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Everything posted by JewelMaiden

  1. I shave or rather my Hubby does me That way we both enjoy it Just remember to mosturise afterwards or you get the sore bumpy bits.
  2. Anne McCaffrey does allow fan fiction now and has a page with some rules of conduct regarding it. See here The rules were relaxed over a year ago now and the Anne site i'm a member of has a fan fiction section.
  3. Majorly Yaoi/Shonen Ai
  4. Hello everyone, I'm a total Yaoi addict and shamless forum poster (I belong to like 8 boards!). I play FFXI (as Legira on the Asura sever) and other stuff. I'm married to a wonderful man who puts up with my AFF-junkie status. I write PoH fics, Captain Scarlet fic and Original. I may dabble in a few others in the future. I'm English and enjoy travelling. I have been to Dragon*Con twice and hope to go again this year.
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