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  1. If anyone is interested, I actually just found it. It's called "Love of a Lifetime" on fanfiction.net. Here's the link: http://www.fanfiction.net/s/4846452/1/Love_of_a_Lifetime
  2. I looked on a site that had crossovers on it and it gave me the link, but nothing popped up so I think that person has, unfortunately, either moved the story and changed the name or they've removed it. Sorry! I liked that story as well.
  3. Okay, no one has said anything, so I'll add a little more that I remembered. Inuyasha was also a submissive dog demon and Koga's father decided to do something to cause Koga to be like a submissive and go into heat and everything (or made him one...I can't remember...). I think the last thing I read was that the three of them were hiding in Snape's warded house to keep from having to mate with anybody.
  4. After Lights Out by Dracos Slut
  5. I would also be interested in the address for His Week of New Experience: How It Got This Way
  6. I'm pretty sure I know what story it was. Here's the site for "Harry Potter & the Daughter of Malfoy" by Fyre : http://www.fictionalley.org/authors/fyre/HPTDOM.html If you're looking for some other mpreg, here are some lists that might help: http://thempregarchive.synthasite.com/ http://painless-j.net/blog/2007/11/02/them...haracter/#Harry
  7. She does have a fanfiction.net account as well as a HPFandom account, but she's been doing some "spring cleaning" and that's one of the stories she deleated from both places. Thanks for giving the yahoo group, though!
  8. I recommend anything by Bittersweet Alias as all of her things are good. You can find her on fanfiction.net. Also Kamerreon wrote an awesome assassin story called "Onyx Snow" on there and Branwen777 wrote some pretty good stories as well. There's another story I remember being pretty good called "C_________'s Academy" on fanfiction.net. I can't remember the first word exactly, could be Credenzo's or something like that. And definitely look up diploff on fanfiction.net. Their stories are AWESOME.
  9. Okay, it's funny because I just re-read that first story the other day because I love it. It's on Fanfiction.net and it's by gemlou137 (could be genlou137) and it's "The Things We Do For Freedom".
  10. Is it "What Lucius Wants"? If so, here's the link:http://hp.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600012162
  11. Okay, don't know why I didn't mention this sooner, but desolate3 on FF.net has wonderful Draco/Harry stories. I think there are 5 long stories centered on that relationship alone. Also, this story is pretty decent so far, but it's not completed: URL: http://www.fanfiction.net/s/4091158/11/ Hope you enjoy!
  12. An author just finished one on ff.net called "The Perfect Girl" where Harry accidentally gets transformed into a girl. It's by slytherin-nette (I think that's the right spelling...) and it's really well written. They're going to be writing a sequel soon as well.
  13. There's also one on ff.net called either "Mommy Dearest" or "Mummy Dearest", though I lean more towards the first one. It's by an author with the name "Luna" in it and it's a HP/DM pairing. I think it's something like "LunaParvulus", but I wouldn't bet anyone's life on it.
  14. The Veela Child, Moon Child story is an awesome story, but it hasn't updated in almost 2 years and there hasn't been any word from the author. But there's also one called "Kitty Love" on fanfiction.net that's pretty sweet. It's TR/HP. "Unintentionally Yours" is also pretty good, but it's a bit dark and it's TR/HP as well. Starts off with a deal made between Voldemort and Dumbledore to end the war if Harry marries Voldie and it's on both ff.net and on here. Thanks for starting this topic as now I have some things to read as well
  15. It was on TheHexFiles archive a while ago but the author took it down. It was At Last...Claimed by Loui the author said they would probably repost it when they finished it. Sorry to be the bearer of bad news! I really liked the story as well.
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