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Everything posted by sanlin22

  1. sanlin22

    h/d fic

    thank you! that's it
  2. sanlin22

    h/d fic

    hi I'm looking for a fic where Dumbledore gives Harry a potion that lets him travel to Voldemort's mind but makes him really sick. he starts traveling the pathways in another world even without the potion and brings back the old gods. I know it was a Harry/Draco but I/m not sure which site i found it on.
  3. I don't know if anyone is still looking for this, but I think the second story is Saving Draco Malfoy by Dayspring. Here's the link: http://www.fanfiction.net/s/5791844/1/bSav...aco_b_bMalfoy_b
  4. Yes that's it! Thank you!
  5. I'm looking for a fic where Draco and Harry are together but Harry is hiding or in exile from the wizarding world. Draco is a teacher at Hogworts so they don't spend much time together but they have a huge family, i think it was 6 or 7 kids. I think they lived in a muggle town. I remember that Harry had to take the kids to swim practice and Draco forgot some of their names. At the end of the fic Draco realizes what he was missing being away from his family. Let me know if you find it, thanks!
  6. Hi I'm looking for a fic where Draco has a special spell that shows all of a person's strengths and weaknesses on a scroll as well as what that person thinks about themselves. I remember that Dumbledore was dancing on his. Draco decides to use the spell on Harry to get information and ends up falling for him. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!
  7. Nevermind I found it myself. If anyone is curious it was Draco's Boy by empathic siren
  8. Hi I'm looking for a fic where Harry and his family move in next door to Draco and his mother. Draco and Harry become best friends even though Harry is being abused. Draco leaves for a fancy boarding school and comes back to find that Harry did not do well in his absence. Harry then goes to school with Draco where Severus is a botany professor. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!
  9. It's Desperate Measures by VVC here's the link: Desperate Measures
  10. I was trying to remember what this fic was and I think it was AFF that I saw it. I can't remember that much about it but I know that Dumbledore gives Harry a potion that keeps him from developing sexually. I'm not 100% sure that it's dm/hp but i figured that was a good guess because that is what I usually read. Thanks!
  11. thank you so much! i couldn't remember which website it was on
  12. I am looking for a fic where Harry is abandoned in a forest and raised by Remus and Sirius. They are taken because they are magical creatures and sold as slaves to the Malfoys and Snape. Draco wants to become Lord Voldemort's consort and includes Harry as part of the deal. Any help finding this would be great. Thanks!
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