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marley_station last won the day on May 8 2011

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  1. I have been having an issue with uploading images to the Internet for a few weeks now.  I couldn’t figure out what was going on.  It began with Tumblr – quite a while ago, to be fair.  Then, little by little, it spread to other web sites I frequented.  If I tried to upload a screen capture or update a profile image, I was thrown an error.  Eventually, any site I tried to upload an image file to was throwing the error.

    I finally figured out what the problem is.  It’s the browser I was using.

    For some reason, Microsoft Edge, in its infinite wisdom, began prohibiting me from uploading image files to any site on the web.  I don’t know if the screw-up is linked to a browser update or what (OS Creators updates, perhaps? *shrugs*). But I know Edge is responsible, because after I updated Firefox to the Quantum version (Firefox 57) I gave it a test drive, using it to upload an image to the web.  Guess what?  It worked exactly as it should have.  Without hesitation, I changed my default browser to the new Firefox.

    I am a Windows Dork from the word go – always have been.  But sometimes my loyalty is tested.  There is absolutely no reason the goof-up for which Microsoft Edge is responsible should be happening.  I use that browser with zero extensions installed.  It’s my control browser: I use it to show me what web sites look like and behave in their native form, without browser add-ons restricting tracking/logging or metadata addition or applet execution (note: pop-up blocking is MS Edge default behavior.).  I employ Microsoft Internet Explorer 11 in the same capacity.  If I want add-ons and extensions to sanction my web activity, I install them in Chrome, Firefox and Opera.

    I'm actually bummed that I have to use a different browser as my default.  Microsoft’s hard work on MS Edge is not lost in translation.  It’s a very practical browser, a powerful tool that I use with enthusiasm.  But Microsoft needs to do better before I switch back to using Edge as my default.

    Okay, I’m done ranting. :P




    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. marley_station


      Yes, let’s discuss these new Windows builds… I appreciate the addition of new capabilities, but it seems to me that regression testing isn’t being executed with due diligence.  New stuff seems to be breaking existing stuff in released builds.  Microsoft needs to get right.

    3. CloverReef


      That sucks! I’m pretty loyal to Chrome when it comes to the browser wars. I’ve had a similar problem with it in the past. I don’t think it was images, but it was a mild, consistent problem like that. Not really breaking, but annoying enough that I had to switch to firefox. I feel for you! The frustration is real!

    4. Desiderius Price

      Desiderius Price

      Porn surfing?  That’s firefox+noscript, because, can you say malware?  It’s also a nice combination just because it’s a lot less of the annoying popups/sidescrollers/garbage that’s floating around on a lot of the various websites.


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