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Everything posted by dazzledfirestar

  1. I have. I'm not that talented with a stove. I have never been able to say no to gummy candies.
  2. dazzledfirestar

    I Am...

    I am in full agreement about yoga, as I enjoyed it before being preggers. I am really missing hockey! I am counting the days til next season!
  3. Guilty. G/NG - Has gotten into a heated argument in public.
  4. Oh no! not the Marmite!! *gagpukegaggag* Oh that brings back horrid memories of Australia! (Sorry, Knorg, I'm in the "utterly revolting" camp on this one!) But ostrich is very good, as is kangaroo actually. Wonderful BBQ'd!
  5. Oh, SJ, I'm with you on the Alligator. Yummy! And, guys, just a few things I'd like to point out; Bull testicles are actually called Prairie Oysters (we have a festival to celebrate them every year here... I don't know why. ) and American (mainstream) beer... Yuck. Bud sucks. And I mean that with all the love in the world to my southern neighbors. That's all I've got, all my gross foods have been covered.
  6. Yesterday
  7. Work
  8. Actually, yes. I'm a night owl and never sleep through the night anyway. Was that the wrong answer?
  9. Nap
  10. Nemesis
  11. Because if he didn't he would have given up long ago. Why?
  12. Not guilty. I enjoy confrontation about my religon. It's funny how ignorant people are about very mainstream religons. G/NG - Enjoys confrontation.
  13. dazzledfirestar

    I Am...

    I am confessing that... well.. I hate pilates. I am doing yoga at the time and there seems to be no problem. I am just missing all my full contact sporting activities.
  14. I have, when I was seven and living in the thriving metropolis of Rainbow Lake, Alberta. It's right near the NWT border. It was lovely. I have never writen a non-human adult fic.
  15. Mmmm... sushi... mmm... I miss sushi! I have never liked cooked fish.
  16. Rest
  17. Because they are part of the basic programming. Why?
  18. Well, I have no vices left, so nothing. Isn't that supposed to be a good thing?
  19. Guilty. Things yes, people no. G/NG - Has been mislabeled.
  20. dazzledfirestar

    I Am...

    I am putting a stop to all this happiness before it gets out of hand!
  21. Me either... thank goodness. I have never been to Japan.
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