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Posts posted by Niara

  1. Several new chapters have been added, and all story codes on all stories have been updated and amended!

    Secondly, I'm been concerned about the rating level of these stories. I've listed them in Adult+ but I have had comments from a few friends that, given the nature of some pieces and the directness with which I handle them, they might actually need to be classified as Adult++. Any feedback on that score, whether the rating grade is appropriate or not, would be much appreciated!

  2. Hey folks,

    (If you read this general introduction paragraph in one of my other threads, it's just copied directly over, in case this thread is the only one you look at, so feel free to skip over it, if you've read it already.)

    So, I've been writing away and posting up my works intermittently for quite a while now, and I've always deeply craved feedback, or all sorts. Mostly I want to share my stories with anyone who'd care to read it, but beyond that, I very much welcome anyone who can offer comments, even if they're just notes to say things they liked or didn't, what things they felt worked, or didn't. Thus far, I've been unable to get anything but praise from readers, which, while I deeply appreciate it (and if you're so inclined, I do love it), doesn't help me improve, so I'm equally eager to hear from readers who can tear my work apart, pick all the holes and really put me through the wringer of detailed feedback.

    For a time, I checked back on my works, but, while views steadily climb, very rare is it that anyone reviews; all bar one of my submissions here remain on a solitary, lonely zero. Then, the other day, a friend told me that if I really wanted to grab the eye of readers who would feel inclined to comment back, then I really ought to swing over this way and put up promotion threads for them here. Turns out, this was a novel idea for me, so, here I am.


    This last set is notably less mainstream, and is a much more personal series of works. It is a series of ten fictions (soon to be eleven) that run alongside each other, and trace the stories, adventures, and intimate encounters of my own characters from the Lord of the Rings Online MMO, with each character representing one Class from the game.

    Many of them only have their introductory backgrounds posted as of yet, but a few have a respectable number of chapters to them, with more in the works. Much of what is seen in these chapters has some reflection of possible game events, areas, interactions or quest lines, but a lot of it, equally, will not. I shy away from retelling known in-game quests and story lines. Rather, I aim for realism, and realistic characters; individuals who are ordinary people first, and archetypes second.

    For the most part, they run separately for now, but my goal is to reach a point with each of them where they begin to tie up with one another.

    By definition, what you will read in these tales will be heavily OC focused, and you don't need to be familiar with the game (though some familiarity with general Tolkien lore would probably be helpful) to appreciate or enjoy them... however, those who are familiar with the game should hopefully find little bits and pieces that add in a twist of familiarity or nostalgia here and there.

    Unlike my other works on here, these tales don't shy away from the unpleasant, often nastier and rougher sides of life and trying to live in this sort of world and setting. Some of them go to some dark places.... and I don't mean Moria.

    Like all my other work, however, I want eagerly to her anything anyone has to say or offer or add, good or bad.

    Edit: Story Codes recently updated, to go with new chapters.

    Here they are:

    Author (All): NiaraAfforegate
    Feedback (All): Greatly Desired

    Fandom (All): LotRO (Lord of the Rings Online)

    Solo story or chaptered story (All): Chaptered

    Pairing (All): Various

    Title: Niara's Tales: Bow of the Righteous
    Summary: The Hunter's Story
    Warnings: 3Plus, Abuse, AFFO, Anal, Bi, Bond, Death and Murder, FF, HJ, MF, NC, OC, Oral, Rape, Solo (F), Tort, Violence (Sexual and Non-Sexual), Voy, WIP.

    URL: http://games.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600084902

    Title: Harla's Tale: Heart of Fire
    Summary: The Guardian's Story
    Warnings: 3Plus, Abuse, AFFO, Beast, Bond, Exhib, Fingering, HC, HJ, Hobbits, MF, NC, OC, Oral, Other (Forced Orgasm), Racist, Rape, Solo (F), Violence (Non-Sexual), Voy, WIP.
    URL: http://games.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600084903

    Title: Satin's Tale: Dealings Done
    Summary: The Burglar's Story
    Warnings: 3Plus, Abuse, AFFO, Anal, Bond, Death and Murder, Dom, HJ, MF, Minor1 (soft), Minor2, NC, OC, Oral, Peg, Rape, S&M, Solo (M), Tort, Violence (Sexual and Non-Sexual), Voy, WIP.
    URL: http://games.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600084904

    Title: Caranwyn's Tale: In Defence of Middle Earth
    Summary: The Captain's Story
    Warnings: 3Plus, AFFO, Bi, Bigotry, FF, Fingering HC, HJ, Inc, OC, Oral, SH, Solo (F), Violence (Non-Sexual), WIP.
    URL: http://games.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600084905

    Title: Khima's Tale: Song of the Hopeful Heart
    Summary: The Minstrel's Story
    Warnings: 3Plus, AFFO, Anal, Beast, Bi, DP, Exhib, FF, HC, HJ, MF, OC, Oral, Solo (F), Violence (Mild, Non-sexual), WIP.
    URL: http://games.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600084908

    Title: Sarabien's Tale: Noble Savage
    Summary: The Lore-Master's Story
    Warnings: AFFO, Anal, Beast (Mild, Only Sort Of), MF, OC, Solo (M), UST, Violence (Non-Sexual), Voy, WIP.
    URL: http://games.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600084911

    Title: Jakkin's Tale: Controlled Burn
    Summary: The Champion's Story
    Warnings: AFFO, Angst, Death and Killing, Dwarves (Baruk-Khazad!), OC, Violence (Non-Sexual), WIP.
    URL: http://games.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600084917

    Title: Kellin's Tale: Steady Hands
    Summary: The Rune-Keeper's Story
    Warnings: AFFO, Angst, Dwarves (Baruk-Khazad!), OC, Violence (Non-Sexual), WIP.
    URL: http://games.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600084962

    Title: Danas' Tale: Way of the Warden
    Summary: The Warden's Story
    Warnings: AFFO, Angst, B-Mod (Mild... Ear-Piercing), HC, Hobbits, MF, OC, Solo (M and F), UST, Violence (Non-Sexual), Voy, WIP.
    URL: http://games.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600084926

    Title: Tales From Sasham
    Summary: Collected Kinship Stories, between many player characters, including those belonging to other kinship members, used with their permission.
    Warnings: (Of necessity, by Individual Chapter)
    URL: http://games.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600086718

    As always, even if you only look at one and have a comment or criticism you'd like to pass along, I welcome and encourage it.


  3. Hey folks,

    (If you read this general introduction paragraph in one of my other threads, it's just copied directly over, in case this thread is the only one you look at, so feel free to skip over it, if you've read it already.)

    So, I've been writing away and posting up my works intermittently for quite a while now, and I've always deeply craved feedback, or all sorts. Mostly I want to share my stories with anyone who'd care to read it, but beyond that, I very much welcome anyone who can offer comments, even if they're just notes to say things they liked or didn't, what things they felt worked, or didn't. Thus far, I've been unable to get anything but praise from readers, which, while I deeply appreciate it (and if you're so inclined, I do love it), doesn't help me improve, so I'm equally eager to hear from readers who can tear my work apart, pick all the holes and really put me through the wringer of detailed feedback.

    For a time, I checked back on my works, but, while views steadily climb, very rare is it that anyone reviews; all bar one of my submissions here remain on a solitary, lonely zero. Then, the other day, a friend told me that if I really wanted to grab the eye of readers who would feel inclined to comment back, then I really ought to swing over this way and put up promotion threads for them here. Turns out, this was a novel idea for me, so, here I am.


    The third piece was written as a birthday gift for one of my partners, and is a response to a kink request challenge that she was unable to find elsewhere. Playing FFXIII-2, she wanted to read some weightless, zero-g erotica in the Historia Crux, and so I created this piece for her.

    The core pairing for the fic is Serah/Noel, but as part of that it deals quite substantially with the elements leading to that pairing, including the shift and change in her feelings, and the importance and nature of her other relationships.

    In this piece, I cross back and forth over, but never directly rehash the events of the game. I do, however reference them in and around the narrative, and a lot of the things mentioned are drawn directly from things directly observable in the game itself (such as Snow's refusal to look directly at Serah, excepting only two points, during their entire reunion).

    I also allude to other surrounding and past relationships that might raise a few eyebrows, but which I honestly feel there's real support for, within the existing lore context. As always, I'm more than happy, indeed I'd say eager, to chat about and discuss these things with anyone who is interested in doing so, and I welcome and and all forms of feedback and constructive criticism; poke your fingers through the holes and wiggle them around, if you like: it will help me improve.

    Author: NiaraAfforegate
    Title: Drifting
    Summary: Story of a shift in feelings, and making the most with the time you have. Takes place around the first half of the game; ties in but doesn't focus on game story events.
    Feedback: Highly Desired, in any form.
    Fandom: Final Fantasy XIII-2
    Pairing: Serah/Noel (Hinted at Serah/Lightning, Hinted at Ex-Relation Lightning/Snow)
    Warnings: Zero-G/Weightless Sex, MF, Mild Non-Sexual Violence, ChallengeFic
    Solo story or chaptered story: Chaptered, Complete.
    URL: http://ff.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600083268

  4. Hey folks,

    (If you read this general introduction paragraph in one of my other threads, it's just copied directly over, in case this thread is the only one you look at, so feel free to skip over it, if you've read it already.)

    So, I've been writing away and posting up my works intermittently for quite a while now, and I've always deeply craved feedback, or all sorts. Mostly I want to share my stories with anyone who'd care to read it, but beyond that, I very much welcome anyone who can offer comments, even if they're just notes to say things they liked or didn't, what things they felt worked, or didn't. Thus far, I've been unable to get anything but praise from readers, which, while I deeply appreciate it (and if you're so inclined, I do love it), doesn't help me improve, so I'm equally eager to hear from readers who can tear my work apart, pick all the holes and really put me through the wringer of detailed feedback.

    For a time, I checked back on my works, but, while views steadily climb, very rare is it that anyone reviews; all bar one of my submissions here remain on a solitary, lonely zero. Then, the other day, a friend told me that if I really wanted to grab the eye of readers who would feel inclined to comment back, then I really ought to swing over this way and put up promotion threads for them here. Turns out, this was a novel idea for me, so, here I am.


    The next piece is a simple one-off that I wrote while I was replaying FFXII, as a single chapter one-off, and as practice writing from a male's perspective. Being female, I usually write from the female perspective, especially when it comes to erotica, so how well or poorly my work reads and flows when written from male perspectives, as in this piece, is something I'm particularly interested in hearing about.

    Author: NiaraAfforegate
    Title: One Night
    Summary: Snapshot of a night for Vaan and Penelo, set a short but unspecific time before the events of the game.
    Feedback: Highly Desired, in any form.
    Fandom: Final Fantasy XII
    Pairing: Vaan/Penelo
    Warnings: MF, Oneshot, Vaguely PwP-ish
    Solo story or chaptered story: Single Oneshot, Complete.
    URL: http://ff.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600083134

  5. Hey folks,

    So, I've been writing away and posting up my works intermittently for quite a while now, and I've always deeply craved feedback, or all sorts. Mostly I want to share my stories with anyone who'd care to read it, but beyond that, I very much welcome anyone who can offer comments, even if they're just notes to say things they liked or didn't, what things they felt worked, or didn't. Thus far, I've been unable to get anything but praise from readers, which, while I deeply appreciate it (and if you're so inclined, I do love it), doesn't help me improve, so I'm equally eager to hear from readers who can tear my work apart, pick all the holes and really put me through the wringer of detailed feedback.

    For a time, I checked back on my works, but, while views steadily climb, very rare is it that anyone reviews; all bar one of my submissions here remain on a solitary, lonely zero. Then, the other day, a friend told me that if I really wanted to grab the eye of readers who would feel inclined to comment back, then I really ought to swing over this way and put up promotion threads for them here. Turns out, this was a novel idea for me, so, here I am.

    The first story, and my oldest one here, I believe, is a Kingdom Hearts fiction, from Kairi's perspective, and focused on the deepening of the main trio's relationship in the time after the events of KH2, but before Dream Drop.

    Author: NiaraAfforegate
    Title: Memories of Destiny Islands
    Summary: Kairi's reflections on the events that further deepened the bonds between herself, Sora and Riku.
    Feedback: Highly Desired, in any form.
    Fandom: Kingdom Hearts
    Pairing: Kairi/Sora, Kairi/Riku, Sora/Kairi/Riku.
    Warnings: MF, MMF, Oral, HJ, Anal (in alternate chapter), Mild Non-Sexual Violence.
    Solo story or chaptered story: Chaptered, Complete.
    URL: http://games.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600084537&chapter=1

    Any and all comments, criticisms and feedback welcome.


  6. This is just an update post, mostly.

    I'd like to thank the few readers who've contacted me for your comments, and to Rothco and Dagr, your input in particular has been helpful.

    I know there's not a lot of folk reading these at the moment, but for the small collection who are, jsut wanted to mention that there's new chapters up for Harla and Niara since I last poked my nose in here.

    Also, comments/critcisms/review/etc. all greatly craved, from anyone and everyone.


  7. Hi all, Niara here,

    I'm posting here to mention that I'm posting up the startings of a whole series of tales involving characters within Lord of the Rings Online, the MMO universe of Tolkien's Middle Earth. There isn't much up there at the moment, but I wanted to mention what I'm doing, and working on, so you'll see the larger picture. I'm wiritn a seperate fic for each of nine characters, that correspond with different player characters, one from each class within LoTRo. the individual chapters of the fics won't necessarily be contiguious with each other; some will be snapshot scenes, others might have some carry-over chapter to chapter, but they will all roughly mark out the pregression of each adventurer. They will, of course, all be completely unique stories and events; it would be rather boring for me to tell roughly the same tale nine time in a row, after all.

    They will also have all sorts of content, to tickle the fancy of just about anyone with just about any particular fetish or preference (barring a few exceptions that simply never occur... I blame the characters). Because of that, though, not all of the fics, or all of the tales within will be for everyone; those who enjoy Caranwyn's stories might find Satin's utterly distasteful. Fair warning.

    Currently, the fics I've posted up have backstory for the character they will be focused on. Further chapters will begin their actual tales. The tags on them don't currently apply, but are markers for what the fic as a whole will contain when its chronicles are all told.

    I should note, the primary focus is smut, hopefully good smut... but I've been told that I often take a while getting to said smut; I build and lead up, I write and immerse and attempt to paint a very vivid and easy to feel atmosphere around the raw smut, because I've always found that I enjoy written erotica more when I feel like I really know the folk involved... so if at any point it feels like 'too much words, not enough sex', that's why.

    As for updating, I can make no promises on how often or when, and I'm sorry about that. Life keeps me busy sometimes, and not at others, and I write whatever sequences I'm most inspired to write at any given time, but won't publish them out of order, so that may also lead to sporadic and uneven updates.

    Title: Varied, but named for their characters.

    Author: me, Niara Afforegate.

    Rating: Adult+

    Summary: Various tales concerning a handful of adventurers.

    Feedback: Oh gods, please yes! I crave it, I hunger for it! I want you all to tear my work to ribbons from the ground up and give me reviews and feedback that details all the things I'm doing badly, or things i ought to improve, things that dind't read well, or sit well, or broke immersion, bits that made you double-take, or re-read because it dind't obtain propperly at first glance... I want to improve, and as long as it's constructive, i want to hear the worst you've got. But also, if there's eomthign you think I'm doing really well, somethign you particularly liked, a technique or method or feel that you found great, let me know htat too, please. Poor hungry writer girl feeds on review and comments. Please don't let her starve!

    URL: http://games.adult-fanfiction.org/main.php?list=1769, for now, being that the LotRo page.

    At anyrate, thanks all for taking the time to read through this, and thanks in advance if you decided to go take a gander at any of my work.

    Thanks again, and happy reading all,


  8. I'm pretty sure that the site load issue must be on your end somehow; I've always had near instant loads and uploads here. **shurgs**

    As for the review thing, it has been stated in the rules and FaQs here the reason why replying to reviews isn't allowed, and why writing reviews for your own work won't be tollerated... So as nice as it might be on the well meaning side to be able to thank people for their reviews right there on the page, and talk about it with them, it's most likely not going to happen because of the ramifcations of the less than well-meaning - there's a specific FaQ dealing with the reasons why not.

    That said, if someone writes you a review you'd like to respond to or converse with them about, you can always send them a private message or email if they've allowed it to be seen.

    A more advanced way of searching for fics would be nice, true, but at the same time, the only reason finding what you're after is only an issue because there's so much in the general sections of categories... with more sub-sections, and with mroe fixed being filed in sub-categories suitable to them rather than 'general', seraching for what you're after wouldn't be an issue anyway, no?

    I'd agree that a way to change the display style of the archive would be nice, though, in the mean time, have you tried transferring the text of the fics you want to read into another document and changing the font/style etc. from there?


  9. Catagory name: The Lord of the Rings Online

    Section catagory to be in: Games

    Do you have any stories for it?: Not yet... in the works.

    Don't have any ready myself yet (will have a few eventually when I get my thesis done...) but figured it ought to have a section, like the other popular MMOs on here.


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