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Everything posted by Myrokratios

  1. I just uploaded a story and saw that there are a few new story codes (at least new to me, it's been a while since I was here the last time), two of them "shouta" and "loli". However, I noticed that shouta is described as anime-specific (like yaoi and yuri), but loli is not. Shouldn't loli, since it describes (really) underaged girls in hentai (just as shouta describes underaged boys there), be anime-specific too?
  2. 7 - It's really weird, but not too bad. 3 - There is quite a bit of... "wrongness" in there, but I think it's pretty normal to find it appealing. Something about empathy. And it makes me think of "Sexual Healing". 4 - It's not too strange, but it's not vanilla either. And also one of my kinks. 5 - The same as above, but a bit less ordinary. Now, some of mine. I won't look up the latin terms, so you have to do with more widespread ones: Futanari (Girl with a penis) - Best of both worlds! Crossdressing - Nothing like a boy who looks like a cute girl. Chubby - Not exactly fat, but quite a few pounds more, than you see on girls on ordinary erotic pictures. It's kinda cute actually. Armpits - I don't really have this kink, but over the time they became more and more appealing and there is something about seeing someone licking or even rub their penis over it. I blame Touhou.
  3. I've never even were in a relationship... Have you ever peeped on another person?
  4. The first thing you hear, when you get cached by your significant other, cheating on him/her. Why has the day only 24 hours?
  5. Myrokratios

    Title Share

    The Life of Brian
  6. Dante, because he is so ridiculously and overblown cool, that even Vincent would just freeze when he only goes near him. Bridget from Guilty Gear vs. Taokaka from BlazBlue
  7. Penultimate Magic Stone Atomically Charged Swift Painful Legendary Apocalyptic Brutal Violent Disturbed Cybernetic Arcane Malevolent Stealth Cutter Hydro Dynamic Extreme Mach 5 Aerial Vicious Thunderbolt Scissors Gun Riot Gyro Psycho Instant Cosmic Enchanted Miracle Teleporting Insane Cursed Ancient Forbidden Final Godly Spark Nuclear Ion Purge Burning Molten Magma Phoenix Rage Aura Grand 2x Hyper-Energized Ultra Omega Supreme Heavenly Immaculate Righteous Celestial Judgment Magnum Intelligent Missile Psychic Light Meta Evolution Multi-Impact Drive 4 EX Blazing Giga Acidic Nitro Scorching Hellfire Inferno Double Plasma-Bomb Super Ultimate Perfect Giant Golden Rapid Gatling Twisted Spiral Inter-Dimensional Berserk Seismic Radioactive Annihilating Morbid Megaton Doom Assault Cannon Demonic Red Dragon Summoning Platinum Blood Mist Stained Diamond Waterfall Subsonic Shining Inverted Black Aurora Nova Sphere Abysmal Maelstrom Unlimited North Star Lightning Whirlpool Maximum Flash Chaotic Imploding Negative Solar Energy Spear Alpha Lunar Toxic Crimson Millennium Twilight Shadow Destiny Death Strike Consecutive Terra Blaster Moonlight Over-Soul Piercing Time Break Last Redemption Spartan Laser Beam Sacred Rapid Drunken Revolving Electromagnetic Iron Core Fist Infinite Combo Omni Barrage Proton Shooter Darkness Subzero Frozen Nightmare Carnage Luster Crystal Skull Comet Serial Killer Wave Eastern Hidden Whirling Poisoned Spiked Knuckle Blade Rush Wheel Tropical Storm Cutter Rave Vacuum Uppercut Unbreakable Glass Titanium Defense Wall Chain Drill Underground 100,000 Explosion Razor Edge Web Night Rabid Nefarious Wolf Virus Thousand Needle Claw Will-O-Wisp Trick Seed Trap Phantom Falling Cherry Blossom Leaf Blizzard Twister Dance Revenge Trump Card Attack Encore Retaliation Blast of DOOM and Destruction!!!!!!!!!!!
  8. The winner won't be the team which makes the most goals, but whose players make the best couple. Why is it so warm today?
  9. Category name: Yume Nikki Section category to be in: Games (S through Z) Do you have any stories for it?: I'm working on one right now. --added
  10. My avatar is from a fanart of the Japanese freeware horror game "Yume Nikki". It shows the main character, Madotsuki, who actually has her eyes closed during the whole game (well, with one exception).
  11. Because it's For Science! Why?
  12. Penultimate Magic Atomically Charged Swift Painful Legendary Apocalyptic Brutal Violent Disturbed Cybernetic Arcane Malevolent Stealth Cutter Hydro Dynamic Extreme Mach 5 Aerial Vicious Thunderbolt Scissors Gun Riot Gyro Psycho Instant Cosmic Enchanted Miracle Teleporting Insane Cursed Ancient Forbidden Final Godly Spark Nuclear Ion Purge Burning Molten Magma Phoenix Rage Aura Grand 2x Hyper-Energized Ultra Omega Supreme Heavenly Immaculate Righteous Celestial Judgment Magnum Intelligent Missile Psychic Light Meta Evolution Multi-Impact Drive 4 EX Blazing Giga Acidic Nitro Scorching Hellfire Inferno Double Plasma-Bomb Super Ultimate Perfect Giant Golden Rapid Gatling Twisted Spiral Inter-Dimensional Berserk Seismic Radioactive Annihilating Morbid Megaton Doom Assault Cannon Demonic Red Dragon Summoning Platinum Blood Mist Stained Diamond Waterfall Subsonic Shining Inverted Black Aurora Nova Sphere Abysmal Maelstrom Unlimited North Star Lightning Maximum Flash Chaotic Imploding Negative Solar Energy Spear Alpha Lunar Toxic Crimson Millennium Twilight Shadow Destiny Death Strike Consecutive Terra Blaster Moonlight Over-Soul Piercing Time Break Last Redemption Spartan Laser Beam Sacred Rapid Drunken Revolving Electromagnetic Iron Core Fist Infinite Combo Omni Barrage Proton Shooter Darkness Subzero Frozen Nightmare Carnage Luster Crystal Skull Comet Serial Killer Wave Eastern Hidden Whirling Poisoned Spiked Knuckle Blade Rush Wheel Tropical Storm Cutter Rave Vacuum Uppercut Unbreakable Glass Titanium Defense Wall Chain Drill Underground 100,000 Explosion Razor Edge Web Night Rabid Wolf Virus Thousand Needle Claw Will-O-Wisp Trick Seed Trap Phantom Falling Cherry Blossom Leaf Blizzard Twister Dance Revenge Attack Encore Blast!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  13. Time what is time in my pants
  14. Banned because I never played Battle Pro.
  15. "If you look into the sillybugger, the sillybugger looks at you." ~Friedrich sillybu Nietzsche
  16. Banned, bacause I'm new.
  17. 7705
  18. Hello, I'm Myrokratios, a 21-year old male from Germany. I haven't written much yet but I already posted a story on AFF (but only in German). There are some stories I'm working on at the moment and I think I will post a new one in January. I'm a big fan of Mangas and Animes and also like to read Fantasy novels. I like lesbian very much (not only erotic ones) and also like futanari (hermaphrodite). Sadly, I don't have my own Internet, I have to rely on Internet Cafes, so my access is pretty limited.
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