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Everything posted by dazzledfirestar

  1. DO you think I should include Jersey Girl in the Kevin Smith movie fest this weekend? Maybe if you try it with pink lemonade.
  2. Not guilty... I'd rather own our home but at this point, its not really a realistic idea. G/NG - Has never seen a Kevin Smith movie
  3. dazzledfirestar

    I Am...

    I am wondering if anyone has come up with a way for my husband to carry this baby for the next six months instead of me. I am getting a bit tired of being sick and tired. I am really sorry I've been absent so much lately, and I miss you guys! I am also suffering from a severe case of writers block.
  4. Nope but I imagine it happened shortly after the first and second degree. Who decided that DVD commentaries would be a good idea?
  5. ^ Should know at this point < is almost always hungry! < Isn't spending near enough time online nowadays V Thinks that's a shame!
  6. Nope, just me. Bet you didn't see that coming! Trae?
  7. Not guilty. G/NG - Has parked in a handicapped parking spot, and is not actually handicapped.
  8. Emu
  9. Me either, they're just creepy! I have never liked herbal teas.
  10. I am no longer allowed to ignore my computer (and therefore the forum) for days on end!
  11. dazzledfirestar

    I Am...

    I am back! I am the proud owner of a new comp, since my brother in law broke the other one. I am so sorry I've been gone for so long and I wish I could have done something about it!
  12. Sure... whatever... Did you miss me?
  13. Why even bother, Quamp? And thank you for your good wishes while we're at it.
  14. Well, say hi for me and enjoy dinner. I think I'm off too! *waves* Red?
  15. Me either *thank god!) I have never been a good salesperson.
  16. because he thinks pregnant is sexy. Is he really upset about being left out of the orgy?
  17. Yeah, I don't know how much longer I'll be here either. Nanaea?
  18. ^ Just wants to be naked all the time. < Is not sure she wants to be naked at the moment, its a bit cold. V thinks < is being a wimp.
  19. Yak
  20. Yes, yes I did. Nanaea?
  21. I am no longer allowed to look at most of the sigs... including my own.
  22. Tilt
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