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Everything posted by camtipli

  1. Hello there! Seeing as no one ever replied to anybody on here, I decided to have a go at scratching a fellow writer's back. I am, unfortunately, not much of a grammar professor, but I do seem to have a knack for helping with... plot problems... and the sort. I've never beta'd for a stranger and I'm not sure if you'll be happy with the job I'll do, but I'll do my best! I am an open-minded reader, and you must try very hard in order to gross me out. I enjoy helping with story ideas, and I support the direction that you, as the writer, may choose to go. I'll be honest with what I think, but I will explain how I feel and why I feel that way. Here's my email if you should choose to contact me: camtipli@yahoo.com
  2. I need assistance on a relatively explicit M/M Harry Potter story. It is not a fluff, and there will be violence (not explicit violence-- limbs stay connected, nothing that would kill anyone occurs). There is beasiality in the form of a conjured snake ( Serpensortia). There is bondage. Currently I have the story in Voldemort's perspective, but I am currently in the process of converting it to Harry's perspective (I just like the idea a lot better, even if it means rewriting most of what I have already written). This is my first adult fanfiction, but it is not my fanfiction and it is not the first time I have written an adult story. I have already written the first chapter and have plans for the others. I just need to know where I've made grammar mistakes, how I can get the story to flow better, things like that. I also would really like some opinions-- is this a good plot twist, should I have this in here, is this consistent with the Harry Potter fandom? My plot involves Lord Voldemort taking Harry Potter into another dimension, Post-Hallows. I try to make it true to the series; Harry hates Voldemort at the end, Voldemort hates Harry in the end. If one were to fall in love with the other, it would be with the assistance of Amortentia, the "most powerful love potion in the world." (Harry Potter Wiki) Voldemort did die, and the way he comes back is part of the plotline. I am debating on whether or not Harry might just defeat him again. I do have some original spells in the story, but they originate from Latin words of the same meaning (true to Rowling's creation of the spells). I tend to use them sparingly. Harry does not use a wand in the story. The Unbreakable Vow is important to the story. I will discuss the reason why it is with whoever becomes my beta. Thank you so much, guys! I look forward to meeting you, and I hope we enjoy working together. Please post here if you're interested. I check back here at least once a week.
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