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Everything posted by nightrunnin

  1. the only story i know that has the boys of gryfindor making sex toys of thir dicks is called Chasing the Dragon by Calanthe here http://www.thehexfiles.net/viewstory.php?sid=3678
  2. You'll love this story Black Magic by Moonlight - A Harry Potter/Anita Blake xover by Beren Summary: Harry Potter could find trouble in paradise and when Draco sends him to St Louis for a holiday it's not paradise and there's lots of trouble. With dark magic, vampires, lycanthropes and more, who else could sort it out but Anita Blake? Harry/Nathaniel/Draco, Harry/Draco, Anita/Micah , Asher/Anita/J-C, Anita/Nathaniel, Rated: Death Sentence - NC-17 http://www.thesilversnitch.net/tss1/viewstory.php?sid=6928&warning=6
  3. i am looking for any completed stories where Harry merges with his pre-hogworts self, to change the events of the following years. pref gen or slash pairings
  4. this is not the one i am looking for, harry has no animal to help him see and harry uses a cain given by snape from his family vault
  5. the only one i know that sounds like that is a DM/HP fic called ''Save a horse ride a cowboy" and it is a mpreg fic but it is gone. it can be found at this address http://www.hpfandom.net/eff/viewstory.php?sid=28764
  6. ya i remember that one, it was a dom!harry i prefer sub!harry stories. thanx for replying anyway.
  7. i am trying to find stories that feature Harry preferring to go nude. could i get a list or links to any such stories , preferably completed stories. i would prefer sub!harry and under romance category. I remember one where as soon as harry enters snapes rooms he disrobes, what story was that in?
  8. i cant remember the name but # 1 is on ff.net if that helps, search "blind"
  9. i am tying to find a story where harry draws pis in his essay to snape draws back, and this is the start of their romance, please help me find it again
  10. I think its been abandoned though
  11. plz help, i only read the fic once and the only thing i remember from it is that harry is disabled (possibly blind ) , and sev is his father and only harry knows. sev gives harry a cane that was an old family heirloom and harry is very touched about this. please help me if u have seen this fic or anything like it.
  12. harry is an avitar, snape is his father, ron and hermione are bigots, lord moldyshorts is his creator. plz help me find this story
  13. yes that is the one i was looking for thank you
  14. i am trying to find a moresome story harry has 3 mates draco , sev and another. they go to harry's home and totally redo his room with wizerding spaces as a suit wit its own common room walk-in closets , 2 bathrooms and a wall to wall bed. i cant remember where i read it or what the tittle was please help.
  15. nightrunnin


    Family Whore by SuicideKing at http://hp.adult-fanfiction.org/authors.php?no=1296774603 is all ginny and the family's use of her
  16. i am trying to find a story i have read before but cant remember the name or where i found it, please help me. i can only remember a few points 1)harry is being trained by sev in a barn with a male friend and healer 2)harry gets his own place 3) the relationship starts in 7th year and the story goes past graduation 4) harry has a burn around his neck from his uncle. please help. any other good recommendations are welcome to, can never have too many good fanfics lol
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