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Everything posted by KZ-01
Of course. The time is on the writer's side!
This story would supposedly take place before Mary Jane and Peter's marriage was dissolved by Mephisto. Say a young burglar happens to break into the Parker's home while they're both out. While he's looking through the place, he finds incriminating evidence that Peter Parker is Spider-Man. Just as he's musing over his discovery, Mary Jane comes home...he hides and overhears her get a call from Peter which says he'll be away for a while. Knowing he is safe, the burglar decides to use the evidence as blackmail, and coerces Mary Jane into submitting her gorgeous body to him in exchange for his silence. The burglar could be a young man who's down on his luck, both in finances and in looks. He could see his opportunity as a way of the world paying him back for all of his misfortune (and what a way, with Mary Jane's looks). The main part of the story would be humiliation....the fact that a common burglar is getting some action from a superhero's hot wife should say it all. JayDee, hopefully this might interest you especially?
Say one were to have a brush with death/learn he was dying....sometimes, one would create a 'bucket list' of things to do , right? What if a guy decided to do that...except his bucket list would be a list of the women in his life that he decides he needs to fuck before he dies? I'm thinking the protagonist could be a young man...anywhere from 16 to 21. The women he decides he needs to sleep with could range from (these reflect some real women I know in real life): The homely but attractive best friend The Hot/Mature history teacher The sexy but normally untouchable girl at church The not-so-innocent younger sister of a good friend The next-door neighbor, a middle-aged black woman who's lived alone for a while now. The list could go on.....depending on how you go with the story, it could be either a "Top Ten" deal or like a Christmas-shopping list (meaning, a very long list).
Haha, well for all the interesting ideas this thing's generated......anyone up for writing it?
I was referring to impregnating her with an undead baby, but that's....................a possibility?
Hey, so I was playing some Resident Evil 2 for old times sake the other day, and an idea popped into mind. Suppose Claire finds herself cut off and alone in the city. She finds out she's being tracked by a Licker. She decides to set a trap for it, but instead it gets the drop on her, and she finds herself flat on her stomach under the Licker with the gun out of reach. Instead of killing her, however, the Licker first uses its tongue to "incapacitate" her.....and ready her for the inevitable raw beast-like copulation. After it's done with her, however, it surprisingly lets her go.....but she discovers later that it left a "present" within her. Anyone up for writing?
I've taken the plunge and taken up writing part of this out. However, I've written all build-up, but no sex. I'm looking for someone to collaborate on the story: I build-up, you sex it up.
I recently discovered I have a talent for writing the build-up to an erotic scene, and fall short on the actual sex scenes. So I'm looking for someone to team up with. I write the build-up, and you write the scenes as they come up. I'm currently writing up a story of about a boy having an affair with this youth pastor's wife. Based on a fantasy of mine, it's about how the boy, doing some work in the youth pastor's backyard, encounters the pastor's wife. Normally, she is dressed in baggy, modest clothes, but she's in a bathing suit this time. Though it's a mere one-piece, it doesn't hide the fact that she actually has a very rocking body. She takes a dip in the backyard pool, while the boy continues to work while eyeing his magnificent new discovery. She eventually invites him to take a dip with her, and that one small act leads to a series of others.... I actually have the build-up to two separate chapters written up, sans-sex, so you'd have plenty of material to work on.
Suggestion taken. For the record, I'm still looking for someone to do this.
A bizarre fantasy came to me when some Mexican cleaners came to clean up my house this morning. One of the cleaner ladies didn't look too bad---her face showed her age (late thirties), but her body looked like it was in pretty good shape. B-sized chest and a small but tight looking ass clad in spandex. I was watching TV in another room (which they already cleaned) with the doors closed to drown out the vacuum, clad in T-shirt and boxers. The fantasy: what if she had entered the room alone to retrieve some cleaning tools? There'd be the initial embarassment, and then she'd go to retrieve the tools. On the way out, she'd notice my erection through the boxers. Her gaze upon it is just long enough that I take a chance and ask if she'd like to "take a closer look"? And then we'd get it on, with all sound being blocked out from the other cleaners via the thick door + the vacuum. It'd probably have to be quick....enough for her to ride me once and maybe switch positions for another round. My age is 20, her's late thirties-ish. She is a Mexican of the darker complexion, brunette.
Apologies, maybe I should have. In a way, the additional details I edited in are an extension of what I could have written: The whole story went too fast for me, and the wife was a bit too outgoing about it, and I'm a detail-freak when it comes to the emotions and physica; senses. Then again, you are not at fault for that, since I failed to give such small details like that in my request. As for actually writing out another review....well, the story's been taken down, so.
Edited in more details---I wish to see if anyone else is wiling to write this one up.
Hello. Mods, feel free to delete my previous thread. I would like to request that someone write a story about a babysitter seducing the young boy she has been forced to babysit despite his age. I would prefer it to be 1on1 the whole way through, with a pool thrown in at one point. The babysitter's features are yours to carve out, as I find the situational idea to what attracts me.
Indeed you did. Thanks for trying.
Forward, yes....a bit TOO forward....I was looking for more subtle buildup, but it's the fic YOU'RE writing, so.....
I've kind of given a thought of how the "Kid" in TR: A is........a teenager, and likely, a horny one at that. I'm thinking about the time where Lara is captured by Natla's henchman. I wonder if anyone can make a story that can squeeze in the Kid coercing his way into Lara's pants during her captivity.
I'd like my pseudonym to be "Ben" and the wife's psuedo to be "Allison" Age 19 and 29, respectively. And he's out of town once in a while, since he helps out with other groups from time to time. So he's away away. If you're talking physically, she's brunette, hair resting on her shoulders, C-sized, and actually, quite a nice little behind. Actually, I'd like it to be less of a seduction than "Get in the pool with her and one thing luckily leads to another." Any other questions?
Hello, So the other day, I was at a pool party/BBQ hosted by a youth pastor at my church. Everything was chill until the youth pastor's wife came out in her suit. Even though it was pretty modest (a one-piece), I could not believe how stunning her body was. She wears baggier clothing for the most part, so I hadn't noticed before. My story request: sometimes I do help around the youth pastor's house. One hot summer day, I come to clean up the aftermath of a youth event as a favor to the couple. When I start cleaning, the door opens and I'm greeted with the sight of the youth pastor's wife as never seen before. What happens next, I want to be slow, with much build-up, centering on sexual tension, the wife finding unexpected excitement at the prospect of dipping her toe in sexual liberation (though I want the POV to be from me, and it would be shown through her actions/words). After much build-up, I'd like to take her from behind at the shallow end of the pool. I want the build-up to be slow, and "reasonably realistic." I'm one for details, so try not to skimp on that. I want her alias to be Allison, and mine Ben. Keep the suit a one-piece, as it's part of the magic.
Your words, I can agree with. Okay, so....should I just post another request, this time asking for a story based on the idea of "Babysitter", essentially a request with your wording?
Thank you, Jaydee. And I stand by my post above.
Constructive criticism would be cool if the author hadn't disappeared off the face of the earth. Ive sent him emails many times over the years. No reply. What did I like about it? Pretty much just the first part. Pool/sexy suits....beach blonde....younger guy/older girl.....minor......babysitter.
Hello, Here's my scenario: Black Cat, the Marvel character, is breaking into the building of an anonymous mob boss to get some valuable diamond. She gets in easy, and lets her guard down when she's in the act of snatching it, allowing some random security guard to knock her out from behind. The security guard himself, to contrast with the Black Cat, is pudgy, ugly, and repulsive. He sees this as a once in a lifetime opportunity, and takes her into an interrogation room. There, he gives her the choice of him, or the mob boss---and then sold into sexual slavery. Of course, she eventually chooses the former...and then it ensues. This is the general outline...I have quite a few more specfic details, but if anyone has interest in the general idea, I'll forward you the details. PS: For those who understand......I want this story to assume her backstory from "Evil Men That Do" didnt happen. Kinda takes away from stories like these.
Anyone? Oh, and if I could make two requests.....1) Keep the pool scene, though the circumstances could be changed 2) Try and keep it one-on-one, threesome at most.
I've been writing a Dick Tracy centered noncon story, and I've posted part of it up on my account. Since then, I've made many changes to it, as well as making some more progress, but I'm having trouble filling in huge gaps in the story. I'm hoping if anyone's interested in helping fill-in those said gaps. It'd be enough work to qualify it as a collaboration.
Hello, Digging through the archives, I found this old story which had the potential to be hot, but was bogged down by clumsy writing. I think that if the concept was worked on a little, it has great potential. http://original.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=23046 Now, I'm NOT saying you should plagiarize this. I'm just saying you should take the core concept of the fic, and make it into your own: a reimagining, if you will.