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Everything posted by ElrueFaerie

  1. I need someone to beta my fic - it's turning out to be pretty long (I've only written what I think of as the 'bare bones' and it's already reaching about 30 pages) so you would have to be in for the long haul. I need help with punctuation, since I tend to add commas just about everywhere it seems, and maybe some help with sentence structure. I'm also fighting writer's block with it too, which means there are huge chunks missing or random ideas thrown around as I try to push something out there. It's a semi-dark fic with some violence, and a couple of very complicated issues for the characters to work through. I'm also (trying to be) very careful about keeping everyone IN character, so I would need someone to slap me around if, oh say, Hermione accidently starts to become a Mary-Sue, or Draco becomes completely whipped without any preamble I really don't mind critisism as long as it's constructive. Please help!
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