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Everything posted by AnonGrimm

  1. The following are my replies to reader reviews (I didn't want the answers to your questions and comments to be lost): 2006-07-27 Hi Tepes! Yes W.R.R. is a wonderful poet! *wink, nudge* Thanks for the review. This one has quite a few chapters to go yet, and I'll try to update it soon. Love ya, Anon. 2006-11-27 Hey, thank you, Demos, very much! This story hasn't gotten much notice up to now, though it remains one of my faves that are currently "in progress". And I agree on not calling the Doc a villain. I prefer him, in fact, to anything Marvel's got except for Wolverine, and they both are better than most comic characters in general, across the various companies, IMO. The movie Spidey 2 really brought Ock to life for me, though, and inspired this tale. For once, his backstory and his tentacles made more and better sense. Of course, it's the tortured psyche that I adore best (no surprise, it's why I love Logan, too). But thank you so much for the wonderful compliments, especially concerning the tentacles. I'm not mechanically minded, per se, so they were a welcome challenge, and it's good to know the effort paid off. I do intend to get back to this and update. I have chapter 8 about 1/4 done, and the story is currently plotted out to end after chapter 11. But if it has an audience, I'll have to get chapter 8 up to speed! Eventually, Wolverine will show up in living color here, of course, and it is my intention to someday start a sequel to both this story and my concurrently running Wolvie story, which will pair Logan and the Doc on a new adventure to rescue their respective ladies. I'll apologize in advance for updates taking so long, too. I'm juggling 9 "in progress" fan fics, and one original novel, and time is stretched, most days. =) So until the next chapter update, thanks again for reading and reviewing! You've made my day! - Anon.
  2. Title: Of Dreams and Dust Author: AnonGrimm Summary: Doctor Octopus attempts to reclaim his dream of solving the world’s energy problems, two years after he fails to die in the destruction of his fusion reactor. That sacrifice, which saved New York City, was presumed to be the death of him. Shocked to find himself alive after all, he slips off to Chicago and creates a new persona; but the drive to continue the dream is barely alive in him. Tortured by memories of his dead wife, and the deaths of others he killed in New York, he flounders – until he meets a young mutant girl as troubled as himself, as wounded as himself, who needs his help… and may hold the key to his dream. Rating: Adult++ Pairings: Doc Ock/Original Character Feedback: I'd love to hear from you. If you have a question or would like to discuss the story, I will check here periodically and reply as soon as I can. Please review the story in the review panel, too; but I can't reply to you there, so look here for a response afterward. Story URL: http://comics.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600005327 Thanks!
  3. Thanks DemonGoddess, for the migration! Also, I just left a reply to your question on that other thread. Hope that helps!
  4. Hi DemonGoddess, As far as having the comics section set up with top subcategories of Marvel, DC, etc., that makes sense to me. I was actually wondering why X-Factor is listed under Comics while X-Men is listed in a whole other section (both here and in the fan fiction archives). Obviously, there are X-Men movies, and not X-Factor movies, but both are comics first long before movies came along. That's why I wanted to move my Doc Ock story to the Comics section (and thanks for doing that!) because readers told me that's where Spiderman-related stuff ends up, even if the story is based on a movie. Anyway, the core issue, splitting Marvel, DC, etc. into subcategories under Comics makes perfect sense to me. The only issue I can think of is how to deal with crossovers; but then you could have a subcategory for those and all bases would be covered. I don't tend to do crossovers, but some folks like to have the X-Men run into Batman, and such. Thanks for everything!
  5. 2009-12-28 Hi Amandasfire, thanks for reading and reviewing! Mostly, thanks for being patient (my longtime readers are so kind to realize I take a deplorable long time to update). I know this sounds like a broken record by now, but I will finish my incomplete stories on this site. There's only this one and two more that are unfinished. In the meantime, while you're waiting, if you like Doc Ock, his story is mostly finished, like this one. These and my Texas Chainsaw tale are in bad need of updating and I will attempt to get to them all as soon as I can. Thanks again for reading, and for posting such wonderful compliments, too! - Anon. *********************************************** Okay, that's all the replies I had previously to reviewers of this story. I didn't want the answers I gave to your questions and comments before to disappear on you. Thanks again for reviewing the story!
  6. 2008-09-07 Hi gaijin, thanks for reading, and for registering just to post a review! It makes it worth the work to hear feedback like yours, so thank you very much for taking the time. I did finish the update on my Doc Ock story (just posted that new chapter now, in fact) and I've been working on edits and the new chapter of this story for a couple of days already. I hope it won't take me long to get it all done and then updated. And yeah, I agree, Wolvie and Jean are the best. I still hold a torch for them to really get together in the comics, and now that Scott has run off with Emma, I'm holding my torch a little higher. LOL. Oh, sure, Jean "died" again, but hey - she does that a lot. And didn't she already come back? (I can't keep up with Marvel anymore; I read them in chunks and then I get lost again until next time. They change the whole universe too much as it is). Anyway, I'm so pleased you like this story, and I'll get cracking on the updating for it. I'm not quick generally, but I'm consistant! LOL. - Anon. 2008-10-24 Hi Gaijin, You re-read it from the start? I'm impressed, and thank you for the excellent feedback! The canon Marvel comics have thrown me quite a few curve balls (or monkey wrenches) lately. I give up trying to keep up with Marvel for a bit and suddenly it all falls apart (but some of it in a cool way) around my ears while I'm out. I come back and stare blankly for a bit, before wading in and catching up, little by little. All that is to say that I'm going to have to figure out how to either smash it all into two chapters, or pick what to deal with and what to leave "for the future". We shall see.... The annoying thing for me is, Marvel finally splits up Scott and Jean, and even sticks Scott with someone else, and THEN they kill Jean off (again). When will they finally put a red bow on her head and give her to Wolverine? That, I believe, is what most Wolverine fans want. *sigh* (This sudden unsolicited rant in Wolverine's honor is brought to you by Anon). Anyway, I digress.... Thanks again for reading and reviewing, and I hope it won't take too long to update this, but I have a lot of comics reading to do.... - Anon.
  7. 2007-11-27 Hi TheVastOrganizationMemberXenjn! Can I call you TVOMX? Thanks for reading, and letting me know you like the story! I'm done with my novel now (the main time-eater while I had to ignore my fan fics for a bit) so I'm getting back to updating as I can. I've updated my Chainsaw story, and I'm working on edits and update for my AVP story now. After that, this story is next, and then my Doc Ock story. Thanks for your patience, too. - Anon. 2008-03-19 Hi tmctflyboy! First off, thanks for reading, posting, and most of all for your patience! I'm still trying to get that update done on my AVP story, though. *huff,pant,puff* Both work and personal life (in good ways) are conspiring to keep me so busy that fanfic time has been slim. But I now have only four incomplete stories left on here, and I will be juggling them all until they are done. I can't promise speed, but I can say I'll finish them - I adore my characters (the original and the borrowed) and I can't abandon them. I don't intend to begin any new stories until these four are done, either. Sequels may take longer than that, too, if ever. We shall see... But I appreciate the support in taking your time to check back for updates. Sooner or later there will be one! - Anon.
  8. 2006-12-31 Thanks, lady kagome! As with my Doc Ock story, I'm working on edits for this story, but the new chapter has been started, too. Sorry updates aren't real often, but I'm juggling 9 "in progress" fan fics, and one novel, and there's not enough time in a given day for them all at once. LOL. Glad you're enjoying the storyline, and thank you again for reviewing, it is greatly appreciated! Hugs, Anon. 2007-11-07 Hi None, Thanks for reading! I was taking a fan fic break while finishing my novel (soon to be out - yea!) and now I've started to finish some of the fan fics that had one or two chapters left to go. At present, I'm editing my AVP story prior to updating it, and then I'll be working on editing and updating both this story and my Doc Ock story. Now that I have only four "in progress" fan fics (AVP, TX Chainsaw, Doc Ock, & Wolverine) and they all have about 4 to 6 chapters left on them, it should be easier to juggle them and work them all closer to completion. For now, I'm most of the way through the AVP edits, and once I update it, I'll move on back to this one. Thanks for your patience, too, and I'm so pleased you like this story! Hugs, Anon.
  9. 2006-11-14 Hi Mark, and thank you for that review, it must be one of the most indepth ones I've ever received, and is much appreciated. Would I be right in guessing you're a writer yourself? Or a psychology professor? Your comments made me pause and think, and on a day like today, that's a feat! (I'm having a second Monday). Plot is my passion, I believe, more than most aspects of writing. Character development is probably second, but in fan fic, a lot of that is done for you, and the challenge becomes keeping them as canon as possible. At least for me. For those who love to take canon characters and go wild, go for it - whatever makes you happy. But my love of Logan leads me to try and make him as much like "himself" as I can manage. As for Logan's "Figure it out" comment, you've got a darn good take on it, and the points you make are ones I've agreed with for a long time in the whole Logan/Jean/Scott mess. Actually, a bigger challenge for me is to write Jean as canon as possible. She has often annoyed me in canon, and the temptation to make her just pitch Scott and marry Logan outright is fairly strong at times. But in the spirit of making her "herself", I reign it in and let her be canon and annoying. I don't dislike her (I reserve that sentiment for Scott) but she can be a bit stiff sometimes. Oh well... The canon events later on involving Scott and Emma will eventually put quite a spin on this tale... one of these days, when I find time to update. *sigh* But running 9 "in progress" fics and 1 original can be challenging and time share on them all is difficult. I hope you will enjoy the new stuff when I get to it, though, and thanks again for the wonderful review. - Anon. 2006-11-22 Thanks, Cina! I'm actually trying to juggle edits and updates for about 3 fics in particular at the moment, and this one is one of them. Now that the Thanksgiving holiday has begun, I hope to get some real work done on all of my writing projects during the ensuing 4 1/2 day vacation. As for one good boff = bliss, LOL, anyone who ever tried a relationship knows that's gospel! =) I'm glad you agree that fiction should follow reality in that respect. And in closing, Happy Thanksgiving! - Anon. 2006-11-27 The Bud, thanks for reading! And hey, U2's "Bad" would be great in here. Maybe I'll work it in somewhere, even if it's just in the main storyline. You know, you're the first person to mention the chapter songs? I was wondering if people liked them; thanks for letting me know. I try to use specific (and sometimes edited for punch) lyrics that give a hint to the tone of the chapter to follow. Beyond that, as I mentioned before, the new chapter is under construction. I do apologize that all my updates and edits aren't more often, but I've got too many of these going at once to make that happen more regularly. But thanks again for reading, and I hope you like the new chapter when I can get it finished. Hugs, Anon.
  10. Here are my responses to readers' reviews from prior to this thread: 2006-07-27 Hello Everyone, thought I'd pop in and thank you all for the wonderful reviews! And Sm, if Wolverine isn't normally your thing, I'm extra pleased you decided to read mine! Satanicmidget, And extra thanks for a special thing: you noticed my grammar! =) I don't know how long I've huffed and puffed with edits to catch every boo-boo, and it's so nice that you noticed that. Thanks for all of your comments, too. POV is a fun thing to play with. Wherever possible, I love to toy with it and see what can be done with different characters. When writing canon characters, though, I try to stay true to them as much as I can. This is helped in this story by my obsessive love for Wolverine. And I have the 16 comic book boxes to prove my love... LOL. (They're 80% full of Wolvie and X-Men, too - precious little else). And you're Aussie, huh? I have a friend in Sydney. Hugs to all, Anon. 2006-08-08 Hi RhiannonUK, Thanks for such a wonderful review! I've actually just finished some edits on this tale, and I do intend to get back to it again before too long. My efforts to finish my novel are ongoing (chapter 13 out of 16 is underway)but I habitually take a break from it after each chapter is complete to work on fan fics for a while to relax and freshen up the brains. I just posted the next chapter in my AVP tale, and the next in line is this one and my Snape fic, "Divergence". If you need more to read, and love Wolverine like I do, take a peek at "Of Dreams and Dust". It's a Doc Ock tale, but Wolverine has a couple of cameos in it. That story and this one are running in tandem, plot-wise, though by the time Logan shows up in Ock's story, "Shattered Silence" will be wrapping up. His cameo happens when he's on the way home from the Mammoth Cave. Eventually, I intend to write a combined sequel to both of these stories, with Doc Ock and Logan teaming up for an adventure. Thanks so much for your kind compliments, too. Plot is almost a religion for me. =) And I always loved the quote, "Erotica is when you use a feather. Porn is when you use the whole chicken." I don't know who said it, but I do try not to use the whole chicken. LOL. Subtle seems more tactful. Cyke and Emma. Boggles the mind, huh? I must admit though, I danced. Jean needs to be with Logan. Permanently. Sooner or later, Marvel will embrace this; I have faith. Besides, Wolvie is their best cash cow - he deserves to have what he wants. Needless to say, I LOVE Logan, and will probably do more with him when these stories are over. I can't stay away from him for long. Hugs, Anon. 2006-08-26 Kelvin Jin: LOL... But it's not close to the end, it's only chapter 7! =) Seriously, thanks for reading, and reviewing! And I will update this with chapter 8 as soon as I can. But the story won't be ended until about chapter 12. Hugs, Anon. 006-10-19 Hi Rhiannon, glad you liked it! I'm trying to get back to updating, but edits on my novel have taken over my time lately. Got to balance them both, I know. LOL. Hello Jason, Thanks for reading and reviewing! Do I detect an in general annoyance with Logan? Perfectly allowed, of course. As for bias, guilty as charged. I've always loved Logan, and equally dispised Cyclops, so I suppose I naturally cut Logan all the breaks. LOL. But yes, you're right, he does tend to just go on a walkabout when trouble strikes. But I never saw it as "running away", but more like a loner's natural response to "injury" (be it physical or emotional). Plus, he's very animalistic, and an injured animal's instinct will lead it to hide away, either to heal or die. I believe that's why he responds in that way. Right or wrong, it's a decent guess, right? =) But thanks so much for choosing to spend your time with my tale. It is appreciated! - Anon. 2006-11-05 Hi Crystal & Phoenixburning, thanks for your reviews! And I am sorry for taking so long with updates on this. I'm trying to get several fan fics updated, so it's quite a juggling act between them. But I will update when I can. I love Logan too much to leave him hanging! And I don't know what "redshippers" are? Drop me an email and let me know, I'd love to hear about them if they are good fan fic sites. Thanks again for reading, and for your wonderful comments! - Anon.
  11. Title: Shattered Silence Author: AnonGrimm Summary: Logan and Jean on a solo adventure. The shadow of Cyclops still hangs between them as they struggle to survive in a world much more suited to Logan's brutal nature than Jean's reasoning mind. She must deal with his violent nature and he must deal with keeping them both alive. In the midst of it all, they struggle with the long felt want between them – the love Logan would openly declare if she allowed it, and the lust for him she fights to deny. This story occurs after Uncanny X-Men #394 (and will no doubt jump off the canon cliff into non-canon fan fiction with gusto at that point). Rating: Adult++ Pairings: Wolverine/Jean Grey Feedback: I'd love to hear from you. If you have a question or would like to discuss the story, I will check here periodically and reply as soon as I can. Please review the story in the review panel, too; but I can't reply to you there, so look here for a response afterward. Story URL: http://xmen.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600005250 Thanks!
  12. Okay, then I forgot to let you know that I did delete the new story. Sorry! It's deleted from the Comics/Spiderman zone now, so that you can move it there from the Movies section in one "fell swoop". Thanks for your help with the move! - Anon
  13. OK, I'll delete the new one when I get home (I'm out running errands). If I can do it via BlackBerry now, I will. Thanks again for your help!
  14. Hi DemonGoddess! Whichever is simpler for you is fine with me. However, per the instructions in the FAQ, I already posted the story in the new spot (posting with updated edits, too). Should I delete the new posting so you can move the old story with its ratings and reviews entirely over to the new spot? That won't be a problem. I can just repost my chapter edits after the move is completed. Let me know if you need me to delete the new story posted? (If not, it's fine with me if you delete it and then move the old one over with it's "stuff"). Thanks so much for your help! - Anon
  15. Subject: Story Merge Hello! I needed to move one of my stories to the correct zone. I read in the FAQ that I needed to contact you here so that the ratings and reviews can be merged? Thanks! Here is the link to the story's old location in the Movies zone: http://movies.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600005327 And here is the link to the story's new location in the Comics/Spiderman zone: http://comics.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600060633 Thanks again for your help! - AnonGrimm
  16. Thanks to you both! Yes, it must be a scripts thing. I have a "no scripts" block thing to help against viruses and worms and such, and I'm new to it so I keep forgetting I have to enable scripts on some trusted sites I'm on. I'm not used to a capcha thing being on this site, so I didn't realize it was blocked. Thanks for your help!
  17. Hi. I'm trying to post reviews (while logged in) but after I hit the review button, the review does not post. Reviews used to show up immediately. Is there a delay now or a bug in the works? Help...! Thanks! - AnonGrimm
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