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Everything posted by dazzledfirestar

  1. Honk
  2. dazzledfirestar

    I Am...

    I am understanding that... I am going to have to call the parents and find out what's going on for dinner tonight because well, I'm getting hungry too.
  3. Very true... very true. I have never gone so long without realizing that I screwed up a forum game!
  4. Edward Norton
  5. Not really. Will their horns get caught in the curtains?
  6. ^ Has the right idea. < Is, at this point simply editting out the more... adult songs in the playlists as < doesn't want her child's first words to be dirty ones. V thinks there are no dirty words, only dirty intentions.
  7. What a Wonderful World (song)
  8. Not guilty... I'm not a fan of cold rain, and that's the only kind we tend to get. G/NG - Likes rain, no matter the temperature.
  9. Paralyzer - Finger Eleven
  10. Ear
  11. dazzledfirestar

    I Am...

    I am glad that Trae feels warm and fuzzy. I am getting a fuzzy feeling, but it's haling out so warm isn't happening so much.
  12. Not guilty anymore. Now it's gin... and scotch. G/NG - Believes its quality not quantity.
  13. Just a little north of you... and west, right beside the Rockies. Does that mean I have to count moutain sheep?
  14. ^ Is wrong for the most part. < Other than the country, the parents had some good tunes (same kind of stuff as ^s parents by the sounds of it). V Doesn't force any kind of music on Vs kids.
  15. Cruel to be Kind (song)
  16. Guilty-ish... I just don't try as much anymore. I'm sure it's still there though! G/NG - Likes thunder and lightning.
  17. (exactly! ) When I'm Gone - Three Doors Down
  18. Rear
  19. dazzledfirestar

    I Am...

    I am agreeing with that opinion!
  20. Laundry
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