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  1. Hi, I read an original slash story a long while ago, i believe it was a WIP at the time, and now I seem to have misplaced it......sign......I don't really remember the whole plot or the characters names but I do remember that the main character is Latino ( i think >_<) and I believe the setting was high school, the main character was going to a job interview at a elementary school (i think) and it started to rain and he took shelter under some abandon building and he wasn't the only one there....I'm sure it was a school mate and i don't know but im pretty sure the other guy hated him because he thought he was gay and that lead to the main chara being blackmailed in to giving the other guy a blow job and it continued from there............last scene I remember was main chara hiding the other chara keys and they had a fight in the coaches office and sex was involved ......and that's all i remember ......sign.......im pretty sure I jumbled up most of my no-good memories of this fic but i think I got the gist of it (i hope <.<) . Please help me if u recognize this fic!! Thank you. ^^
  2. KristyItachi


    Ok, I read this fic a long time ago and I really liked it, but I can't for the life of me remember the name of this fic. So please help me if you can! It was a SakuKaka fic (dah...) and in this fic Sakura just found out that she is pregnant and she tells Kakashi, but the twist is that she doesn't know who the father of her baby is. All through the fic Kakashi helps sakura because he knows he is the father, and when the baby is born it has silver hair so Sakura name's her Gina, I believe that in the end Kakashi sneaks in Sakura's apartment(I think Ino and Hinata are there too, to help with the baby) to see the baby and Sakura catches him and reveals that from the minute she saw the baby'e hair she knew it was Kakaski's baby and she tells him the name of the baby is Gina which means Silver in japanese. Thats all I can remember though! I really want to find this story so I can re-read it again, thank you for the help!!
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