    You’re more than free to add in new tags…. [vore] from above is a candidate, though that topic was starting to get a bit on the well done side, charred broiled was more like it.
  24. Haha
    CloverReef reacted to Desiderius Price in On tags I've used by A Writer   
    @KassX What’s your taste in friends like? 
  25. Haha
    CloverReef reacted to Desiderius Price in On tags I've used by A Writer   
    Why is this conversation starting to make me feel hungry?
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