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Everything posted by marvelfan98
Hey jviper, I’ve been away for quite a while myself but it’s good to be back. I do have one more chapter to the Valkyrie story but then I have a few ideas for after that.
Yeah like I said at the star originally it was going to be one really long story, so the buildup would have been followed with a lot more actual sex. But it was taking me so long to write I decided to just put it out in multiple parts instead. The next chapter should definitely have a lot more going on in it.
Hi GuardianStar. Yes I do take requests but I can never guarantee when something will be done but it's requests are always fun. Also I'm glad you like the defenders story so far.
Hey just thought I'd let people know I've posted a new story called Fearless Valkyrior. Hope you all enjoy it.
Oh I didn't realize they had a new spider woman. I just assumed you meant Jessica since she was the only one still alive and going by spider woman. That seems like a strange origin, having her bit by the same spider as Peter but no one knew about her all this time.
I actually really like how they're giving the cuckoos their own personalities and looks. It was something that was shown in the X-men the end story line and I'm really glad to see it finally coming to the 616 universe. It will be interesting to see where they take each of them. It really seems weird how quick they're moving Laura through the original team like you said. They set up the whole Cyclopes thing just to have it end before it began and then immediately have her go to Angel. I feel like they could have just had it be Angle from the beginning and made the whole thing a lot less complicated. I haven't been reading the new Spider-man book so I didn't know about the stuff with Jessica and Felicia. I can definitely understand Felicia being upset with Spidey though after what happened when she met Otto as Spider-man but I'm sure they'll bring her back around before to long. As for what I'm working on now, I'm still writing the Defenders story. It's much longer then I usually write for a single chapter and I've been pretty busy lately but hopefully it shouldn;t be to much longer before it's ready. I'll be sure to post it as soon as it's finished. Good hearing from you.
I definitely see where you're going with this. My thoughts were more on her resent actions that don;t seem to care at all about mutant rights and are more just about her gaining as much power as possible. Personally though I have always liked her in a more redeemable role and in general I feel like that's a better fit for most of the X-men's mutant villains. I don't tend to think of them as evil as much as extremists. So I really like the idea of Bobby and Raven sort of balancing each other somewhere in the middle rather then either extreme.
That's really cool. They never showed him in planet X so this could be a way of showing why he's not part of the X-mens inner circle in that world. I like the Idea of Mystique there since they have a history, maybe even having her corrupt him into a new powerhouse member of a new brotherhood.
Yeah of course. I'd love to hear your idea
Yeah Peter and Carol was one that I really wanted to pan out. I think that could have been really interesting . But they can never make peters life to good. Between personal life, love life, super heroing, and job he always has to have at least one that's screwed up For the Laura thing a friend and I were actually joking about it earlier that it seems like their heading to having her end up with Jean and then recreating the dark Phoenix thing with Wolverine killing Jean but with Laura instead. Thank you for the master comment by the way. That's a far greater compliment then I deserve.
I know it was so frustrating. All the lead up for nothing. For the stories I don't generally set dates because I find I never actually end up keeping them. I try to keep up a good pace but sometimes I just don't have to time or the drive to write so I just usually play it by ear. I do find this works a lot better though. In some of my earlier stuff I tried to keep to a more regular routine and I think it ultimately hurt the stories. I'd rather take the time and people to come up with better ideas or polish the old ones then rush something together. I do generally hope to write often but no guarantees.
Yeah, and they just had him with kitty but it had barely started before it was over.
Yeah is one of those characters that always sort of pushed to the side lines. In the comics I can't really think of anyone he's had any sort of long term relationship. He has some short ones here and there definitely but there's no one I think of when I try to come up with his romantic interest. That's actually really weird when you consider how long he's been around. Strange.
You have lots of great ideas her, lots of stuff to think over. I perticularly like the idea of Jean and Bobby since he was pretty much the only original X-man that never really expressed an interest in her. It could be really interesting to explore the idea of a crush he's kept secret for so long. As for the planet X like you showed there's just so much to explore. I think the only reason no one else has done it yet is because the story line is so new, so as long as I don;t take to long writing it I could be the first one which would be pretty cool.
The Fearless Defenders books was actually one of my favorite Marvel books but it didn't really seem to appeal to most people and got cancelled with issue 12 but I've known I wanted to do a story with them for a while. For the Planet X story what's nice is that because they're on the planet for 4 or 5 years it really does a lot of flexibility with what I can do. This means I can built a relationship like you said with Julian and Betsy without having to rush through it. I could even have him be with Laura early in the story since that's a relationship that could easily start again then have it develope to him eventually being with Betsy. It's really great and I can do this with just about any mutant characters I choose to. I also think it's going to be interesting to deal with some of the mutant characters that don;t necesarily view being a mutatnt as an important part of who they are. This has a big range from heroes like Justice, Speed and Wiccan and villains like Typhoid Mary, Mandrill and Collective man. You're idea for the Spidey story seems pretty interesting. I haven;t been keeping up with the new book, I'm not even finished with Superior but I did get to the point where Otto meets Felicia so I definetly see where you'recoming from. As for the variation I'm always happy to here more ideas if you'd like to share
The Defenders story would be somewhat similar to the unity story but not exactly. The roster that I would be using is the newest one of all female heroes led by Valkyrie and Misty Knight. It also has Dani Moonstar, Hippolyta, Elsa Bloodstone, Clea, and two new characters named Abigail Riggs and Ren. So that would be different from the unity story in one really big way at least. For the last story like you said it is kind of similar to my older stuff but it would likely include a bit more of an actual story line to it. I think what I love most about it is that it really does leave the possibility for just about any pairing since the story would go over several years so Psylock and Hellion would absolutely be a possibility. Also I remember the story you mentioned and you're right there was this sort of sexual vibe coming from her. I perticularly remember a moment where she's kind of coaching him and has her arms drapped over his shoulders and her chest kind of pressed against him. Of course Julian and Laura would also be possible and a little more simple. I don't currently have anything planned for Spider-man but it's definetly not something I would rule out. I did write the Caught in Her Web story with him but I think it would be fun to write a bit more of a straight forward story with him as well. As always if there's anything in perticular you were thinking feel free to make a suggestion.
Harbinger_of_Kaos Hey! Yeah I have a few things I'm either working on or have in some level of planning. I Don't want to give away to much but my next story is going to be about the Fearless Defenders team. Aside from that there's possibly going to be a sequal to my last story, Rogue Lust and I've been thining of deoing a story that would fit into the reasent Uncanny Avengers story about the planet of mutants, possibly writing to fill in the several years from that were skipped over in the comics to show how the planet developed into what it you eventually saw in the story arch. I feel like that could be a lot of fun since it would have a pretty wide selection of characters and I could do just about whatever I wanted since there isn't really much information given about the planet. Thanks for the interest.
Hello all. I just thought I would start a forum post where people can talk to me or ask me about any of my stories. You may also feel free to make requests here or just talk about anything at all. I feel like this is a good way to discuss with people who read my stories since I can't respond to comments and I've seen a few writers use these forum topics before. Anyways looking forward to hearing from anyone and everyone, thanks. Marvelfan98
Hey! First I just want to say I really like this story. It's actually one of my favourites that is currently being written along with Festival of X. Although to be honest I don't feel the last chapter was your best but I'm really looking forward to reading more. Anyways I mostly wanted to say it seems like a lot of people are really hard on AgentG, and to be honest I do find that his reviews often seem harsh and I usually have a very different opinion from his. Often when he reviews my stories I find it feels a little offensive. But the way I look at it is he wouldn't continue to review if her didn't continue to read, and i doubt he would continue to read if he didn't at least in some way enjoy the story. In fact usually after the initial feeling of his reviews being insulting I find them to be some of the most helpful as he is one of the few people who will openly address your weaknesses. Just thought I'd share my opinion on this. Looking forward to reading more. Thanks