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I know the story you're looking for & am posative I have it saved in my favs, just can't remember the title off the top of my head, but I'm sure it's not the one listed above. I'll look thru and get back to you, although it may take me a day ot two.
I remember The Baby Project, it was never finished, was it? The only one that comes immediatly to my mind is Future Parents Program by Avari20.
I think the fic you're looking for may be A Girl Called Granger by AnneM
I've read a few that have this concept, but one comes immediatly to mind .... It's a WIP, called The Plight-Trothed Bride by beaweasley2 on Ashwinder. If I get a chance, I'll try to look up the others for you, but it might take me a couple of days. Edited to add ... Did a quick look thru & also found this one, Three Blooms in the Cauldron by Melusin, also on Ashwinder. Also, Although it doesn't fit exactly what you're looking for,there is one that Hermione & Ginny get cursed in the final battle that leads to them needing to find their soulmate (thru a spell) to save their lives. It's One Vital Ingredient by cocoachristy I'll pop back when I locate any others.
I know I've read a few that fit what you're looking for, unfortunatly they've blended together in my head & I have trouble remembering the titles .... It may take me a while, but I'll look thru those I saved to my favs to see if I can find any of them.
I'm pretty sure you may be looking for ... Sang Froid, by FlowersBecomeScreens, a great story - unfortunatly a WIP and has not been updated in ages (I still check every couple of weeks LOL)
I've got quite a few of these saved in my favs (mostly with either Draco or Severus), problem is sorting thru them & remembering which are which! LOL For now, I'll list what comes to me right off the top of my head. The one that comes immediatly to mind is a WIP (8 chapters so far) called Somewhere in the Middle by iampast1 - Draco/Hermione Another that comes to mind is Broken by inadaze22. Although in that one her life was normal just until after the final battle...then a rough life is putting it mildly - really good, heart wrenching story, it's complete. - Draco/Hermione Another that comes to mind (also complete at 5 chapters) is The Escort by HermioneMalfoyFan. In this one, again, hardships come latter in life. She's working as an escort to help pay for later schooling & raising a daughter (with a life threatning ilness) by herself. - Draco/Hermione I know I have at least several more (ones including her earlier life being very difficult), but won't get a chance to look for them until after the holiday.
Sorry about that ...I know in that one they are working on a cure & they actually have to get in the bath to apply it. I'm sure I've read the one you are looking for, but at this point so many mix together in my head it's sometimes hard to differentiate. The cream stands out in my memory ... I'l try to look thru the ones I saved to my favs & see if I can find it, but it will take me a couple of days. Did she make the cream/salve and give it to him as a Christmas gift? I remember reading one where that happened (the ingredients were very rare). Hopefully someone will know it right away.
It's been a long time since I started reading it, but I think it could be Looking for Magic by Hypnobarb? It's at 115 (long) chapters so far (only 4 chapters left to go), but unfortunatly, hasn't been updated in about 10 months. I have to say though, this one is worth the wait ....one of the most interesting, well written stories I've ever read. She suffered a personal loss and on her profile it says: "When my fun and fluffy muse comes back, I will return to Looking for Magic. We'll be okay. Losing someone you love is never easy, but it helps if you have faith."
The first story I was talking about is called Time's Treasure by debjunk As for the stories where Hermione is 'dropped into' someone else's life .... these haven't been updated in a while, it's sad, because they're really interesting stories. One Bell, One Sound by Svelte Rose Deus Ex Machina by Utopia (very dark beginning, but authors notes are very clear before any dark parts) I know I had some others, but I'm having trouble finding them ... I'll make sure to come back to post if I do find them.
Yep, that's it! She had/has some great stories (unfortunatly some were left unfinished) I remember now, hearing she stopped writting FanFicton to publish origonals. I think someone said that particular story was taken down & she was re-working it with-out being in the HP world. She's a very talented writer. Edited to add: I went on a search & found this http://www.manicreaders.com/ShilohMDarke/... apparently she's doing some e-books too! The story being asked about HAS been re-worked, called & is now called Magic's Reflection
I'm not usually into slash, but have recently decided to give some stories that came highly recommended a try, and was very glad I did....they ended up being very sweet. This is the only one I've been able to re-locate for now, but I'll tryto find some of the other stories for you as well. Secrets by Vorbiza http://www.thesilversnitch.net/tss1/viewst...6&warning=6 Have you ever read any of the de-aging stories? NOTHING inapproprieat happens between them while one of them is de-aged - that's just .... blech. I've read several that were very sweet (and very funny), but I'll have to look for them, this one was the only one I could locate right now (I will warn you that child abuse/molestation does come up, but in the aspect that they find out Draco was abused by his father when he was younger). Malfoy Child by Vorabiza http://www.hpfandom.net/eff/viewstory.php?sid=3397 I'm in the process of reading one that is Harry/Draco (very sweet & loving) and HG/SS (um, not so sweet - angsty), it is long - but it is an amazing story, WIP but is updated faithfully every thursday (with occasional bonus chapters) it's called The Problem with Purity by Silver Birch
I skimmed thru the one I was thinking of & it wasn't what you were looking for, although it is a good story. She goes back to specifically try to change attitudes and befriend SS & LM int heir 7th year, DD has her act as a teachers assistant. I have a couple I have on my 'watch list' (meaning they're WIP or haven't been updated in a while) - that are Hermione "dropping into another life" - that are really good. If you're interested, I'll post the URLs for you.
Napolean Complex is on the list I check every few weeks, hoping it will be someday finished. I just finished a really good story that you might like .... although it fudges a bit about Hermioney going to the future - what I mean by that is, thru a charmed object she thinks she has lost 5 years of her life (amnesia), to find out she's now married to Severus - the story continues up until they've just seen their youngest great-grandchild off on the Hogworts Express ~ Hermione awakes, panicked, confused & gieving - only to find out only about 10 minutes has acuially passed. The memories of that life are so vivid - Was it dream, a vision, or something more? ... it goes on from there, but that's all I'm going to say. It's called "A Life Unlived" by sshg316 and can be found here http://ashwinder.sycophanthex.com/viewstor...d=21032&i=1
I remember this story, Draco puts him in the mirror for his safety .... but then something happens to Draco (can't remember if he dies or looses his memory). Hermioney is blinded in the final battle. Her mother finds the mirror at an antique shop & can hear Lucius, which shocks him. Somehow, Hermioney acidently enters the mirror with him & is shocked to find she can see when in there - Is that the one???? I remember it being a really good story, but I think it was abandoned. I'll go on a hunt forit though - I would love th find that it was ultimatly finished!