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  1. Thanks JaceDamian23... I've been bubblybabs for over 15 years now... Read the story, it's good though the Snape in this story is not what you'd expect... Babs
  2. Found it: Vain Wisdom All and False Philosophy by Battle_Of_Lissa
  3. bubblybabs

    HG/SS fic

    One of my favorite fics... Babs
  4. My old laptop died on me and I've lost my links to my fav stories in progress... This story is, I believe, in 7th year... Sirius already fell through the veil but he came back... He must rewind a watch on a chain or he dies and it's psychologically challenging for him... He's also become a professor at Hogwarts... DD is pushing for Hermione to "befriend" Sirius but she doesn't want him... She winds up with Snape who see's her as a sort of possession... At some point, she was attacked by McNair and Snape kills him... Also, in this story, Lupin is in love with Pansy Parkinson (ick, not my fav part of the story)... Anyone know where this story is? Thanks, Babs
  5. Hi, this is one of my favs... I only know of this story on Ashwinder but I'm sure it's elsewhere... Augury and Ardor Babs
  6. Isn't this a story on Ashwinder? I remember it and can't think of the name... Now I'm going to have to search until I find it... BAbs
  7. Topic Title: Cherries Topic Description: Harry Potter AU - Main character: Hermione I'm up to 37 AFF chapters now and see about 20 more to go... Each chapter averages 9,700 words so this is a long story and you'll need to commit some time to read it... The story is extremely adult in nature - wording and situations arise that will make the reader uncomfortable... My goal, when I started this story, was to be as realistic as possible in an AU world and not skirt around things such as torture, something I find happens a lot in fanfic - it's either mentioned and skimmed over or close to unbelievable in real life... I have attempted to delve into the emotional aspects of the characters, trying to make the reader truly feel for what the characters feel... I also find that fanfic writers tend to unrealistically romanticize while their characters are in unpleasant situations, I therefore tried hard to keep that from entering my fanfic... Hermione gets kidnapped in this story and it's not all pleasant... However, there is romance in this story, but it's twisted and makes your skin crawl... There's also romance that makes you say "Awwww! I wish that would happen to me!" I tried to balance this story a bit with both types of romance, though the reader will wonder if the good one is truly good... The story has mystery and plot twists as well, and readers are currently trying to guess what is going on next... At this time, the story is slowly unraveling and readers are now in the process of finding out why everyone is acting the way they are... A great deal of research has gone into this fanfic since I am intimately unfamiliar with torture (I've never been tortured and, no, I have never tortured anyone), scat play (something that was requested), and other things that occur in this story... I have learned a great deal while writing this story and I truly hope the readers are learning new things while also being entertained by the story... For instance, how many of you know how long the average vagina is? That is in the story... How many of you know that the clitoris disappears into the hood during climax? As I said, this story is very adult in nature... If you are uncomfortable reading about sex, then this story is not for you... Mature readers only, please... Title: Cherries Author: bubblybabs Rating: Very, very adult Summary: Someone falls in love with Hermione, kidnaps her, and makes her his... Feedback: Absolutely love feedback Fandom: Harry Potter URL: http://hp.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600018486 Thank you for being patient enough to read my rambling introduction... I sincerely hope you read the story and let me know what you think of it... I am an author who truly appreciates the negative as well as the positive feedback... I also don't mind emails telling me what you think of the story if you don't want to put your review up on the site and have had very interesting conversations with people in reference to this story... Babs (aka bubblybabs)
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