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Everything posted by drkgth69

  1. I sent the email
  2. Ok I haven't logged on in a while but I know my account is still there because I looked it up. When I try to do what is says this is what I gat as a response, "The e-mail you provided may not be registered or is registerd multiple times, please contact support or try registering" I have only the one e-mail and I don't understand. Can someone help me, please?
  3. Thank you so much! That's the exact story I was looking for! Again thank you. Krys
  4. Anyone? PLEEEEEEEEEAAAASSSSSSE? Does anyone look at this topic, if you do can you at least list the crossovers? Pretty please?
  5. I hope someone can help me, please? I read a story about 2yrs ago where inu and sessh were copiers by a woman that put black collars on them to control them. She made them have sex and during a session inuyasha bites off sessh's collar and he acid whips her head off, right as they cum. I'm I think one of them ends up pregnant but I can't remember. Anyone does anyone know this story? Please and Thank You! Krys
  6. I am interested in this too, but I will go looking for it. If I find it I will post it. Your friend, Krys
  7. Oooooh I think I know that one but for the life of me I cant remwmber the title... In it does moldyshorts plan to make snape harrys slave then harry his(moldyshorts) slave so as to access their magic? And by harry and snape being willing it turns it, the ritual, into a marriage/soul bond? If this is what you are looking for let me know and I thing I have the link saved in my cell. Your friend, Krys
  8. If anyone knows any hp/dbz crossovers can you please list them here I really like reading these and have only ever found two, a hp/dm & g/v and a hp/broly but I cannot find anymore. Please help? Yourrs, Krys P.S. I asked a story question for dbz Dec. 24th and still havent recieved help so I'm going to ask here in this topic: I read a story not that long ago where Goku and ChiChi are getting divorced after he returns to earth and when they do Chi Chi goes to get her dad and tells him to sell the house that she and Goku lived in only to find out that her dad never owned it. Shes tries to sue Goku for everything her had because she found out he actually has money. When Goku enters the courtroom Vegeta is at his side and kneels next to him during the proceedings. Goku or Kakarott as he goes goes by, I think, brings in a Saiyan doctor that tells everyone that Goku was not fully mature when ChiChi made him marry her, and that he had only recently fully matured enough recently, so ChiChi basicly statutory raped him. When the money thing is brought up on how Goku never seemed to have money he tells everyone that the account that ChiChi knew about that only had a few thousand dollars in it he says that was just for food and had she asked he would have gladly given her more. UMMMM this is probably all out of order and I missed a lot of stuff but I would really like to read this again. Please and Thank You, Krys
  9. I read a story not that long ago where Goku and ChiChi are getting divorced after he returns to earth and when they do Chi Chi goes to get her dad and tells him to sell the house that she and Goku lived in only to find out that her dad never owned it. Shes tries to sue Goku for everything her had because she found out he actually has money. When Goku enters the courtroom Vegeta is at his side and kneels next to him during the proceedings. Goku or Kakarott as he goes goes by, I think, brings in a Saiyan doctor that tells everyone that Goku was not fully mature when ChiChi made him marry her, and that he had only recently fully matured enough recently, so ChiChi basicly statutory raped him. When the money thing is brought up on how Goku never seemed to have money he tells everyone that the account that ChiChi knew about that only had a few thousand dollars in it he says that was just for food and had she asked he would have gladly given her more. UMMMM this is probably all out of order and I missed a lot of stuff but I would really like to read this again. Please and Thank You, Krys
  10. drkgth69

    HP/SS garters

    WOOOOOOHOOOOOOO!!! Thank you from me too.
  11. drkgth69

    HP/SS garters

    I know this isn't helpful but I don't know it but would like to read it too please?
  12. Hi! I was hoping that any of you peeps out there would help me find all kinds of creature fics, I don't care about creature or pairing as long as it's male/male. Please and Thank You! Krys
  13. Muhahahahaha! I have my account back! Thank You! I love you! Krys
  14. drkgth69


    Ummmm where did everyone go? My helper left me all alone. Anyone know this story? please? it's Harry/Draco and Dib/Zim a HP/IZ x-over. Oh i remember harrys uncle molested and/or raped him. PLEASE help, pretty please? Krys
  15. Aww your so nice. Yeah I agree without the awwww part, dude. Stop taking my keyboard Dylan. Ummm no. Hi and thanks for the compliment. Krys' mom was like the coolest mom ever more of a big sister that helps you prank everyone than a mom Yeah! OMG there was this one time she helped us prank my cousin M by helping us hide in the attic during a hide and seek game Oh I remember M refused to give up for and hour convinced we were in the garage She even went through the entire car to find us. The base for the game was a bathroom right under the attic door so when M finally gave up we opened it and stuck our heads down and said hi shorties Everyone but her mom screamed Anyway we wanted to say thank you you very nice person and we hope you have a great week for that. Krys and Dylan
  16. drkgth69


    Yeah it was Harry/Draco and Zim/Dib. Sorry it took so long to get back to you my DSi doen't like the forums. Yours, Krys
  17. drkgth69


    Ok I've still not found this. Would anyone like to try and guess? Please? Krys
  18. Thank you so very much!!! Yeah I know that it took me forever to get back to this and I'm sorry but my mom passed away and I've been a mess I am working on it with the help a a friend from WA. His name is Dylan. If you've seen my other posts then you will notice that we banter at each other to make me feel sort of better. Anyway I just wanted to say Thanks and I love you. Krys
  19. Anyone else want to help us find this story? BTW Dylan went to WA state to be a nomad but will find a way to randomly reply to us sometimes. PLEASE help find the story please, please, please? Yours, Krys
  20. drkgth69


    Anyone know anything or remember and Invader Zim HP xovers? PPPPPPPPPPLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAASSSSSSSSSSSSSSEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE???????????????? Yours, Krys
  21. Thank you Peeps and yes it has taken me a few days but I have finally replied back sorry but the story Familiar is really long as are some of the others. I wanted to thank you all foe\r going and helping me and if anyone else has any ideas to add be my guest. Yours, Krys P.S. Dylan says Hi but he is busy headind off into the unknown. JK he is going to WA state to be a nomad for a while. but He still has a phone and they do have internet up ther so randomly he will reply too.
  22. Dylan: Thank you. Krys: Thank you both and I hope you never find out how hard it is to live without you moms Dylan: Krys is crying on the bed right now. She is taking this really hard. I think that her mom was not just her mom but her best friend. Krys: ENOUGH with the depressing thoughts mom wouldn't have wanted it that way. I am gonna dig out all of the stories that we wrote together and try to publish them. Dylan: She just marched out of the room and into the garage, I think to find her giant box of notebooks. I have a solution to both of you about the Demt/ stories. Why don't you write your own and maybe publish them in AFF? I have a feeling that Krys won't be back for a while so I am gonna say good-bye for now Yours, Krys and Dylan
  23. Thank you Chiwag00 !!! While it may not be the one I was looking for I thank you for helping me find something that I am interrested in. And so far I like it. I hope that we can continue to work together to find stories simmilar to this one. Again thank you for your help. Krys P.S. The real Krys went to her mothers memorial so as her friend I am posting this in her stead. I hope that you don't ignore Krys if I seem rude. Sorry, Dylan
  24. TYTYTYTYTYTYTYTYTYTYTYTYTYTYTYTYTYTY You are all soooooooooo helpful and yes I realize that I sound really hyper but I swear that the dogs ate all of the candy I swear it. I do I do. Anyway Thankyou for all of your help. Yours, Krys
  25. So no info or anything? Well that makes me sad. I will have to try again KRYS
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