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  1. the only story i know that has the boys of gryfindor making sex toys of thir dicks is called Chasing the Dragon by Calanthe here http://www.thehexfiles.net/viewstory.php?sid=3678
  2. You'll love this story Black Magic by Moonlight - A Harry Potter/Anita Blake xover by Beren Summary: Harry Potter could find trouble in paradise and when Draco sends him to St Louis for a holiday it's not paradise and there's lots of trouble. With dark magic, vampires, lycanthropes and more, who else could sort it out but Anita Blake? Harry/Nathaniel/Draco, Harry/Draco, Anita/Micah , Asher/Anita/J-C, Anita/Nathaniel, Rated: Death Sentence - NC-17 http://www.thesilversnitch.net/tss1/viewstory.php?sid=6928&warning=6
  3. thanks
  4. i am looking for any completed stories where Harry merges with his pre-hogworts self, to change the events of the following years. pref gen or slash pairings
  5. this is not the one i am looking for, harry has no animal to help him see and harry uses a cain given by snape from his family vault
  6. the only one i know that sounds like that is a DM/HP fic called ''Save a horse ride a cowboy" and it is a mpreg fic but it is gone. it can be found at this address http://www.hpfandom.net/eff/viewstory.php?sid=28764
  7. thanx
  8. ya i remember that one, it was a dom!harry i prefer sub!harry stories. thanx for replying anyway.
  9. i am trying to find stories that feature Harry preferring to go nude. could i get a list or links to any such stories , preferably completed stories. i would prefer sub!harry and under romance category. I remember one where as soon as harry enters snapes rooms he disrobes, what story was that in?
  10. Thank you!!
  11. i cant remember the name but # 1 is on ff.net if that helps, search "blind"
  12. i am tying to find a story where harry draws pis in his essay to snape draws back, and this is the start of their romance, please help me find it again
  13. I think its been abandoned though
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