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Everything posted by dazzledfirestar

  1. Yeah, I'm sure that'll work.
  2. I wouldn't know... Nanaea?
  3. Not life threatening on a daily basis, but if I don't take care of myself it is... I have never had my title changed to something I didn't find funny. (up until recently.)
  4. Collection
  5. Children Will Listen (song)
  6. Sure. Why not. G/NG - Has quit smoking
  7. dazzledfirestar

    I Am...

    I am double posting and there is nothing anyone can do about it! *evil laughter* I am going out tonight, because if I don't get out of this house soon I will completely lose my mind. I am expecting an orgy update when I get home!
  8. 3563
  9. I'm looking forward to dinner too... but I have to make mine Trae?
  10. I'm not sure anymore... What about girth? does girth matter?
  11. When Love and Hate Collide (song)
  12. Bible
  13. I agree with what you are both saying. There are always shades of gray. If there wasn't, the world would be a very boring place. But at the same time, I see nothing wrong with taking pride in ones femininty, AS LONG AS it doesn't put the other aspects of your personality at a disadvantage. I have a job that, traditionally, would be a man's job, but that doesn't mean I should sacrifice my feminine side just for that job. I should be able to do what I do (which includes heavy labor and driving forklifts and the like) and not have someone I work with shocked when they meet me outside of a work environment and I'm a girly girl. I can't count the number of times I've heard "Wow, you really are a girl!" Well no shit Sherlock. What tipped you off?? I'm sure that men in traditionally female jobs face the same issue. Have you ever giggled at a male nurse? I'm sure not very many people here would, but still. Maybe people should just be people, but to quote the old broadway tune, "I enjoy being a girl!" and there shouldn't be anything wrong with that either.
  14. Nope. Trae?
  15. 3561
  16. I think I like middling! Does length really matter?
  17. He Loves You (song)
  18. Beginnings
  19. Really?? Whooo! *runs away to read her new review* Nanaea?
  20. Nope. I'm back... for now anyway. Nanaea?
  21. 3559 (hey, play nice you two! )
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