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Everything posted by classicherrypoop

  1. To my readers looking for information about the print of the book being for sale that information will be posted on here shortly I just need to finalize a few last things. Lisa: James is just trying to make sure that he is doing the right thing and it's easy to see how he isn't sure if dating Devin is the right thing. Of course he'll have to pick one of them eventually and them all being out at the club won't help matters as you'll see next chapter. lol
  2. Alright this is responses for the chapter I just posted that were left on the 17th chapter. Aveline: Hello, good to see another person reviewing. I can't say much to your hating of Devin though, he is a good person he just has his bad points. I swear he will get better. kylee: I really laughed when I saw you say that you would like to see a threesome with Devin, Chris, and James. While that would be kind of funny I don't think I would have been able to convince Chris into it. lol. Don't feel too bad for Chris though I swear he will be happy in the end of this. Besides as you can see Devin and James' relationship isn't exactly cemented yet. lol I won't give away who ends up with whom though. As this chapter showed though it was partially that James did just want to have sex. He is quite a prude and wouldn't have had sex with Chris yet even if he and Devin hadn't broken up on such bad terms. I hope you liked the chapter. Lisa: It seems that Devin had a good reason though to do what he did so maybe he isn't so bad? Just a thought.
  3. David Tennant - Dump, I don't really know him. Alan Rickman - Date, sorta same reasoning. Weird al - Marry, because I think he would funny but probably get on my nerves. Here's my list all from Ranma 1/2 Guys: Ranma Saotome Ryoga Hbiki Pantyhose Tauro Girls: Ukyo Kuonji Kodachi Kuno Akane Tendo
  4. Alright since I have posted another chapter I will reply to the reviews I have gotten since last time. Ty Outler: I'm not really sure what you mean in your review. If you just started reading the story and noticed that the second chapter rementions everything in the first chapter that's just the writing style that I used for this story it is'nt just repeating itself it does move on. Lisa: Wow, I feel special. Apparently I'm more important than watching your child wrestle. lol. I'm happy that you we're glad to see Devin and James starting to work things out. As this chapter shows though Chris isn't exactly the nicest person at all times, not that I can blame him. Devin and James obviously still have some issues to work out as well. Don't worry though everyone will end up happy in the end (even Chris).
  5. As I mentioned in the latest chapter of my story I was told not to do responses to reviews inside of the actually chapter post anymore. So I will be posting them here instead of on the actual chapter. Starting with the responses to the chapter I just posted. This thread can be used for things other than just responses though. If anyone has any suggestions or comments to me feel free to make them here. Or if you just think there's some sort of pairing in the story that you would like to see or some sort of oneshot off of it, let me know. For right now I'm just going to do the responses though. Lisa: I think Chris is brave and stupid in ways. It's not that he's brave he just wants make sure James really is over Devin and he trusts James. He wants James to be happy regardless of it's with him or not so he leaves himself to be pulled in the middle of all of it. kylee: The frat house is a bit of a nightmare, but I kind of intended it that way. I'm glad that you didn't tear your hair out about Devin and Dustin lol don't get all worked up just about them. Chris is a very nice person and he is just trying to do the smart thing for James and let him work out his relationship with Devin rather then ending up going behind Chris' back to do it. We'll see how things with Devin and James keep going though.
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