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Everything posted by KJakkano82
The idea is that Daenerys never made the mistake with letting the woman use magic on Drogo, he and her unborn child live and so she stayed as his wife with the Dothraki. As a result the slave cities are not sacked by her. In Westeros Cersei is victorious early and not needing Sansa for political reasons anymore decides that as the daughter of a traitor Sansa should be stripped of all status and be made to be used by others. As such Cersei sends Sansa to Meereen with instructions that she is to be made a permanent slave and trained as a whore who will spend the rest of her life working in the most depraved of brothels. The story would follow Sansa as she goes from a virgin noble girl to a slave whore and slut who’s mouth, cunt, and arse are near free for use by the dozen each day.
I am trying to find a Pirates of the Caribbean story in which Elizabeth Swann in the “He also said that if that be the case, then you’ll be dining with the crew. And you’ll be naked.” scene is actually gang banged by the crew of the Black Pearl after refusing to dine with Captain Barbossa.
This is the E-mail I receive when I use the link you provided. This is the result when I use the reset link.
Okay, I can log onto the AFF main page but I can’t seem to replace my password with a new one.
Just thought I should mention that I have a similar issue with not being able to log onto the main site and password reset E-mails coming from the “postmaster@adultfanfiction.net” address and not resetting my password.
The one thing I have always wanted here is the ability the search the full text of the stories themselves. On fiction websites that don't have this feature I usually do a site specific search via Google or DuckDuckGo, but with Adult-FanFiction.org this never worked as the only thing that would be searched would be titles & summaries, reviews, and the forum. However I have noticed that since the server upgrade has been going on that situation has been changing. The search engines still can't find everything but I am now getting results that include chapter pages of some of the story text. When the server upgrade is complete will it make it possible for search engines to search the entire fiction database and will such a full database search be enabled for Adult-FanFiction.org's own internal search feature as well?
Something I think the Buffy section is in need of is more Tara centered stories. I would like to see some stories which are centered upon Tara Maclay and have her, depending upon the story type, as ether the submissive or the victim of the story. Both F/F and M/F interaction are fine but please limit any M/M slash. Also the story can be Con, Reluctant, or NonCon. Some things I would be interested in seeing in such a story. 1. Anal sex. I rarely read about Tara taking a strap-on dildo up the butt or wearing a butt-plug. 2. Metal bondage devices such as chastity belts, scolds bridles, spreader bars, inhibitor bars, collars, cuffs, chains etc. 3. Magic sex toys. Think of all the stuff that you could do with magic to make sex toys and bondage gear more interesting. 4. Public sex, remote controlled stimulation, forced orgasm, orgasm denial, etc. Given Tara's shy nature I think such things would be interesting to see. 5. Fetishes. Costumes, uniforms, slutty clothing, diapers, latex/rubber, leather, satin, etc... use your imagination. No need to use all of these suggestions in one story, also feel free to go beyond these items, be creative. If you are interested in writing something like this PM me and start a thread in one of the Buffy the Vampire Slayer Fan Fiction forums so we can discuss it.
I am glad to hear that you are going to be updating the search functions of AFF. The present one always gives me fits. I do have a question about the search upgrade. There are times when I am trying to find stories or chapters within a story that contain a specific word, phrase, or act. On some sites I can do that by just pasting the site address into the "Search within a site or domain:" box in Google Advanced Search and then enter my search terms in to the appropriate search box and get the results I am looking for. That does not work with AFF however. So, will the new search feature allow for the ability to search the full text of the stories in addition to Title, Author, and Summery?
Warren Mears we have already considered due to his fetish for French Maids and Cordy's fate. We also are going to be showing a number of characters who were secondary to the main cast as the story develops, for example Kate Lockley.
Hope you are feeling better soon. I got the draft of Chapter 6 and read it last night. I think I can see how this illness has been effecting your writing. I will try to send you an E-mail tonight with my impressions.
I am going to see Avatar in a few minutes but I will look at it tonight. Did you get my E-mail attachment?
The Flu? I had two family member come down with it a few months ago. I hope you get well soon. The "iron mask" might be a good idea for Aura. I was also thinking a WAM fetish would be fun for someone who is vain or a neat freak. As for the Cordettes. I went looking for some more info and got pictures of all the named ones in addition to Harmony. That is, Aphrodesia, Aura, and Gwen. There appear to be a few unnamed ones beyond those four. The girl in the miniskirt and blue top is Aphrodesia and the one behind her in the red jacket and pattered shirt is Aura. In these next two you can see Gwen who is I believe on the far left in the first and and on the far right in the second with Harmony in the center. The blond other than Harmony I think is the same one in both pictures.
A thought that occurred to me is that some people Faith will redraw as drastically different than she started with while others should be relatively permanent. Of the later category I though Buffy,Cordelia,Willow, and Kate sound like they fit while Joyce, Dawn, Xander, and Oz are likely to be regularly redrawn. What is your take? Another point since you are doing the Willow chapter the top picture here http://www.sfbrain.co.uk/sf/sf-ah.htm made me think that maybe Willow should be a collage student who dresses like in that picture with the miniskirts and add a blouse in a why that shows off her body while not looking like a slut when she is attending class but works her way through collage by dancing and whoring at the Bronze at night. P.S. I noticed that Aura the one member of the Cordettes who was an actual friend of Cordy's was not in chapter 5. Interesting.
I had not noticed the PM. I got it now. I am using a secondary e-mail address for this site. Oh, and by addendums I was referring to my Jan 16 2010 post here on the board. Feel free to send me the chapters you should have an E-mail in your in box for my address by now.
I have never been into the music scene so I can't help you there. Did you catch my post from yesterday? It had some addendums to my Ch 5 review. Edit: Just another thought. You should do some more chapters like Ch 5 periodically because it was neat to see the victims fate from their perspective.
My Idea for Angel was based of Faith and Angel's behavior in the Season 3 episode "Enemies". Your idea for Angelus mirght work just as well. It still needs a lot of detail work. My proposal was just a starting point. As for a happy ending, I am not sure. With the pictures of a number of characters destroyed it may not be possible for everyone. I had a thought that an alternate universe version of Faith might show up and draw the pencils out of existence just like the destruction of Anya's power center in "The Wish" but that is up to the author.
Working my way through your comments I will say I am glad that you are placing some limits on the pencils. Remember that any general pictures she has a just that general she can't do specific things to specific people in them. Next, I would be a bit surprised to see Willow strip totally for Buffy although it could happen. As for the butt-plug that was inspired by a GI Jane sex story I read once in which the movies main character Jordan O'Neil has such a plug put up her ass and is made to dance in a club in one chapter. It is located here just put "dildo" in you browser's find feature to locate the start of relevant section. Having lost Buffy and Willow to Faith I can not see Giles putting another potential slayer at risk. More likely he would ask for a council wetworks team to assassinate her. Kennedy should come on her own looking to best Faith where the Slayer failed after the loss of the council's team. As for the Iron Mask Vs. the Mystical Cage I was thinking ether or not both. This could use a little more development. Why is Kate in town now? No one she is investigating is yet involved. Someone from LA would have to be missing before she would being her investigation that leads her to Sunnydale. This would have to wait until after the mayor is gone and W&H's agents have been dealt with. I like the idea of her redrawing Joyce and Dawn. Go with your idea for Joyce. In Dawn's case read this. I was thinking you could redraw her as the adult secretary like you said but with those kind of restrictions. Leave the AB fetish in place so that she get aroused when treated like a little girl but can function normal in public. Trading Kennedy for Lilah should still be a go. Maybe Lilah's husband should be ether Lindsey McDonald or Gavin Park who were her competitors for power in the W&H special projects division. The Catherine Madison idea is great. Go with it, just so long as I can advise before you post it please. Now Angel, what to do. My initial thought was to undo is curse but that would be rather stupid given how dangerous Angelus is. Maybe Faith should turn him human thus taking out a champion who would have the strength oppose her. Another idea would be to make him into her partner in crime. Can you imaging Buffy seeing the love of her life being with Faith as her equal. Make Angel Faith's equal het lover and Tara her sub lesbian lover. In reading the last chapter a thought occurred to me. What if because of Cordy and Harmony Faith decides to stick it to all future Cheerleaders of Sunnydale High and draws a picture of the Cheerleader uniforms with notes on them so that the Cheerleader when in uniform will have no choice but to preform the duties for the school sports teams that you had Buffy provide in chapter 5 but can't speak of it out of uniform. Finally something I missed in the review. Faith says that Willow is a potentially powerful witch but at the time of season 3 Willow is still more the hacker than the witch. And don't forget about Anya she has to come along soon. Edit: Look at this clip of Iyari Limon the actress who played Kennedy.
With what you just sent I would say go for the Stepford situation but add to it that she has to put out for sex whenever her man ask for it. There is a saying I found once "A great wife should follow this rule: a great chef in the kitchen, a maid in the living room and a whore in the bedroom." Although I don't agree with it in real life this is fiction. As for the trade with W&H, I was referring to you earlier comment about Faith protecting herself from assassination by giving W&R Kennedy in trade for revenge on Lilah. Win, win from Faith's perspective. The pencils should have certain limits however. She has to have a picture predawn of a specific individual or place in order for it to be effective. An ambush weapon. not something she can win a war with. Hence the deal with W&H. as we know from the end of Angel the senor partners could crush her like a bug if they wanted to. A thought I had concerning Willow. When Faith uses the first "Yagsicigam" to bring her into the picture after her strip show Willow is likely going to be wearing petty conservative underwear. Is Faith going to draw her and the other dancers in dance costumes? For example something like what Rose Mcgowan is wearing in this clip. With the exception of Dawn all of the people she has drawn so far have been in the costume she drew them in from the start. Now you said the Faith is going to write in Willow and the other dances training but I had another thought. What if during the conversion in the pic when she brings out their new selves Faith adds as magic butt-plug to the dancers costumes that will thrust, flex, and vibrate in sync with the music to help guide their hip motion while dancing. The Cordites would hate it and Willow would be having orgasms on stage as she danced. This could just be a temporary vindictive thing that Faith does while in the pictur that is not permanent when they leave or it could be a requirement of dancers employed at the bronze. For Kennedy I was thinking that she could be locked in an Iron Mask otherwise nude in a dungeon. I wish I had a way to send you a text file because it details what I am taking better than I can say here. The other idea I had for Kennedy was to have her trapped in a kind of magical confinement box something like you see here starting at 3:10. Except that instead of fire it is full of sex spirits. They are as intangible as fire and would look like mist so no mater how she fought or flailed she could do nothing to stop them but the spirits would be endlessly fondling her all over, clit, breast, thighs, butt, ear lobes, hair, all erogenous zones, and gangbanging her in the vagina and ass. The cage itself would be outside of time so that Kennedy would never age or tire and be keep in perfect health for all eternity. Another thought I had was what if while heading to deal while Giles she notices the eye's on the cheerleader trophy moving and draws the figure as a human and in doing so restores Cathrin Madison to what she always wanted, a teenage cheerleader, and then finding out they have enemies in common deal with Giles who broke her previous spells and then Faith agrees to help her put her daughter Amy in her place as the Cheerleader Statue like she originally intended at the end of The Witch. Another thought I had is why should Faith destroy the pictures of the people she changes? If only Faith can use the pencils than it should be safe for her to keep a sketch book of who her victims once were. That is it for now.
I am back. For Lilah I should point out that she is a career woman and likely feminist. You could turn that against her and make her into a Bimbo sextoy like in the Bimbotech stories or turn her in to a Stepford Wife type stay at home and cook for her man and have babies type. As for W&H and the Watchers Council maybe you should have a trade where Faith gives the Potential Slayer to W&H after she has her fun with her in exchange for the one who actually planed the Mayors Wilkins demise, Lilah. As for "Show don't tell." that is an old writing saying that means that instead of using exposition to tell the reader something you pass on the details of what is happening through the character's emotion, actions, and dialogue. That is it for now. I will have more soon.
The timeline is a little wonky because faith is working for the Mayor which puts it post Doppilgangland yet Cordy was acting like she was still with Xander in chapter 2 despite the fact that she had broken up with him by then. That is what lead to Anya's presence in the first place. I only put he big pic in for a bit of fun nothing more. I don't now about posting visual aid links. It worked in the redone chapter 1 but as a writer I think you need to stretch your descriptive talent. Tara's new outfit for example does not need to be described in one info-dump. Instead interject descriptive element throughout the chapter/story. The who show don't tell issue in writing. That is by the end of Tara's chapter, two chapters? The reader should have a clear picture from all of the clues and comments what she is wearing. As for Kate, she is going to be in a ether an Special Housing Unit or Supermax facility. They are likely to use waist chains, cuffs and leg-irons when she is not in her cell as a matter of course. Still her restraint should not go overboard as she will be under 23 hour a day lock down with one hour for exercise in an the inner courtyard. You should focus on the emotional trauma of having her entire life destroyed. Family, friends, job, money, possession all gone. The mystical PSAS. endless orgasm situation is to give her fate a sexual side. Now what about Lilah? I will be away from the computer allot the next two days so you might not here from me often until later in the week.
Just a little gift. I managed to find a big CB picture. Better than the little ones we have been looking at.
Glad I could help with the Mayor. What do you mean by Guantanamo Bay style restraints? Glad you liked my Willow idea. An additional thought I had was that Willow will still retain her intelligence and be paying for her collage via striping and once doing it was coerced into prostitution. It would be a neat background idea to keep in mind. The hip belt would be about the same height as the Bikini Amber was wearing in that vid. Hip belt first in the top row Vs. Normal fourth and fifth at the bottom. Faith convinces Tara to become her submissive lover through her own work, letting Tara's belief that this is just a form of escapism works to her advantage in that task. While she works on that she studies what she ultimately wants for Tara physically without mind controlling her and then locked her in it without her consent once Tara gives in to her submissive side. Remember how you said Tara could be a closet submissive who is unable to bring herself to publicly recognize herself as such. I can see Faith getting Tara acknowledge her submissive side privately to her. This is when Faith uses her specially prepared picture and after they leave it with Tara in her full Chastity bondage rig she clips a leash to her collar and brings her into the Bronze for her first public exhibition. One little note I should mention is that a bar can be attached to the thigh bands in place of a chain if Faith wants to spread Tara's legs or a short one the right length would force Tara to sway her hips. On a side note there is one feature that a different company has that I think Tara's belt should have also. Look at these pictures. See how the cuffs attach with a fixed mounting system rather than chains? I wish I could find larger images but it will have to do. Secondly you said that you were into Trans Gender/She-male? So I figure I should say l like interesting bondage devices, female anal sex, and forced diaper wearing. I hate scat though.
For Willow remember that she is still a woman and should retain every thing that implies. I was thinking that while her clit should remain as sensitive as ever so she can get off on rubbing herself against a pole her vagina and G-spot should be unable to experiences stimulation through vaginal intercourse. However her rectum would be as sensitive as her clit and her G-spot which is normally less sensitive to anal stimulation would be as sensitive as it would normally be through vaginal intercourse. The G-spot would be stimulated by action against the same rectal location as where the male prostate gland is. Add to that a magic illusion that causes anyone who tries to have vaginal intercourse to put it in her ass regardless of what they think they see while dissuading DP thoughts. Also take a look at this G I Jane part 13 and pay attention to the device used on O'neil's ass. It might be a good training tool for Willow after the first "Yagsicigam!" If Faith is going to be training Willow in dancing then maybe a little research is in order. Take a look at these two vids of pole dancing. In the first one the dancer is a redhead like Willow. Winner of Miss Poledance Australia 2006 Leigh Ann Pole Dance "La Tortura" Now on the MySteel website I had not thought about the Bit's And Pieces section, run with that. As for Bondage, Electro, and Dildo. I agree the same. As for Chastity Belts I agree Total System however I think it should be the with continuous crotch belt and anus-hole. There are two reasons for this. One, it will be more restrictive to Tara. Number two is the most important though. The "in chains" style can not be used with any anal attachments. In Accessories look at the Anal options the shield at top is needed for the E-stim and Dildo option you selected. You can see how it mounts further down the page under Anal dildo/Vaginal dildo to see how DP works. Also go into the Anal Vibrator page and scroll all the way down to the bottom and click on the pictures of the Anal-Lock shield. There is a similar Anal-Lock shield in the silicone anal dildo section as well. If you want to do anything anal with the Tara in her Chastity Belt it need these components to hold things in place/keep them out. More Images from different angles of the same photo shoot as the ones I first directed you to can be found second one down here. Blood Angels Something else I should say about Tara is that, as is that as I said earlier, Faith can bring her in and out of multiple pictures unchanged. In doing so she tries to get Tara to balance her embrace of her sexuality with her submission but Faith should use the pictures like a StarTrek holodeck as far as Tara is concerned until the last time when Faith decided to touch her when they leave. This would allow us to see Faith planing what she ultimately wants for Tara while Tara remains clueless until she is in her permanent magic chastity belt. The belt itself as I said earlier should have no locks, welds or rivets but be one whole and will add or remove accessories at Faiths command. I like most of what you have said about W&H situation but remember that by this point the mayor will have completed his invulnerability spell. He can not be killed until after he change now. W&H could move him into another dimension so that when they destroy him with the necessary fire that the council provided the info for. Kate could still be framed for his disappearance. As for a sexual side of what Faith does have her give Kate a mystical version of this. http://www.sensualism.com/sex/psas.html As for Kennedy. How does "the girl in the iron mask" sound? I agree that W&H should hold her hostage. Edit: I forgot one thing. What kind of waistband should Tara's belt have regular, ergonomic, or super ergonomic and should it be a regular or hip belt?
Ugh. I accidentally his submit before I typed anything. Ok first, your idea for Giles would be great to put Wesley through instead. Oz should be the one to take Willows Anal virginity. Doggy style. If he was on stage with his band "Dingos Ate My Baby" he would be altered along with everyone else. It would not be something extreme like the ones Faith does personally but it would fit the new decor. Maybe Giles should be a gullible simpleminded school dropout/thug capable of only menial labor? I like the auction idea for Cordy to Warren. Keep that one in mind. I think Faith should use the Cordittes to spread the word that their is going to be a show at the Bronze and that gets much of the student body there. Then use Buffy to get Willow to meet her there early/late whichever at what should be a time no one is there and tricks her into putting on a strip show. See in the episode "Halloween" Buffy got Willow to wear a leather miniskirt and halter top and that lead to her being noticed by Oz. Here Buffy tells Willow that she needs to work on how she is going to seduce Oz and convinces her that she should practice doing a strip show. Then your idea of the lights going on and before anyone can get a handle on it "Yagsicam!" The Bronze is a strip club and Faith inputs Willow's training, which should be interesting, and then "Yagsicam!" while griping Willow and the deed to the Bronze. So second one with elements of the first. Also you should show Faith writing on/captioning the picture so we see some of what she has planed like the anal slut/how she is going to restrict Willow to anal only. That is one we are going to have to work out. The Cordettes need to have their time with Cordy first which would occur the same day as the Dawn chapter. Remember that all of them were also cheerleaders so that has some probabilities. I could see Xander getting the Cordette's virginity. Maybe these spoiled brats could wind up doing porno or become additional dancers/whores at the Bronze? Now we just have to determine what we are going to do to Lilah Morgan and her associates. Remember that the Wolfram& Hart Senor Partners have there own plan for the world and would not want the wrench thrown into it that the Mayor would cause. They would want to stop him out of their own self-internist. Did you like the vid clip of Amber Benson? That is it for for now. More later
I think Wesley would work better as he is already there in Sunnydale. Kennedy and some other Potentials could come later once the initial wave of Council and Wolfram & Hart people have been dealt with. In between then would probably be when Kate would come it. As for Giles that would be quit humiliating but remember that one of his greatest fears was not being able to read. Also remember that Giles used to be Ripper. I could you imagine what would happen if he was restored to his ripper self. He hates how irresponsible and dangerous what he did back then was. Just think how he would be if he started behaving like Ethan Rayne. I did like Oric13's idea of using Willows public performance phobia which is why I proposed the Bronze as a strip club. The problem with Oric13's idea is that everyone at school just goes along with it and gets involved. However to do that Faith would have to use the Magic pencils on everyone at the school first to make their personalities fit the scene which would be difficult as most of the research is done after hours so no one would be there. I think that holding the scene at the Bronze on a weekend when all the teen will be out cubing would work better. Then drawing it as a club with Willow specifically in the picture would allow everyone in the club to be adjusted to its new reality in general while Faith can go into detail with Willow and Willow would still be doing it in front of her pear group. Also Willow might be the perfect anal slut. At this point in time she is still a virgin. In canon she lost that to Oz in Graduation but that has not happened here. As such she might never be allowed anything but anal sex. Still her primary function should by pole dancing, striping and giving lap dances. Just look at these pics. http://www.sfbrain.co.uk/sf/sf-ah.htm I think you can see why she would be perfect for it. Also take a look at this clip of Amber Benson in a Bikini to help imagine what Tara in a Chastity Belt set would look like. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uC7XVMziLf8 One of my ideas for Kennedy involves an Iron Mask or being trapped in a mystical cage like the one in the Angel episode "That Vision Thing" but with something other than fire in it. http://www.screencap-paradise.com/caps/dis...&fullsize=1