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Everything posted by Ryder

  1. Girl With One Eye in my pants (Florence and the Machine)
  2. 33159
  3. 33146
  4. OMG I am like totally obsessed with that Bubble Shooter game...

    1. JayDee


      I asked him to marry me first.

  5. Old member, here... Hi! I'm Andy, a 24 year old (25 next month) Aussie gay guy. I ride a loud and shiny motorbike, surf very occasionally, play PC games from time to time, abuse cardboard targets with arrows, spend way too much time reading books on piracy throughout history, used to be a super heavy drinker until I started taking antidepressants a few weeks ago, and absolutely love classic cars and muscle cars. I drive my dream car - a '81 Chrysler Valiant CM Regal 265 Hemi, the last of the Valiants and an Aussie classic. His name is Hercules and he is my pride and joy. I don't have much of a life and my car is my entire world - with a life of depression I consider the car my life-support system, so I just have to mention it. I write an absolute ton of M/M smut, but don't share much of it - and the few bits I do share is only shared through my signature on various forums I frequent, so nobody actually reads it anyway. I started writing when I was a teenager because I had no friends, no boyfriend to play out my fantasies with, and writing worked (to some extent) as a temporary escape from a life of serious depression and utter suicidal loneliness, so an audience was never important for my writing. Though, sadly that all still applies. I love fantasy, dark fantasy, post-apocalyptic and science-fiction settings, and generally steer clear of anything involving real-world settings or anything even slightly reminiscent of real life situations and dramas. So... that's me.
  6. Well, I've gone through a couple of names here. First it was AusyAndy because my name is Andy, and I'm an Aussie. I have generally been using that name everywhere for the past 10 years. A while ago I started using Ark on a gaming forum, kind of taking on the persona of one of my characters (or trying to), and had intended to change all my usernames to that, where possible. I finally came up with the perfect name: Rod_Ryder, or shortened to just Ryder if available, as my writing (and anything smut-related) alias. It should not be difficult to figure out what the name means
  7. Simply a way to casually share my smut.
  8. I guess it doesn't really need much explaining, but just in case it does: :drool:
  9. I started writing stories when I was a teenager to combat loneliness and severe depression. Writing was simply the best form of escapsm for me; it was a distraction, keeping my mind busy and at least a little bit excited. I wasn't living a life I wanted to live at all, didn't have any friends or a boyfriend, but I could at least lose myself in my characters' wonderful, exciting, love-filled lives, even if only for a moment. Though I only still write (from time to time) for the exact same reasons I started all those years ago.
  10. How cute. Who said anything about measuring in real life? You're the one that is bringing that up, I'd say you seem almost obsessed with the idea since you made a point to post purely to share that comment. What has specifying a character's length got to do with getting out the tape and measuring your own? And what do you have to be so against it? Do you feel the need to compare yours or are you just so anti-dick that you don't wanna know/read/hear about them? Curious, if you are so against knowing a fictional character's size, or have such a problem with writers mentioning it in their stories, what about a female character's breast size? Do you have the same problem with cup sizes being mentioned in fiction or is that somehow more okay?... It's a normal and important part of the male body, why should it's specs be ignored when all others are not? If I'm writing a smutty story or scene, specifying my character's features in every detail when I introduce him or describe his body gives me a better idea of how he looks and what I can do with him. It has nothing to do with your immature assumption that I must be measuring my own my dick thank you very much, which I don't feel the need to do not that it matters. [By the way; any male that claims they have never measured themselves, at the very least when they were a curious young teen, are lying through their teeth. If you aren't lying then you probably are one of the few men on the planet that hasn't done it for whatever reason, which would in fact not make you the normal ones. It's normal to be curious about things like that, and to own up to it because although you might have a problem with it there's absolutely nothing wrong with knowing how big you are down there. Unless you're ashamed of your body.][And FYI: Ones length is actually also an important part of hooking up with gay men, as much as any other aspect of ones appearance might be for straight people when looking for a fuck (eg; breast size is a consideration) so I don't think you should be insulting about a normal thing that you somehow think isn't.] We're done here. Thanks for your valuable insight, though.
  11. Not a fan of 'rules' for writing. These lists just take all the colour, feeling, personal touch, the Humanity, out of a story. Got to agree with most of these replies. Well said, all.
  12. When describing my main character, I'll be as specific as I can. The story is always about him, so I make a point to include such details in the best way I can at the time, depending on the genre/style of story which will dictate just how I go about it, but his measurements will be there (and yes, sometimes even the length of his cock depending on the story (which is in my opinion frankly no different or weirder than stating a female character's cup size. And if sex is part of the story, then of course you'd want to describe the organs involved at some point)). My secondary or background characters get the more vague "He was a tall guy" treatment.
  13. ^ I've also been going over some of my own stuff. A lot of older fiction and short scenes that I've been digging up on my computer have been making me question my grammar and punctuation a lot lately so I've started digging through everything almost obsessively. Such fun. Not. As for the Original Post, I can't stand that kind of super-abbreviation and it's beyond me if/why anyone can think it's an acceptable way to write a story. I can't even stand it in text messages, let alone a freakin' novel. Though, I haven't really seen it much in stories, and the few I have ever encountered called for an instant Alt+Tab. Seen it a lot in forum role-playing, though. Any kind of abbreviation is unnecessary in story writing, in my opinion, unless it's how a particular character is talking and then it needs to be appropriately noted/acknowledged so a pile of random letters or incomplete words aren't suddenly just dumped onto the reader's lap.
  14. If I just get an 'awesome' idea for a story (or a scene I want to use in a story at some point) I'll just start writing, with no plan or direction in mind. That's probably why I have so many WiPs or story introductions and no actual complete work. If I'm lucky during the course of 'just writing' I'll think of bits/scenes/plot to add somewhere down the track and then some kind of direction to take it becomes somewhat apparent. There's only one story I've written where I've planned out what I want to happen at each chapter, like where I want the character to be, his situation or life, etc., and that seemed to work out very well for me (both in the result and the productivity and attention it squeezed from me while writing it while I had something more to drive for), but I haven't been able to properly do that with anything else.
  15. When it comes to a erotic fiction, it seems pointless to me why anyone would bother unless using slang and naughty words. That's what make it hot a lot of the time. It's SEX, not some lovey-dovey flowery poem to recite to grandma. Clinical (or even just plain weird) terms just kill the mood. Even other stuff like, Sex to refer to a sexual organ, flower, etc are a massive mood killer for me. And not to forget the many other ridiculous euphemisms that are used way too much it seems, and are more disturbing than sexy. I don't read or write female stuff so I only have to deal with words for male anatomy. When I write I always just use Cock, Dick, Erection, Member, Shaft, Balls, Cum, Seed (sometimes if it fits at the time), and nothing else really. That's also what I expect to see when reading M/M fiction. They're clear terms, not something that sound like you need to look up medical books or solve a riddle to understand, and they don't sound like they're trying to trick people into thinking they aren't 'dirty' or even remotely related to sex. It's raw and to-the-point, and quite frankly, that's what is hot. If I wanted to say someone's having sex, I'd say they're "fucking" not "having intercourse". For me slang will always win out against proper anatomical terms and also silly 'flowery' euphemisms.
  16. If my parents knew that when I was 16 me and my best friend at the time gave each other blowjobs one night at the local park down the road from my house, I don't have a clue how they would have reacted, but his church-going christian mother probably wouldn't have taken it very well. And she certainly would have freaked if she found out that after that first time at the park, we gave each other blowjobs in her living-room most weekends when I stayed over. At least then she'd know why I was always smiling when I was there. (She always commented on how I smiled all the time, lol)
  17. Amen to that brutha! My sig is a pic of my dream bike, the 'Black Death' chopper ridden by Mickey Rourke in my all-time favorite movie Harley Davidson and the Marlboro Man. This bike (based on the Harley FXR frame) is practically my whole reason for living. I plan on building one in the next couple of years.
  18. Keep the Faith in my pants. (Bon Jovi) We Didn't Start The Fire in my pants. (Billy Joel) Let It Be in my pants. (Beatles) and just one more..... Hardline in my pants. (Waylon Jennings)
  19. The Boys Light Up, in my pants.
  20. I voted undecided. But, the other day I saw a story on the news about them (the science people) may be able to choose the gender of a child before it is born. This is just disgusting, and going way too far! There's a faint line between 'science' and 'science - removing the natural order of life, death and the world, so they can take control over everything', if you know what I mean. When bowling, you cross that line on the lane and your shot doesn't count. Medical Science needs to see that line and stay the f*ck behind it! Start saving some lives instead of trying to choose and design unborn babies.
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