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marley_station last won the day on May 8 2011

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  1. This web site is the closest I will ever actually get to having a Twitter account.

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    2. JayDee


      Twitter’s not so terrible. Some good twitfic on there. Or stuff like this –

      I remember Livejournal boning itself. Every few months there’d be some change and then hysterical drama over the news comm or wherever with people moving to journalfen or dreamdwidth or some other site to talk about how bad LJ was for something they did, like the plus accounts or whatever. They banned gobbledegook from being an interest at one point and that led to even more rage. Then it was bought out by a Russian company and still remains pretty popular in that neck of the woods I think. I’m sort of nostalgic to go look at my old LJ accounts now…

      Still, we can all laugh about Rupert Murdoch buying Myspace and losing a shitload of money. Right?

    3. BronxWench


      I always laugh at Rupert Murdoch losing a shitload of money, but then again, I think that’s a mark in my favor.

      LJ was where I debuted Morwen Navarre, my erotica-writing alter ego. But LJ getting bought by a Russian company was about the last straw for me, given the nature of what I write. The having to pay for everything was bad enough, but I just ignored that. The occasion when my LJ account was inexplicably changed to a Japanese language account was a bit awkward, since I couldn’t read anything to figure out how to change it back, and the support staff was less than supportive. I miss the old LJ, actually, and if they ever revert to being a useful site, I might consider making an account again. But not while it’s owned by people who kill people for doing what I write about. I have to have some scruples.

    4. KoKoa_B


      I was just about to point out what BW did, as far as LJ being bought by a Russian company. Then again, it wasn’t like my fandom had a devout following on there, anyway LOL 

      I heard that Twitter was considering a 250-character limit. I have no idea if this is coming from a troll source but I’ve seen it mentioned a few times. Still, 250 characters isn’t enough for us ramblers but much better than 140 or whatever the limit is now. 

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