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Everything posted by LadyEvansPotter

  1. I know the feeling. Besides, Batsutousai's (hope I spelled that right) Abandon and the sequel Reclaim can remind of Tiro's fics... But Tiro has a different writing style... But I must admit the only way I keep track of her stories is though reading them many times.
  2. The name you're searcing for is Crescenzo's Academy, and the link to it is: http://www.fanfiction.net/s/4551393/1/Crescenzos_Academy I also recommend the fic Crumbling Pedestal by Shivani. It is an interesting fic that ends up in HPSS, even though I'm not fond of the begining, but the rest is good. Highly recommended. http://www.fanfiction.net/s/1922112/1/Crumbling_Pedestal There is also this fic that I recommend, but be aware of that it will probably leave you highly confused (I'm still trying to read behind the lines of it!) named Viper, written by Nocens http://www.fanfiction.net/s/2248588/1/Viper But, if you want to read a remarkable AU: then Miranda Flairgold got an amazing triology that the third part is in work. The first is named A Second Chance at Life and the second is named Changes in a Time of War. Found on www.fanfiction.net/~mirandaflairgold (I was too lazy to find a link). The Truth Behind Evil, and it's sequel Friend of Lord Voldemort, written by Tiro, is also recommended. http://www.fanfiction.net/s/4131346/1/The_Truth_Behind_Evil I also think that you would enjoy the fic Rise of a Dark King but I may be mistaken in that. It is a WIP. http://www.fanfiction.net/s/2855278/1/Rise_of_A_Dark_King I believe that Ghost of a Memory will be a fic that you would enjoy greatly. I have read it more than once, and keep going back looking for it since I don't always remember all details. (I love the ending Hogwarts scene) Now read and find which one. http://www.fanfiction.net/s/2114791/1/Ghost_of_a_Memory Also, feel free to check out my favorite stories list at http://www.fanfiction.net/u/1468979/Lady_Evans_Potter If you do not read beyblade fics, then you may just choose the category setting, and just strait past them. Hopefully this will give you some reading stuff.
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