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Everything posted by SlntCobra1


    1. RogueMudblood


      From the all caps, I assume congratulations are in order... Congratulations! :D

  2. *dodges myself for fear of causing a massive paradox and destroying the known universe.* Throws A MASSIVE DERP!
  3. "Walk Away" in my pants. Five Finger Death Punch
  4. " " in my pants.Voltaire
  5. Well I noticed the forum layout has changed. o_0 It's going to take me a while to get re-acclimated to this.

  6. "The Animal" in my pants. From Disturbed's latest album Asylum.
  7. "Paradise City" in my pants. Guns N' Roses It sounds so sexy!
  8. "Big Balls" in my pants. AC/DC WIN!
  9. Wow, if only I had the attention span you do and the patience to NOT let my inner Grammar Nazi get the better of me, I'd be willing to help as well.
  10. "For Those About To Rock (We Salute You)" in my pants AC/DC lmfao!!!
  11. "Stairway To Heaven" in my pants! Now that just sounds downright dirty! Led Zeppelin
  12. That's actually really clever! I swear, sometimes these things just write themselves!!! "Civil War" in my pants. Guns N' Roses
  13. Having just glanced over this, I'm guessing people aren't taking the time to PROOFREAD and thus the typos are getting fixed by you?! That seems extremely unfair.
  14. "Wichita Jail" in my pants. The Charlie Daniels Band
  15. "I Hate Everything About You" in my pants. Wow, there are some song titles that just fit so damn well with this game. Three Days Grace
  16. "Anarchy in the U.K." in my pants. Mötley Crüe
  17. Speaking of ducks, all members must have a loaf of bread at all times. That or run to the nearest subway and order a steak fajita sub with sun chips and say, "Don't bother ringin' it up, it's for a duck! THERE ARE 6 DUCKS OUT THERE, AND THEY ALL WANT SUN CHIPS!" :lol: :rofl: :rofl:
  18. You're supposed to go with the name of the song. In your case, it was "Hotel California" in my pants. The Eagles Now for my contribution. "Radar Love" in my pants. Golden Earing
  19. What the hell was that Iranian or Iraqi guy smoking?! :clap: :clap: :rofl: :spit:
  20. Legend Of Zelda: Twilight Princess -- it's in the Yu-Gi-Oh! crossovers sub-category. Needs to be put here: Zelda -- crossovers That's what I just saw, so, it's over to you Demon.
  21. Yes, yes you are! "Voodoo" in my pants. Godsmack
  22. "The Threat" in my pants. Wow, that just goes so damn well together. ROFL!!! Skid Row
  23. "All Along The Watchtower" in my pants Jimi Hendrix
  24. "Cry If You Want" in my pants. The Who
  25. a waWell, I finally have an idea of how to continue with my story, the only issue now is, just getting off my lazy ass and fucking writing it! Hhere's the two different scenarios: 1) Iterruption -- my phone rings, Alexis tells me to ignore it, then her phone rings. Coincicdence? I think not. 2) I contiue with the sex scene and I fear I may end up writing myself into a corner. So here's what I finally chose to do: Having been in debate with myself all this time, I think I'll go with the interruption in the main line and have the sex scene in "Version 2.0." Now the only issue is figuring out the conflict. Kidnapping, someone being held at gun/knife point those as well as the parallel dimension are just too cliche. Hmm, hostage conflicts are just a step above kidnapping, but they do make things much more interesting. I think I'll head on with hostages, but I'm not sure who to make as the antagonist. Maybe Chazz is in cahoots with Jaden? But then again, what reason would those two have to work together? Hell WotanAnubis is using the parallel dimension and it's working for him just fine. Sure the idea/concept/theory of parallel dimensions is a majorly recurring theme throughout the entire Yu-Gi-Oh! universe, but it does get to be a bit cliche after a while.
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