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Everything posted by dazzledfirestar

  1. I have made hotel reservations, but not very expensive ones. I have never posted more than two chapters in a day.
  2. I am no longer allowed to think about taking a vacation!
  3. I have. I have never really liked gingerale.
  4. dazzledfirestar

    I Am...

    I am hoping that whatever flames do happen to burst forth are small ones that are easy to control.
  5. ^ Has many implements that are not for public display. < Thinks that people are far too sensitive as to what should be for public display. V Thinks that people are too uptight in general.
  6. Not guilty. What could be more impressive than "I sell wine to restaurants" or "I work in a book store"? G/NG - Doesn't find either of those jobs impressive or interesting.
  7. dazzledfirestar

    I Am...

    I am glad you have faith in me, Nan! I am about to start on the smut... or at the very least, smuttishness.... ... ah who am I kidding... it'll be smut! I am also very curious as to how Nan's MSV art project is coming.
  8. I love it! Its fabulous when you have a sore throat. I have never liked packaged iced tea.
  9. It depends what the topic is. Is it alright to be wishy-washy on politics?
  10. Earrings
  11. Tear
  12. dazzledfirestar

    I Am...

    I am taking a break from the writing at the moment... I am however leaving the Word window open... just in case.
  13. Faith Hill
  14. Silver (song)
  15. Gash
  16. Not guilty. I don't like flying. G/NG - wanted to be a teacher.
  17. Grind
  18. ^ Is concerned with what is appropriate. < Finds that amusing, considering the site. V Is sure we can talk about anything.
  19. Sure thing! Trae?
  20. dazzledfirestar

    I Am...

    I am not of the opinion that an orgy of ten people makes one lazy. I am patiently killing time until my dad comes to take me for lunch. I am so happy that Nan and Poly like the new chapter... and Nan... I didn't say I was throwing you to Malfoy
  21. dazzledfirestar

    I Am...

    I am going to stick around a bit longer. I am wishing Mel a good evening.
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