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Everything posted by IRNotAmused

  1. ah, thanks for clearing that up. i just wanna make sure its all there, ya know?? Shes a multi-series writer and i wanted to include them all just in case. i hope i covered it all now And thanks for getting back to me so quickly, i really apricate it a lot!!
  2. I have had three notices on my disclaimer now, I sited the author of the multiple series that are and will be quoted or used as there is not enough room in your available disclaimer box to site all of her story series, three of which take place in the same universe but are sited on the authors web page as separate series to read alone or with the other two. I was not sure what exactly to do with the disclaimer in this case so i winged it and added a complete list of stories and an in depth detailed disclaimer to the first chapter that would not have fit in the disclaimer box. I hope this will be satisfactory, this author i used for the fictional section of the book has multiple story lines going at the moment. I am also getting a complaint in my review about not using enough footnotes or not adding a detail to the footnote but the chapter in which the problem footnote occurs or is missing was not given and i can not find where i did not credit whoever was the owner of the info i used. If someone could point out the specified info that is missing from which chapter i would happily add it in, but i can not find any info from the chapters that i did not add the footnote for. http://celeb.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600094069 <Story in question here Oh, and the admins review disappeared suddenly, i didn't delete it or hide it, it just vanished all i have is the email notice in my yahoo mailbox? Not sure if its an internal issue or i did something wrong? Thanks for listening and any help would be appreciated, i would dislike it if i had to remove my story to another site for such a stupid misunderstanding. Thank you!!!
  3. Thank you for getting back to me so quickly I will keep trying to load it throughout the day and see if something changes, it was quite a shock when i couldn't find it i will try to remember to come back and update this when its fixed again, thank you!
  4. I was reading this morning and tried to get to a new chapter and my chrome told me it couldn't find your site? I Tried going to the main page with no luck being take directly to godaddy.com and being told the site had expired? ive tried google search, the link at the top of the forum, typing it in directly, i have cleared the cookies (several times) and no luck, i keep getting godaddy.com's site, Is this just my issue, a bug or virus or something or are other people having the same issue????
  5. Problem? um the whole archive is missing.. its showing that there are no stories anywhere? perhaps its just me. i will check back later. Good Luck
  6. thats all i needed, just somewhere to email my problem to. thanks. I couldn't manage to stay on their site last nite long enough to find it. hopefully its gone now knew you guys would know!!! thanks again
  7. I came here because i didn't know where else to go. i was on fanfiction.net and kept getting hijacked by another website, repeatedly. i can't even stay on long enough to find out where to report the problem to them? anyone know where i can send an email to let them know of the problem. Thanks, and be carefull
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