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  1. Inuzuka

    Naruto Sue

    Mm. I suppose. But I would like to see the problem of these faux Sues go away, they just insult your intelligence, IMO. Get a livejournal, you know? Nyeh. Hm. Off topic, know of any good recs lists? I've been in the mood for a good fic for a while, and though I haven't been too laborious in my search, the fruits of that minimal labor have been near naught.
  2. Inuzuka

    Naruto Sue

    Still, though. It can be very obnoxious -- I'd be fine with it if we'd get a nice warning. I don't like when characters are grossly OOC, I think it's just bad writing in general. Maybe we should establish a standard practice -- if you're Sue'ing it up, fess up. It might drop your hits, but your number of reviews won't change too much, methinks.
  3. Inuzuka

    Naruto Sue

    *ignores comment about "part of the fandom fun" because it does not suit his fascist ideals * ...a new form? So it's not just me! THE VIRUS is changing! IT is GROWING! EVOLVING! Becoming STRONGER...stronger than DEATH! MARY SUE IS GOING TO TAKE OVER MARY SUE IS SERIOUS BUSINESS MARY SUE CLOSED THE POOL AND GAVE YOUR FANDOM AIDS MARY SUE IS BECOMING LEGION MARY SUE IN YOUR FANDOM? IT'S BECOMING MORE LIKELY THAN YOU THINK. It must be STOPPED. I repeat -- IT MUST BE STOPPED.
  4. Inuzuka

    Naruto Sue

    All right, why is it that instead of "Mary Sues", suethors writing for the Naruto fandom find it fitting to change Naruto into themselves? This is especially bothersome as most of these suethors are female. Also, what is the point of the star system if nobody ever uses it for anything but giving a fic 5 *s? NII.
  5. Inuzuka

    End Of The Fillers

    I'm not getting you. Kakashi Gaiden was more of an interlude. Just a little backstory to provide a bit of space that would be the time gap, not an entire series. ...arg. I sound hostile, and I ENTIRELY do not mean to sound like that, I'm just tired. I apologize.
  6. Inuzuka

    Favourite Pairings

    May, I'm a little scared you evaluate story arcs under the assumption it's all about gay sex. Let me inform you sexual preference does not necessarily reflect on one's personality.
  7. Inuzuka

    End Of The Fillers

    Prefer originals? Huh? Shippuden follows the main storyline. Naruto has not ended in the least.
  8. Inuzuka

    Favourite Pairings

    I doubt the connection between bottoming in sex with a trusted, loved one and being "bested" by them, in a serious relationship. Sex is sex.
  9. I find him...gay. Hm. I find Gaara and Neji to be two distinctly different characters (or at least they *were*), but I can see your point. The prospect of someone "turned" by Naruto as a stereotype never dawned on me, nevermind irked me...but now it will. ...jerk.
  10. Sai is obnoxiously gay.
  11. The Naruto filler is over... Anyone think this will spark a resurgence of Naru-fandom?
  12. ...those are actually very helpful. But...I look at the fic, like, once every other week, and make an attempt...and...it just doesn't work. N' I'm not hooked on fanfics anymore, cos I have no new pairing I like.
  13. Yes, actually, it does. ...gurgle...I don't even remember what that ole thing was about.
  14. Yeah. There ARE good AU fics (I've not re-read what I've said so far in this thread, so...eh.), and though there's no suspense or surprise in them...it IS the ride that counts. And...that wasn't a sex analogy. Sexnalogy. ...um. Anyways. I agree. It is unfair to boycott them all, since there're plenty of good ones, and it is a plot that will never die out. However...they really DO need to stay closer to the canon. The livejournal ones that're just SO crap...those need to die. Nobody move, I lost my points...-.-;; ...your analogy wasn't that bad...
  15. Hm...not sure if everyone knows about http://www.narutoyaoi.com/ ... it's essentially a compilation. It has some doujins, too.
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