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Everything posted by Evility
Authors on AFF need a comments box for their public profiles! A fellow author just wanted to leave a note for me (not in regards to my story), but had to leave it as a review so that I'd see it. She was just keeping me posted on one of her own stories, letting me know what was up. How nice would that be; to have a quick note box? Just a thought... I wanted to see what anybody thought. It's not difficult to sign in to the forum and send someone a message, but what if an author doesn't have the same user name in the forum? It's not hard to sign in, but this would give someone the ability to leave a quick note without having to go to the forum. Please Note: This is not to be confused with the AFF comments box already on the profiles page for forum users.
Usually I check the forum about weekly, but I actually like my classes this semester --Crazy, I know!--. It's been, I dunno, 1-2 months? I checked it today and HOLY SON-OF-A-BEE-STING! It looks different ANNND there's no battle room for me to take my deep-seated angry frustrations out in by leaving a bloody massacre in my wake. --or to even get denied that satisfaction by being killed prematurely by Imasuky, Anime(traitor)devildog, or Keith-- NOR is there an Arcade for me to pracrastinate with my HW in. Oh! I can't even check my growing bank account either! *chokes back a sob* All those opposed to change, please say AYE! Lol. Actually, I'd like to congratulate everyone in the Admin for accomplishing so much! I hope the large list of Site Announcements encoded with Admin coding-gibberish means that it will indeed be possible to bring all of that, which I love, back. That way I don't have to resort to leaving panicky statements here... Oh wait... Damn. Thanks again and... *shakes fist menacingly* I better get all of my money back! Lol. Take care and peace out!
That'd be totally awesome! I know that IIIIIII would enjoy it, lol. Right after the rest of the site gets glued back together .
You traitor!!! Your only scared and are trying to get on her good side so she doesn't kill YOU! Lmao! Ya know the last time you said something similar to that regarding Kero and now I'm wayyyy ahead of him now. So THERE! lol
Holla! Thanks for waving your "hypothetical magic wand all over" my hellalong oneshot! OH! And thanks for not beating me up when I sent you that update that added on 7-8 pages when I said I was 'done' lol. XOXO, Ev
I had been searching for a beta for about 6 months before I got to WallFlower. His profile cracked me up and even though it says he works on yaoi and yuri, he responded very quickly to my email and accepted my HET oneshot to work on. It took us both a while to get through my story since, not only is it hellalong for a oneshot, but we both go to college and have lives outside the computer. I'm sure with short[er] chapters he would fly through them! On the profile he says he's "INSANE", but I think he's just honest lol. He cracks me up! He's quite frank when you need to change something, which I appreciate. He would usually offer choices on how to make certain changes with his own suggestions. I don't want someone who won't tell me bluntly that whatever I wrote needs to be tweaked. And he is not someone who pussyfoots around! His typical comments were: "There's a gaping plot hole on page *blah*... It's not a big deal, but it's a bit odd to read." "Inappropriate use of a semicolon." "This is pretty unneeded. You can nix it if you want." "That sounded choppy, but it's [what he tweaked] better than the crazy run on it was... " See? Not bad at all. I really enjoyed working with him. I'm a perfectionist freak. So, I didn't send my oneshot to him [to anyone] until I was satisfied with my grammar and punctuation. We mainly worked on moving things around for better flow and he would tweak with my vocabulary. Since we were both busy, we didn't talk through emails every day [only about 20 total throughout the whole process] and he even told me "I'll contact you if any serious bumps appear, but other than that, I'll be silent. As a grave." Lol. I guess bottom line, if you can handle straight-forwardness, WallFlower's an awesome choice. If you can't handle someone who's blunt and sarcastic, then don't bother . If you have any questions, feel free to contact me!
I thought it'd be amusing to be able to view our purchased Gag Items on our profiles. A little squared off area to let the world know that, yes, I bought a Pet Rock or a Bonzai for my own entertainment pleasure. I forget that my tree is even there and that I purchased it a year ago. I mean... Why else have that area in the Store, if we can't gain happiness from our [virtual]material things?? Just a thought Peace out!
I'd like to amend this prayer by adding Imasuky Lomae's name to it. Just read it as, for example, 'O Lord, bless this Thy hand grenade that, with it, Thou mayest blow Thine enemies, mainly Keith and Imasuky, to tiny bits in Thy mercy.' Maybe then I could actually level up and kill my fixed amount of murders for once, lol. Just a thought...
Okay, so I was going to reply to your message and it said "There is no such member - please check the name entered and try again." Which I thought was odd considering you can't doing anything (i.e. kill ppl in the attack shop or play games in the arcade) unless you're a member of the forum. Retarded technology. LOL, I thought so! I'm always playfully yelling at people for killing me, lol. For instance: http://www2.adult-fanfiction.org/forum/index.php?showtopic=13698 I'm just used to seeing Keith or Kero killing me all the time. Kero and I had an arms race going on for a while, until I couldn't do anything but school for a few weeks. Now he's ahead of me and I'm trying to catch up so I can kill him back, lol. Keith, I think he kills me just cus he can and probably cus I'm always killing his guild members lol. TTYL
I don't plan on joining, lol... I seem to not qualify on any level, but *shrugs* ehh! I thought I'd give ya props on rising so quickly. I remember killing you sometime last week and you were like below 50 and now yur killing me at way above my level. I did a double take, lol. I wish I could stay on here killing on every time up , but I have a life with unforgiving classes. I'm not like you, using every second of every day to kill everyone, LOL. J/K, please don't put forth more effort to kill me extra LOL. I'm trying to rise too ya know! LOL Take care
WOO-HOOOO!!! I joined the 100-Club! *does a booty dance* Sweet glory, Yayyyyyy! lol
What happens when either Keith or I max out?
Evility replied to Animedevildog's topic in ipBattlePro
*dramatically sighs* Now I'm hurt that no one thinks I'll be next! Just you wait (..."Henry Higgens, just chu wait!")! When this semester's out I'm gonna kick everyone's ass! LOL, please don't kill me all at once lol! -
See, I LOoOoVE star trek IV. Gotta love the humpbacks! "Admiral! There be whales!"
Uhhh, Afro Samurai ? Hey, if I get the reference, can I have some of your money !?!? LOL, errr, naughty points...???... LOL, j/k, UNLESS you want to give me some, lol. Damn, I'm a greedy lil blue dragon! Oh, thanks for bursting my happy lil bubble with your 'Well I'm a level 512, you lowly 50-level-TwatSwatter'... Lol --Two thumbs up if YOU know the reference , lol
WOO-HOOOO! Just levelled to 50, WOOT! I think Keith Inc has been ignoring me during the holidays lol...
I've used them before to revive someone that had died from attacking me, and then killed them ... lol... I thought it was funny, I don't know if they did, lol... Although, I think I tried that with Animedevildog when he killed me with a holy hand grenade and it didn't work... Just a thought... Lol
*sighs dramatically* I was hoping to not be the trekkie and do this but .... "He tasks me! He tasks me, and I shall have him!"
SISTER BlueDragon: "And Evility raised the hand grenade up on high, saying, 'O Lord, bless this Thy hand grenade that, with it, Thou mayest blow Thine enemies to tiny bits, mainly Keith Inc., in Thy mercy.' And the Lord did grin, and the people did feast upon the lambs and sloths and carp and anchovies and orangutans and breakfast cereals and fruit bats and large chu--" BROTHER AnimeDevilDog: "--Skip a bit, Sister" SISTER BlueDragon: "And the Lord spake, saying, 'First shalt thou take out the Holy Pin. Then, shalt thou count to ten. No more. No less. Ten shalt be the number thou shalt count, and the number of the counting shall be ten. Eleven shalt thou not count, nor either count thou nine, excepting that thou then proceed to ten. Twelve is right out. Once the number ten, being the tenth number, be reached, then, lobbest thou thy Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch towards thy foe (Keith), who, being naughty in My sight, shall snuff it.' And if Thy hand grenade does not snuffith Keith, please horribly mangle him for enough time that I may create a bloody massacre, in Thy holy Name, before he can kill me yet again!" **Disclaimer: I have obviously manipulated a famous quote from Monty Python and the Holy Grail. This is not coincidental, however the main quote belongs to the movie and all of it's affiliates and underlings. I do not own Monty Python, nor do I make any money off of this writing. This is merely an attempt to cover my ass; also a plea to not be killed by Keith Inc. for about ten minutes (or even 30) in between the times in which he consistently kills me over and over and over again, so that I can have my own happy little bloody massacre and go up in the world before he kills me again.** Whew! Thanks again and take care!
Well I'm glad you're all healed up. Yay for the Attack Shop being up and running again. I appreciate your hard work! Now my main form of exam-procrastination is back, lol! Have a Merry Christmas! Thanks again.
*sighs whimsically* must be nice, lol...
No way! I thought I was the only one who had a life outside the forum ! I'm just glad it isn't just my computer. Take care!
Is it still not working for anyone, or is it just me??
Bad romance -- in my pants.
Hmmm, thanks Keith. It's been over a week and I still can't access it. I wonder if DemonGoddess's wrist is still hurt.
Okay, so whenever I click on the Attack Shop tab up top (to see if Keith Inc. has killed me yet again, or if I can actually go on a killing rampage...) it takes me to the AFF Community Forums page every time. I've tried going to it through MyControls, but it does the same thing. It does it on both Safari and IE, so I figured wasn't the server. Is something going on with the site? I haven't been able to kill any of the good citizens of this forum in a while and I feel I may be going through withdrawal! What's goin? Thanks for your time!