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  1. I get pretty frustrated, too, because sometimes I'll an author who writes really well--except his/her story isn't in a fandom I like or am familiar with. And then with fandoms I actually really like I have to wade through a some poorly-written stories. Still, I've found a fair number of great authors even in popular fandoms--I go through all their work and check out anyone they recommend. I'll only browse for other fics when I've finished reading one author's stuff (or if that author doesn't update regularly).
  2. On a test? Or on a person? Well, I've done neither before so I'm not guilty of being caught. Guilty or not guilty: coming up with a lame reason to hate someone you're just plain jealous of? (Lol, I've done this once...)
  3. I actually like the "throw off the cliff" part, hehe. As to het...well, this isn't exactly a het game. You have to have an answer for both the female and male choices, whether you're male or female, so it's actually pretty bi, isn't it? And I know what you mean about not liking any of the choices given, lol. Anyway! From the characters you gave as choices, I'd... Males: Marry Young Tom Riddle--because I'd really, really like to hope that I won't be on Voldy's death list when Tom Riddle ages into him. And because Young Tom Riddle's hot. Wait, by young do you mean the CHILD Tom Riddle? O_O Date Spike (as in Buffy's Spike?)--because he's cute and he reminds me of Billy Idol. Dump Wolverine--just because he's not my type. Females: Marry Storm--because she's hot and I've always loved her power. Date Death--because I like this representation of her. Toss Bellatrix Off a Cliff--because as pretty as she is, I'm not that into crazies. MY TURN TO GIVE CHOICES, WEEE!!! (LOL) Males: Drizzt Do'Urden (Forgotten Realms) Luke Skywalker (Star Wars) Jack Sparrow (Pirates of the Caribbean) Females: Cattie-Brie (Forgotten Realms) Elizabeth Bennett (Pride and Prejudice) Lara Croft
  4. OMG! I love this! It's hilarious! I'm forwarding the link to all of my friends!
  5. Hmmm...maybe because of the last post, the guy I pick out of my harem right now...Vergil, Devil May Cry. Because he's icy hot.
  6. Not guilty. Someone did that to me once before and I felt awful, so I wouldn't do it to anybody else. G/NG: Trash-talked a friend behind his/her back.
  7. Not guilty. Online friends pretty much stay as online friends with me. G/NG: Pinned a serious offense on someone else (like stealing).
  8. Hey, this thread died again. Sorry, I don't know the show, so I guess I'll just have to move this along by posting another one. SUPERNATURAL GUYS: Sam Dean Castiel GIRLS: Ruby Bella Anna Hopefully some people know the show and have watched it until the current season. The leading men are kinda stable, but the leading ladies are more recurring characters, really. Hmmm. Not fair.
  9. Ooh, not guilty. Not quite sure if that's a good or bad thing. G/NG: Faked illness/family problem/friend problem just to get out of a blind date (assuming the guy/girl is perfectly nice but perfectly boring, as well).
  10. Apart from that
  11. Haha, I clicked on this poll because the subheading made me laugh. I have and inexplicable love affair with green right now, but I also love purple, rose, and gold. Still, as long as it's pretty...
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