^ Had no school spirit.
< Didn't really have that much either... really just wanted an excuse to fool around with football players.
V Knows the truth now!
^^ Is right, and should click on the link in my sig labeled The Mary Sue Virus if ^^ really wants to know what we're talking about.
< Is trying really hard to get through chapter four.
V Will cheer < on.
I am wishing Poly a good night, and promising that chapter 4 will be up soon...
I am now giggling at that!
I am not entirely sure that any of us want a Hufflepuff...
^ Wants to keep the mystery.
< Has no mystery as she is the one writing the MSV...
< Will take ^s vote into consideration!
V Is completely in the dark!
^ Is going to kick herself.
< Realised that, unless Nan gets it on with say... Malfoy, we have no inter-house, ummm... relations!
V Wants to know who's getting *giggles* Gryffindor-ed.
^ Has been immortalized!
< Is actually about three quarters of the way through chapter 4... but had ideas for chapters to come... so to speak!
V Is waiting with baited breath.