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Everything posted by Sheireen

  1. Sheireen

    Your Pethra

    Does anyone know what happend to the story "Your Pethra"? It was one of my favourites but when I tried to open the link today the page/story couldn't be found.
  2. If i'm not completly mistaken then this is the story you are searching for: The Wizarding World's Whore by Nocturne Have fun!
  3. Sheireen

    Looking for Mpreg

    I know which story you are searching for. Unfortunately I don't remember the name or author. But I think I can give a more detailed summary to help with the search. The story beginns with the main character standing before a grave an 'speaking' with the person burried there. He tells them how he has lost contact with the rest of their group and how he was a member of a scient-project with the result that he is now pregnant and on the run from the scientist because off the way the treated him. His plan is to take the next 'ship' to the sector in which he and the others of their group have grown up in and find the farm where they lived to live there with his three unborn children. When he enters the ship he pretends to be a really fat men so noone will see his babybump and he won't be found by the sientist. That sheme goes well for a time, but when the ship comes in turbulence he falls from a ladder and wakes up in the infarmery with the doctor and captain by his side. The two have found out his secret and he tells them his story and the two agree to help him. He gets new quatters in the cargo hold and helps by cataloging the cargo till the doctor says it's to cold in there for him and the babies. Then his is brought to the room of the captain. It's then that the ship is attacked by 'aliens' that don't accept homosexually and are really confused about the pregnant male human. The aliens agree to let the ship be if the captain can proof that the pregnant male is realls his 'mate' by claiming him sexually in front of them. Tha captain who is a virgin till this point (because his tribe only ever has sex with one person and that is their partner for life and he hasn't found his yet) is extremly relucant but does as they say because he doesn't want his crew killed. I hope that is enough to help searching. If not I can give you the rest of the story or more details. And I apologize for my terrible english, too. It's not my mother tounge.
  4. If you like slash than I would recommend anything from Twisted Hilarity and dextrousleftie.
  5. Read here: http://www2.adult-fanfiction.org/forum/index.php/topic/21996-the-bet-by-delilagrace/
  6. I believe you have confused a few details but the story you are looking for is Ribbon by Jenner. It has one or two sequels, too. So if you're interested then just look for Jenner here or an fictionpress.com
  7. Your are looking for a story that was written by LeoZodiac a few years back. He/she took it down 2 years ago. I can't remember the title but it was the reason I put LeoZodiac on my alert list on fanfiction.net.
  8. Sheireen


    Who can you turn to by voldyismoldy
  9. Not Quite there yet Here it is. Have fun!
  10. You are looking for Partner by Ayato. There are also a sequel to the story (at least if I'm not mistaken) and several spin offs.
  11. Sheireen


    The story you are looking for is What It Means To Be An A'erthè by Ange Noir. It's the rewrite of "Fallen For A Veela" by tatil. I don't know if the story is on AFF.net, so the link will bring you to TSS.net, another Harry Potter Fan Site.
  12. Sheireen


    Making Sweet Lemonade by MyInnerVoiceDick
  13. No. Cassierose is definetly searching for another fic. I know both storys and I must say I'm really suprised that both are not longer on AFF. net. Unfortunately I don't know why "Lynch Pin" was deleted or taken down but it's really a shame. I simply loved Caelyn because he wasn't your normal protagonist. The most protagonists are always beautiful and a have no faults. But Caelyn was not only mute but also a little on the chubby site. It was a really nice change...
  14. The first one is Missing Malfoy by Slashy Snitch. Harry is turned into a ferret by Pansy while duelling Blaise. Draco finds him and takes care of him. It's actually a serie with three parts. The other two are Ferret's Play and Perfectly Flawed.
  15. Sheireen


    I believe the story you're looking for is Kinder, Kindler, Kindlier by Lomonaaeren.
  16. Sheireen


    I would recommend Vorabiza as an author in generell not only "Malfoy Flavor". She is an great author and there is no way in hell that you will not like her storys, because one cannot not like them. It's impossible. I would also suggest that you read "Secrets" when you're done with "Malfoy Flavor". I personally like "Secrets" more but in the end it doesn't matter which one yor read first. Like I said she is a great author and cannot not lik her storys.
  17. Sheireen


    I'm not really sure about this story, but it has dragons, smut and a lot of plot. Dragon Boy by Ambers 79 I personally love this fic even if it's not finished.
  18. Sheireen

    Harry/ draco

    I think the story you are searching for is Renaissance by Cheryl Dyson.
  19. No the story is on AFF. It's called 'Unwilling Participant' by Midnightsscream, but it has not been updated in quite some time.
  20. I think the story you are looking for is Some jokes just aren't funny.... If love this one you should try her original storys. They are great, too.
  21. I don't know if you have read "My beloved treasure" here on AFF.net or on ff.net. But if you read it here you should look it up on ff.net 'cause the author has uploaded more chapters there.
  22. Try this one: Loser It should meet your requirements. ^^
  23. The story is called Independence by just dreaming, one of my personal favourites. Enjoy! P.S.: The dragon-like beings are called Ri's (sub) and Ro's (dom). ^^
  24. The story is called Reap the Whirlwind by dpiloff (one of my personal favourite authors ). Hope you have fun!
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