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Everything posted by AnonGrimm
For me, the website (Archive, not forum), keeps giving me "this website is not available" and no amount of refreshing helps, and then suddenly it works again, as well as being very slow to load. This seems to happen not just at login time, but between random pages after login, too. I do see that fixes are being handled as mentioned above, so I'm only posting this info in case it's a new problem. Otherwise, I'll assume it's going to be sorted out in a few days as mentioned above. Thanks for all the hard work you all do to keep this site running smoothly.
Got your email. Thanks again for all the help. I'm cropping my author note word count and added the extra fandom disclaimer.
Oh, for some reason it says this story Overdrive of mine is hidden. Violation of TOS. Maybe I have an Author Note that is too long? Not sure how to check...
Oh, oh, it worked! I checked the silly firewall (just moved to Windows 10 a bit ago) and it was blocking this. I used the right click in the rich text box and when "Paste" appeared, I hit it, and that smaller "post here" box popped up and let me paste my chapter. It now says it posted successfully. Yay! (But seriously, you all are awesome for replying as fast here as you always do. Love you all! Hugs!)
I'm using the upper right login boxes. I just logged out and back in to be sure, but I get the same webpage error message. It really could be my Google Drive sync, but I'm nervous to restart and have it have to resync a lot of files from the start again. I will try that, if I have to.
I'm having a similar problem, trying to c/p a new chapter via the control panel, using Chrome, ignoring the update by file box, using rich text editor. I can add the chapter title, but the moment I paste my chapter in the rich text editor, it snaps over the "Aw, Snap! There was an error!" webpage error. I have two other tabs open in Chrome, and no problems with them. No problems with clicking around the AFF site in general, and I edited two chapters successfully before being foiled in adding the new chapter. I keep trying, but it isn't working. Restart is problematic, as I am running a sync with Google Drive. That may actually be gumming things up, but I don't think so, since everything else online works fine except c/p of a new chapter. Any ideas? Is the rich text editor having an issue tonight, or maybe it really is my sync messing it up? Thanks so much for any info or suggestions you may have.
Thanks so much for the fast response, that is so great! I really appreciate the help. I try to hold off on edits on prior chapters until a new chapter update, but on my older stories, that isn't an option. Thanks again, and you all rock!
I forgot I wasn't logged in on this forum when I post the question above, but this is me, AnonGrimm. Thanks!
Can't effectively communicate with readers/reviewers
AnonGrimm replied to AnonGrimm's topic in Archive Tech Support
Views perhaps, but views aren't a conversation. My feedback often contains questions I can't respond to, because social media stats show that most people don't use forums anymore; every forum I used to be on daily has dried up and disappeared. It made me sad, to be honest, I always enjoyed them. Here, I'm pretty much the only person posting on my story threads, and it has made me less likely to post there, too. For a long time, I got no reviews and when an opportunity came that ate a lot of my writing time, I figured I could take a break because no one seemed to be reading anyway. Then I started to get email notifications of new reviews and it made me want to update, so I did. But I keep hearing readers say they are worried I won't update, and I'm worried they won't see the author notes or bio notes that I am working on the stories again. I suppose if a forum is enough for the majority, I'll have to make do. It just seems to me there could be another more immediate way to respond to reader questions and to thank them for reviewing. But I know you all work very hard on this site and I do appreciate all that you do to keep it running so well. I guess I'll just add more author notes and hope the readers who avoid the forum but who are asking questions see my answers. Thanks again, both of you, for responding and for your help. Happy Halloween! 😊 -
Can't effectively communicate with readers/reviewers
AnonGrimm replied to AnonGrimm's topic in Archive Tech Support
Yes I always have a link. They review, but they don't go to the forum. We need a better way to respond to them. Many people don't go onto forums anymore. Is there any possibility of a non-forum resource? Maybe to do with the author's bio? -
Can we invent a better way to communicate with readers/reviewers? We aren't allowed to respond in the reviews, which makes sense, bandwidth and all, but the forum story threads I started are only posted in by me, while readers leave reviews and assume I'm not responding to their kind reviews. I have author notes and notes on my bio, but no way to talk to readers where they will see it. What can we do? More readers might review stories of they could talk to the authors. They simply don't seem to go to the forum. Help? I have readers trying to ask my update plans, and I have no way to tell them. Thanks for all you do, I know it's a lot of work!
Shattered Silence is now completed! I can't remove the "work in progress" (WIP) from the story codes, but it is completed. Sorry it took forever. I will still finish my other incompletes, but it may take awhile, as real life is very busy. Thanks for reading, commenting, and for your patience!
I guess I had the wrong section, I just posted about this in the bug tracker and then found this thread. Sorry! So I'm trying to edit chapter 5, but only chapters 1 and 2 show up in the pulldown (there should be 9 listed there). Even if I click on chapter 2 that is showing, nothing happens. I've rebooted my browser, logged out, logged back in, waited awhile, ect, but it's not working. A little bit ago, it let me edit chapter 4 after about five tries, but it seems to have quit working entirely now. I've just come across this problem today. For me, this is in the DC comics area, in case that matters. Any ideas on how to fix this? Thanks! - Anon Update: I checked again, and suddenly it let me edit chapter 5! So maybe this problem really is a bug? Weird. I've been trying about 10 times, and all of sudden it worked again.
Took a little longer (for this story's standards, anyway) but chapter 9 is now posted! Hope you all enjoy it! Chapter 10 is already 11 pages long and counting. "No rest for the wicked", right? Thanks to everyone who is reading and please let me know what you think? - Anon
Chapter 8 is posted! Hope you all enjoy it! InvidiaRed, I answered you in the author's note on chapter 8, but I wanted to say thanks again in here for your wonderful review. It is really appreciated! - Anon
DemonGoddess061, I was all too happy to donate, and plan to on a more regular basis if it is made clear to all of us what is needed. This is exactly what you have done/are doing, and I thank you. AFF is the best home I've yet found for all of my diverse stories, and I prefer to have them all in one spot. It just makes my busy life so much simpler. Anyhow, it is always difficult trying to pick up the reins of something this big and involved, and it takes a very strong will to make it work. You have all that in spades (I've been paying attention to all of the clean-up efforts and other works, and appreciate them all). A friend and I once had to take over something this big on the old MSN Groups when it was abandoned. It was a nightmare, and we barely pulled it out of the fire in time after the former owner/manager mysteriously made him the top manager (without asking him) and bailed. He dubbed me "#2" and we rolled up our sleeves. The group had 1400+ members (small compared to AFF, but huge for MSN Groups) and they were all depending on us two to keep it all up and running. So I really do understand what you and the rest of the AFF volunteer staff are going through. Basically, you're the staff member I've "talked to" the most, but I know you have others plowing along with you, and my thanks and back-patting goes for all of the staff! You ladies and gents rock, and if you need our collective help, just ask. *high fives* - Anon
Did some random minor edits, and posted chapter 7! Chapter 8 already has 4 pages on it, too. I'm actually ridiculously busy with work and my duties as the coordinator of the author panel track for the Spooky Empire convention in October, so my "epic" chapters (those 30 to 35 page giants) aren't easy to update right now. These little Joker chapters are perfect, though, so that's what I'm doing. My apologies to my readers who are waiting for updates on my other stories - your patience is highly appreciated! However, I am turning in my completed panel and table schedules tomorrow for the convention, and then I hope to have more time to devote to those I've neglected; namely, Leatherface, Doc Ock, and Wolverine. Yeah, Sabretooth, too, although as much as he usurped my muse before Joker came along, he shouldn't be pestering me. He is, though, of course. Hope you like chapter 7 - it gets rather smutty (and some of you are probably going, "Finally!" LOL). - Anon
Chapter 6 posted. As I said, these chapters are like popcorn! Really, I love epic chapters of 30+ pages, but this is sort of cool and novel for me; and fun! - Anon
Chapter 4 edited (minor stuff) and Chapter 5 added. I couldn't resist; they're so short compared to Sabretooth's chapters, it's like a writing snack! Enjoy! To Moonlock, I replied to you in the author's note at the end of chapter five, but I wanted to say "Thanks!" again for your wonderful review! It's had me grinning since I read it yesterday. - Anon
Title: Arkham Author: AnonGrimm Summary: The Joker has landed in Arkham again with a long sentence ahead of him in solitary. While plotting his next escape, he gets a visit from the Batman. Two-Face has been wreaking havoc and Batman wants Joker to divulge clues in how to stop him or cure his madness. Joker pretends to listen as a new game begins to bloom in his fractured mind. Can he crack that cold strength and find a weakness, find a way to warp the Bat? Rating: Adult++ Pairings: Joker/Batman Feedback: I'd love to hear from you. If you have a question or would like to discuss the story, I will check here periodically and reply as soon as I can. Please review the story in the review panel, too; but I can't reply to you there, so look here for a response afterward. Story URL: http://comics.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600060712 Thanks!
Hi OriginalCeenote! I'm so happy you are enjoying this story (and so faithfully reviewing, you're awesome)! I tend to write pretty dark stuff, and I often wonder if some folks are going to find it too gross. Of course, if I'm not pleasing myself, it won't get written at all, and what pleases me is horror, so.... Thank you so much for the insightful comments, too, and for noticing what I'm up to with Tabitha. Funny thing is, Victor started out just wanting to screw her and then break her before killing her, after all of their personal history together. However, years after that history, he's had his life tossed off the rails by his encounter with Bonnie Hale (from "Mary Shelley Overdrive", for those of you just joining us). Tabitha's ability to step up and sass him, remaining coherent and a strong survivor, has started to change how he sees her, as you said. He's not fully aware of it until Tab points it out, but he was starting to think of her as a possible replacement for Bonnie. It's logical in some ways (she was trying to be a mercenary, she likes having sex with him, she's very disillusioned with Xavier's and Cable's dreams and goals). Then, of course, Tab points out why it wouldn't work; she couldn't forgive him some things, and he couldn't feel the same for a reluctant captive as he did for a willing partner. Yet his unconscious will has been moldering her as you pointed out. However, she has really wounded him psychically by bringing all of that up, as well as pointing out some ugly truths to him. How will he react, and how will he explain about Vaughn? We shall see.... I hope you'll continue to brace and read! Your reviews always make my day, too! - Anon
Chapter 8 is posted! Yay! Hope you all enjoy it! Gothicpug, thanks for reviewing chapter 7; I didn't forget to respond all this time, I've just been killer busy with the new job. I'm so pleased you like the Bonnie hints! I'm planning to do a reinterpretation of the "Mary Shelley Overdrive" limited series comics, maybe after this one is done, or after it's sequel is done, I'm not sure. Basically, I want to run through the story as it is, but add the "between the lines" (yeah, the "dirty bits", haha) that Marvel couldn't show us. Bonnie has captured my mind as a new way to explore Victor Creed, and I want to play with that first hand and write it out. So it'll be a prequel, technically, to my other Victor tales (putting that in plural, since I have about five of them outlined in notes now). Yeah, Victor ate my brain. However, I will finish editing Wolverine: Shattered Silence (two chapters left to edit) and then I will finish the last chapter (one section left to write...). If I don't finish it soon, Logan may wander over here to pick a fight with Victor for his fair share of my time! Heh heh heh. Thanks to everyone who is reading, and those who are reviewing, especially! I love hearing what you think! Hugs to all, Anon
Well, sorry for taking forever on this chapter; I got employed again (Yay!) and therefore had to cut out a lot of my writing time. Chapter 7 is now posted, after a brief crisis in which I picked the definite wrong symbol to type to show my Japanese language dialogue! Yikes! It's fixed now, and re-posted. I hope you all enjoy, and please let me know what you think? Thanks! - Anon
Hi Gothicpug, Thanks for the compliment! I do have 12 pages written on the next chapter, with an average of 17 planned pages yet to go. For now (though Sabey may have other ideas) I plan to make chapter seven a slightly shorter one. I blame Tabitha; she wanted to play with fire for 12 pages instead of letting Sabey go to work. It ended up laying the groundwork nicely for both plot and character development, though, so I let it run. However, it upset my chapter time table, so I pushed the original chapter seven to eight. So now my original 11 chapters plotted out story has pushed into 13 chapters. My, Sabey's a greedy thing, isn't he? Also, I wanted to let everyone know that I happily got a new job! (Being unemployed sucks, especially in this economy). I've also been asked to run the author panel track at the Spooky Empire convention in Orlando, Florida the weekend of October 8-10! Very cool, and a lot of work to organize, with two schedules to put together as well (with a September 8th deadline). Obviously, all of this means that I now have a lot less time to write fan fics. I am remiss in not updating my Texas Chainsaw tale in ages, and my Wolverine story hangs there, needing only two chapter edits and the last section of the final chapter to be written before it will be finished. Doc Ock got updated, but needs another, and Sabey keeps running away with my muse (he's threatened to do terrible things if I don't hurry up with chapter seven!) *sigh* I will endeavor to get updates done in the midst of all this, but they may have some time gaps in between, and I apologize for that. As always, I promise to finish them, it just may take me awhile to do it. Incidentally, I also need to go back and do some edits on my older and completed stories, but I will wait to do that until after the current ones are done (all but Sabey, perhaps; if he's going to keep hijacking my time, I may work him in with completed story edits after his peers are wrapped up). Well, that's it for the update on "all things Anon". Thanks again for reading and reviewing, everyone!
I read enough comics (getting caught up from a long hiatus of collecting) to warrant edits in this tale, largely concerning Magneto. Found some typos, too, and fixed them. At present, I've posted these edits up to the end of chapter 7. I'm currently working on the edits for chapters 8 - 11, and I'll post them when they're done. Chapter 12, the last one, is 3/4 finished, and in need of an edit as well. After that, I will finish the last section of it and post it. Also, as with all of my tales as soon as I can post the edits, I am using this symbol: ~ ~ ~ to show a scene change within one POV section. It makes it clearer to read on smartphones. I hope you are all enjoying the story. Most of the changes are in chapter 5. - Anon