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Everything posted by zanbandia

  1. Not it but thanks for the story! I'm gonna start reading it.
  2. The first story I'm looking for is a LV/HP story. All I remember is Voldemort calling Harry kitten and breaking into Privet Drive. He kills the Dursleys and gives Harry a lust potion. Can't remember much else. Second on is a Snarry but Snape is Harry's dad. I know that harry is hunting for the horcruxes and gets seprerated from ron and hermione and snape basically has him stay until they know for sure harry can get away. Snape didn't have sex with Lily he described more to the virgin mary story. He said he was more like a donor and harry technically has three parent. If anyone knows what these stories are called and where to find them please send links!
  3. I never read it. I just remember the summary. something about sirius' and severus' last year and Sirius fool snape into a relationship and makes him believe it, but in the end(it implies) that he hurt Severus deeply. If I find the fic I'll put the link up and I can't and I'm hoping someone read it. I saw it on FF.net, but now I can't find it and ff.net's search engine can be such a pain. -edit- lol...I always seem to stumble across fics I'm looking for after I've posted on here for help. Anyway, I'm pretty sure this is it if anyone wants to read it :http://www.fanfiction.net/s/1675910/1/Find_You Ignore the above summary on it. I was completely off. Just seems to be about Sirius playing a prank on snape and not understand the serious consequences to performing unknown spells. Pretty decent.
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