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marley_station last won the day on May 8 2011

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  1. This web site is the closest I will ever actually get to having a Twitter account.

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    2. BronxWench


      I have a Twitter for promotional purposes, which leads to all sorts of non-promotional stuff, so now I’m avoiding it like it was Facebook...

    3. marley_station


      Facebook.  I despise that site for what it did to Livejournal.  Anime fandom was thriving on Livejournal, then Facebook came along, and shot it in the face at point-blank range.  I have watched it die a death that has been neither quick nor painless.  Thank goodness for this site and Tumblr, or I would be out in the proverbial cold.  I’ve never done Facebook/Twitter/MySpace/SnapChat/etc. and I am not about to start now.

    4. pippychick


      I wish this web site was the closest I was to having a Twitter account.

      Actually, that’s not really fair. Twitter works out quite well for me most of the time. I can’t commit to anything. If I try, I lose my grip on the whole lot. I can commit to getting up in the morning, most of the time. That’s about it. And going to work, usually. I can commit to doing my archive work here. Anything else is a bonus. Twitter doesn’t guilt trip you. There is that. And updates don’t need to be big rambling things. And no one says: hey where the hell is so-and-so when you go missing for three months. They just forget that you ever existed. I find that quite relaxing.

      But I’m kind of weird. Don’t tell me I am, I know it. *nods*

      So, in conclusion, Twitter is full of weird people who can’t commit to anything. Yep. *nods again*

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