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Everything posted by gwengwel

  1. She is not a fury but in fury (angry) This is by MotherKali http://www.asstr.org/~Mother_Kali/index.html
  2. It's there: http://naradragonfly.livejournal.com/tag/bedsprings
  3. It's 'The Surrogate Species' by Mother Kali can be found there: http://www.asstr.org/~Mother_Kali/surrogate1.html
  4. I think it's 'The Sauna' http://original.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600102810
  5. It's 'The end of the world' by Poppendol. She take her story down here: http://original.adul...p?no=1296817047 But you can find the 18 chapters that were wrote on the site Original Slave Fiction: http://orig-slavefic...or:%20poppendol Sadly the last chapter wrote was in Nov 09.
  6. Hooo! Forget to add the X. loll Thank
  7. Does anyone know what happened to the writer bloodyunicorns and her stories The pack's baby and her others one? She not on FP anymore too!
  8. The second was Resistance is futile by Akabane. She erase completely her profile.
  9. gwengwel


    I'm pretty sure that's by Dextrousleftie. Don't remember the title however. http://original.adul...p?no=1296791750
  10. gwengwel


    Can you be a bit more precise... They're like 500 stories here with the same summary.
  11. It's by 'Wingsofadream' and on her page the story is deleted. Not explication give by the writer.
  12. The writer erase all her profile. I'm sad it's was a really good story. http://original.adult-fanfiction.org/authors.php?no=1296859940
  13. gwengwel

    Saddle Up

    It was take down because the writer's going to published it on her personal site, you can find it there: http://www.dlsyaoi-polloi.com/
  14. gwengwel

    M/M Guy with OCD

    That's Emerson by Maureen Willmann (named Ree before). It's can be found incomplete on FP and complete in his LJ there http://maureenwillmann.livejournal.com/ (it's semi-friendly)
  15. It's 'Broken: October City Story' http://original.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600097324
  16. You can find her story here, http://community.livejournal.com/orig_slav...or:%20poppendol but the last chappy was in nov09... and her LJ do not have info about her.
  17. The end of the world by poppendol
  18. I don't know what fandom you're after but this is in my recommended reading list: hummmm.......someone didn't see that it's was posted in ORIGINAL fiction lolllllllllll
  19. She delete all his account because someone stole one of his work (maybe baby) and since she didn't like it....good bye story!
  20. You can found a lot of BDSM story at Nifty. Their stories are classed by genre. But it's not for faint heart and it's gay guys that write about gay guys that do the nasty. Some story can be really hard (institutionalized slavery, uro, scato, torture) but they are easy to see, on top of the story this guys use tags to help the readers. Story of tim and Child of Mythra are good story to read here.
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