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Everything posted by classicherrypoop
areralin First off let me say thank you for purchasing the book. I am sorry that you don't seem to be pleased with it though. All I can really say is that this story was actually written as a prequel to another story of mine. It was really hard for me to write it and it took a long time with a lot of breaks between. There were a lot of places where I didn't even like how it flowed together. Over all though I was mostly trying to give a back story for a different story of mine. That story which is called Harmony will be available in complete for free on my website soon. I hope you read it because it might help this story make sense for you. I am not sure if I want to post it yet though because part of it can be a spoiler for this story and as you mentioned it isn't yet posted in full on adultfanfiction. I will try to get it up though.
wolfluv Yea, I like to make my stories realistic that's half the fun. lol. Thanks for reading. Hope you like the new chapter. Lisa Well Jeremy was in this one. Yes Scott is still very confused there is a lot going on for him. I don't really go into how much Sammy knew but he was definitely on to him. I'm still not feeling great but oh well I updated. Hope you like the chapter.
Smile-kun Thank you for reading I hope you still enjoy it. romancelover I'm glad you like the beginning, as to Morgan being better than Brennan you will have to decide that for yourself. natan Thank you there is more to come. romancelover Are you sure i didn't give a description of how Morgan looks already. I swore that I did. I will have to go find it. Tyves I'm sorry that you aren't liking the characters. Kyle isn't really a main character in this so he doesn't get to tell the story. It is a big love triangle going on and that's kind of the point here. Yes Ryan really did move that far away and I hope it makes a little more sense as it goes on. Lisa So there is only two characters in this that are also in Harmony and mentioned in Homophobe. It's actually the main two Brennan and Ryan. However Brennan is called by a different name in those books. Kyle is acting very highschool he is a bit afraid of being out so he is still very in the closet. As to Brennan and his parents well that will get more complicated as it goes on but still everything will be explained. Ryan is very shy but also a bit of a pushover so he will go along with things he isn't sure of. Morgan well yea he's an ass but he has his sweet moments. I had a hard time writing him. As for Ryan and Brennan well there will be more about them later and if you can remember from Harmony then you will already know the answer but I will leave the details for later.
Hi Everyone. So I am going to go ahead and post my responses to reviews. I am very happy to be receiving such great reviews for this story. So Since I haven't done any reviews yet please be patient because I am going to do them all since the first chapter. So bare with me this will be a long list. Staar I'm glad you think it was a funny idea and I hope it has continued to be a funny read. Melucy I'm glad you like the story. romancelover I definitely got some smut in there. Though I have to admit it was tricky at times. sabaku_lotus Glad you like it romancelover Thank you I am the master of sneaking in smut where it is unexpected. wolfluv I'm saying nothing about Jeremy and Jamie being interested in each other. That will be covered later. Drama is fun, my stories are chalk full of it. Thank you for reading. Lisa Hi again. I do love reading your reviews, they're so much fun. Thanks for asking about my son he's great being a reckless little toddler and getting into everything. I'm glad you like the story. Luther and Scott are in the story quite a bit more. staar It would have been funny if they were related but that would also cause entirely different twists. Thanks for checking out my website. dahi Thank you very much. May Thank you staar You're welcome for the update and I already posted after Scott found out so you know that. shana Thank you for saying this. Mostly though I want to try to have my work more organized and a lot of it is still free on my website. I have been posting on AFF for a long time now and I just need to try my hand at something a little different. Lisa Yes lots of mixed signals from Jamie but he is very confused about how to deal with Scott. After all Scott is very persistent and it's hard for Jamie to turn him away when he really does like him. Clearly Jamie does tell Scott the truth eventually and it has it's own consequences. As to the issue between Jeremy and Jamie well it is more complex but will be answered. staar I was a bit disappointed that I couldn't think up a better secret for Scott. I did like the cliffhanger though. wolfluv Glad you liked it hope it's still awesome. lima Thank you Lisa That would have been an awesome secret but no. Scott doesn't write gay porn though that would have made things much easier for Jamie. Scott is quite smitten with Jamie so it's hard for him to push him away even with knowing that he is in fact a man. Jamie did have a good idea for coming clean to his job but it doesn't really work for him as you know now. staar Scott is confused so he is fighting himself on a lot of his reactions. I'm glad you are still liking the story. Lisa I'm going with saying that a lot of places just ask names without really specifying genders. So I don't think there would be any issues with calling his work. Other than that though a lot of Djs aren't technically employees so far as there isn't usually paperwork. It's mostly under the table. My husband Djs and it's all under the table, no paperwork. Also perhaps Jamie was a bit of an ass for interrupting Jeremy but he was also just being very moody.
Complications of the Heart Review Responses
classicherrypoop replied to classicherrypoop's topic in Slash
Lisa - I think it should be pretty obvious with this chapter why Kat did what she did. She didn't want to tell the truth because she felt embarrassed about the whole situtation. She probably should have just kept her mouth shut all together though. I will mention more about Luke soon so you'll see what all happened there. Jon just sort of seems like more of a player but the reality is that he hasn't really been with someone he really cares about before. So beign Mick is different for him because he actually has real feelings for him. We will get into all of his manwhoreness later though. : ) -
Complications of the Heart Review Responses
classicherrypoop replied to classicherrypoop's topic in Slash
Lisa - Yea I don't think even Mikhail is sure if he meant it or not. He definitely doesn't like Kat right now though. Hope you liked the back story in that chapter. -
Complications of the Heart Review Responses
classicherrypoop replied to classicherrypoop's topic in Slash
Lisa - Yes Mick is a very confused boy. As you can tell he does have feelings for Jon he just wasn't realizing it as much. I do love Cali in the fact that boys don't seem to have issues with that sort of thing there. I do remember in highschool that we had plenty and gay boys and girls at the school and no one really cared. I wish all schools could just let kids be in that way. I hope you liked the chapter and don't kill me for leaving off where I did lol. -
Complications of the Heart Review Responses
classicherrypoop replied to classicherrypoop's topic in Slash
Lisa - Well Jon and Mick obviously had a bit of a heart to heart in this one but Mick is still confused about a lot of things right now. He isn't really ready for the L-word. As for Kat there will be plenty of issues with her soon, their relationship isn't perfect either. Obviously Kevin knows what happened but Ito seems to be in dark about his son for the most part. He is trying though. Listes - lol Well hopefully Mikhail grows on you and I hope that you liked this chapter as well -
Complications of the Heart Review Responses
classicherrypoop replied to classicherrypoop's topic in Slash
Lisa - I think I threw one of the lemons back at you lol. Hope you enjoyed the smut. ; ) Mikhail is definitely a bit lost and being impulsive as shown by this chapter as well. Jon was definitely upset but it seems he was willing to settle for Mick's ass cherry lol. Also he should be in quite a bit of trouble since he is ditching on top of being grounded. Will he get away with it though? -
Complications of the Heart Review Responses
classicherrypoop replied to classicherrypoop's topic in Slash
Lisa - Mikhail is very confused right now so yes he is sending a lot of mixed signals. And after what happened with Kat he may not have a date with Jon anyhow lol. Jon is quite pissed. I wonder who told him... Mick also definitely is standing up to his father though perhaps a bit too much of the teenage rebelion there. Hope you enjoyed it in any case. -
Complications of the Heart Review Responses
classicherrypoop replied to classicherrypoop's topic in Slash
Lisa - Well he did get an eye opener though I doubt it was the one he expected lol. I hope you liked this chapter ; ) -
Complications of the Heart Review Responses
classicherrypoop replied to classicherrypoop's topic in Slash
Lisa - Yes Jon is definitely getting more time with Mikhail but he is also obviously more jealous. A few chapters from now and Mikhail's parents will find out about all of it. That's when it will get harder for Mikhail. -
Complications of the Heart Review Responses
classicherrypoop replied to classicherrypoop's topic in Slash
Lisa - yes it is good to see the old story in this one even if it is just a reminder of bad times for Kevin. As you can see he did tell them both here well kinda since he just let it happen lol. Jon will be appropriately pissed in the next chapter : ) Hope you enjoyed it. -
Complications of the Heart Review Responses
classicherrypoop replied to classicherrypoop's topic in Slash
Lisa - Don't worry Kat will find out about Jon in the next chapter, also Jon will find out more so about Kat. Since Jon did agree to dating openly though and Kat never really said anything one way or the other about dating, Mikhail isn't really doing anything wrong. And you will see who he ends up with eventually. I'm not giving that away ; ) Hope you are still enjoying this. -
Complications of the Heart Review Responses
classicherrypoop replied to classicherrypoop's topic in Slash
Lisa - As you can see obviously Jon and Mikhail aren't totally over. Jon really didn't think he did anything wrong though, in his mind he was just dancing and didn't take it seriously. Also Luke has his own issues that will be brought up later as to why he doesn't like Mick. As to Ito and Kevin, yes Kevin is just awesome like that and still treats everything as a joke. Ito though is just trying to reassure Mick, he understands what he is going through since he is bi as well. He didn't nessicarily mean that Mick had a choice of who he is attractted to just that he was trying to say he would love him either way. He isn't very good with his words. -
Complications of the Heart Review Responses
classicherrypoop replied to classicherrypoop's topic in Slash
Lisa - Your review really made me laugh. Sorry if I am making Ito seem like a total ass. It isn't the case. Ito is a very different person as a parent then as a lover. His parents were very strict in raising him and he is the same way with Mikhail. He was raised being unable to have any girls in his room alone; however because of Ito being gay and knowing that Mikhail could be as well he does not allow Mikhail to have anyone in his room alone unless it is night and they are sleeping. Kevin doesn't have much input on this because Mikhail is not his son and Kevin is unsure how to feel about any of it. There will be more on this later when Ito and Mikhail end up in a fight. Also Mick is extremely dense at points and because he was raised with Ito he tends to see homosexuality as normal so it takes him longer to pick up on it because he doesn't think it's wierd. And they are in California and the part of Cali I grew up in no one cared if people were openly gay at highschool so I am saying that's how it is there. Okay I think that about covers every thing. I hope you still enjoy the story. -
Complications of the Heart Review Responses
classicherrypoop replied to classicherrypoop's topic in Slash
js: um thanks lol. I hope you enjoy. kylee: Ito is a sweetheart when he wants to be but he can get real angry too, as he will in later chapters. Mikhail is young and a lot is changing for him so he has to think about a lot of things he hasn't before. He sees his father as strict so he doesn't like asking for much. I hope you enjoyed the new chapter. -
Complications of the Heart Review Responses
classicherrypoop replied to classicherrypoop's topic in Slash
The third chapter is up so here is my response for the second chapter. Lisa: Nice to see you again. Mikhail is pretty dense considering his Father and Kevin's relationship. Hope you enjoy the new chapter. -
Ok here is where you will find my responses to reviews. I only had one review for the first chapter so this is for Kylee. Kylee: Mikhail is having a hard time of it trying to fit in even more so with being Japanese and the fact that his father is gay and teaches at the high school. There will be more about Ito and Kevin in this story but I think I focus more on Kevin. Mostly because it is easier for Mikhail to relate to Kevin as sort of a big brother figure so they talk more.
Alright here are the responses for the chapter I just posted number 24. Like I said there are only two more updates at this point and three chapters including the epilogue so it should be done soon and as I've said before here if anyone wants to buy this story in either paperback or pdf form there is a link posted in the Great Wall Of thread or as my homepage link through my author page for the normal site. kk now onward to the responses. Lisa: Yes James has forgiven Devin so long as Devin can keep his hands to himself lol. As to Chris yes he has had a sad life and I'm thinking about giving him and Hector a story it's just hard for me to write so we'll see on that one. Thanks for the welcome and the good luck God knows I need it. kylee: Thanks for the compliments. I know that Devin and James are good together so they still end up together but I shall make Chris happy as well. For some reason though the whole thing with Chris' daughter just screamed at me though and sad though it may be it's his story so I won't be going into detail here but as I said to Lisa he might get his own story with Hector to explain all of that. Hope you liked the new chapter. And to all others please Rate and review and I'll be happy to answer any questions that people have also feel free to let me know if you want Chris and Hector to have their own story. Kk bye now Allie
Ok first off I would to again say sorry to my readers because I really didn't mean to leave off like that for a month. Real life just interferes with my posting times, I will try my best to update at least once a week so I can finish this up on here. Now to my reviewers. Lisa: It's not that Eddie is nice exactly. It's more so that in his mind he's the only one that is able to pick on his little brother so just because he's a jerk doesn't mean anyone else is allowed to be a jerk to his brother. kylee: As I said to Lisa Eddie will protect his brother so that he can piss him off another day. James is rather sweet and innocent but that's to be expected with how small of a town he and Devin are from. As you can see from this chapter Devin really just blows his sister off, but I hope you like the chapter any how. To all others please rate and review or leave a message in this forum and I'll be sure to reply to it. As I said before if you want to buy my book then just go to the Great Wall Of thread on here and you will find the link for it under the name of the book. Thanks for your time and goodbye for now.
Alright here are the responses for chapter 22 that I just posted of this story. Lisa: Yes Devin did let his body carry him away there for quite a few moments. As to James well I think it's pretty clear that he is confused just as this chapter shows even more. James does like Devin but he is trying to actually think things over rather than just going with his attraction to Devin. This chapter should have answered some of the reasoning behind why he was acting the way he was. They should have told their parents probably but they really just didn't want to get their families involved in it. They are going to hurt each other but too much has happened already for them not to hurt each other. kylee: Devin does have problems controlling himself. They do need to resolve their problems before really moving on but James does have to pick if he even wants to be with Devin or if he would rather be with Chris. Don't worry though all shall soon be revealed. If you can't wait though then I don't mind you going to the Lulu link and buying it there lol. Both of the boys really have changed since the beginning of the story but they have grown up a lot too. MC Cloverville: It's nice to see your name again, glad to see you have time for me again. I hope you catch up with the reading and still enjoy the story. Don't worry about not editing it for me it may not be perfect but I'll be happy if it gets bought at all. : ) To all others the link to my story is posted in the Great Wall of Forum under the name of the story. Also it will take five weeks for me to finish posting up on AFF because I'm not going to post more than a chapter a week.
Hey ppls. As I mentioned in the most recent chapter the book is available to buy by going to the link here at the forums in the Great Wall Of... thread or my homepage link on my author page. Now onto the review responses. Lisa: As you could see clearly Devin and James pretending wasn't a good idea at all. lol. Though Devin really did push his luck there. Yes Devin's plan worked with Hector though only due to their past history which I will get into later. Thanks for liking the book. kylee: I don't think you're greedy for wanting a threesome with the boys. It just isn't going to happen with the boys though because Devin and Chris just don't get along that well. Honestly they get along so badly that I didn't even consider that while writing this. Good to know you will be happy with it anyhow though. Keep enjoying the story.
My original story that has been partially posted on Adult Fan Fiction, Gamma Alpha Psi, is now available to purchase and own. The book can be bought in two different ways. It costs five dollars for a PDF file of the story or ten dollars for a paperback copy. All sales are through Lulu and the majority of the money is going to them for making this possible. The rest of my story will be posted online regardless of whether or not books are bought so don't worry about having to buy it to read the ending. I only offer this to see if people like enough to want a paperback or PDF copy. The information for my book and purchasing my book can be done by following the link posted below: http://stores.lulu.com/store.php?fAcctID=57249021 or clicking here.
Here are the review responses for the latest chapter of my story... kylee: Thanks for congratulating me, it took me quite some time to finish this one but I think it was worth it. I'm sure that the ending will be liked. Obviously some things did happen at the club since Devin ended up in James' bed lol. Lisa: Yes his name is Hector, but it looks more like James was jealous of Chris dancing with Hector than any possibility of Hector dancing with Devin. You're right that James doesn't really have the right to be jealous since he is stringing them both along as he decides but that's just the type of boy he is. Chris is just trying to make sure that James is happy and if that means that Devin and James end up together then he'll except it. He really is too nice, but he'll get a happy ending I swear. Also the link to Lulu to buy my story has to be advertised in The Great Wall Of... forum so please look there for it or go to the link that I have posted as my homepage in my AFF Profile. The name of the thread will be Gamma Alpha Psi book (published).