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Everything posted by dazzledfirestar

  1. I suppose it would be, but... Who is the judge going to believe?
  2. Me either... I'm kind of with Red on this one! I have never been bitten by someone I wasn't fucking.
  3. I think not. Sin?
  4. Werewolf
  5. I'm ignoring that. Always - Bon Jovi (Who I will be seeing live in July! )
  6. ^ Is catching on quickly! < Won't do it until < gets her prepregnancy waistline back. V thinks it can't be that bad... (and is probably right.)
  7. Peter Parker
  8. together
  9. (Oh, I'm about to top the Mandy Moore thing... ) We Belong Together - Mariah Carey (I will also admit that I made my husband drive three hours to see her live in Edmonton and then drove home to see her again in Calgary! )
  10. dazzledfirestar

    I Am...

    I am thinking I'll never catch up on the orgy... I am also agreeing with Sin that generally Red and I have some pretty good banter. I am also noting that Red seems to have good banter with most posters.
  11. Not guilty. G/NG - Gullible.
  12. Blowing in the Wind (song)
  13. Lithium - Nirvana
  14. dazzledfirestar

    I Am...

    I am at Red.
  15. Gone With the Wind (movie/book)
  16. Shameless Red, absolutely shameless! Luke
  17. dazzledfirestar

    I Am...

    I am half way up the wall... I am hoping I don't fall. *looks down and gulps*
  18. Not guilty... why?? What have you heard?? G/NG - Has been the get-away driver.
  19. Plastic
  20. ^ Is just bragging. < Has a man-made lake about fifteen minutes away, but I CAN't SURF THERE!!! < Won't make it to the coast until at least August. V thinks < is just whining.
  21. I have. I have never really liked dogs.
  22. Superstar - Saliva
  23. Sorry. Got me some coffee and came back. Red?
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