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  1. Gefangener der Zeit by Schelmish
  2. Personally, I try to always make smut scenes somewhat plausible in my fics, and with that said, there is no way around romance. Granted, most of the times the pairings I write about are fairly compatible if not already somewhat established, so I don't really have a hard time with that. I don't know Total Drama Island, but from your description, it might be vaguely adequat if Gwen "pulls a Hinata", as I like to put it. The whole "putting on a facade" and secretly admiring Owens attitude. Then again, the whole 'mask'-deal is pretty much done to death. But hey, psychology is a weird thing, so nothing is out of the realm of plausibility. I'm currently in sort of a pinch where most request I have taken are pretty much done... safe for the smut scenes, which I can't seem to write all of a sudden. It is strange, maybe I am just overdosed on sex and need to lay off for a while to get that whole grove in me again, who knows? I presume that it is somewhat like your lack of finding a way to get those two together. Don't try to force yourself on writing something but rather let it fly towards you, if that piece of well-known advice can offer you any help.
  3. Totally guilty, did it several times, once got a week of extra vacation because the doctor mistyped the dates on the paper I had to hand in G/NG: Cybered online with someone and met that person in real life some time afterwards.
  4. In response to your review (thanks, btw, nothing better to hear your customer is satisfied), the idea of bringing Talim in has changed. I do not anymore intend to use her in the way I considered her to be used, but I'm fairly certain she will still play a part later on. Instead, I am toying with the idea of bringing another canon character in which would be better suited for that spot, IF I even decide that this role is needed in that fic. I outlined the events for the next chapter, but writing them down will take a little longer, so a daily update is not possible today. Also, I want to work on a few other requests I got today, so I'm taking a few (read: two to three at most) days break from your request, but that is also to increase the tension a bit.
  5. And with this post, chapter 3 is uploaded! I think now would be a good time to ask for a little review. Are there any glaring mistakes in grammar, plot or character development that need to be sorted out? Anything you do not agree with? If so, please let me know, although I feel that at least in terms of character development, I'm going a good way to get to a believable outcome for this pairing. Chapter 4 will mark a premiere of sorts for this story, I'll leave it up to you to guess what kind of premiere =D
  6. Amy's motive is not just that what she claimed it to be, but I don't want to spoil too much ^^ I outlined the plot so far and I have to say that the possibilities are quite endless, but I already thought of a nice, bittersweet ending, so definitely look forward to that. But whatever plots I throw in before it is open. Still, given that deep plots tend to take a while before they get rolling, it might take a while before there actually is any action involving Amy, but there still be smuts thrown in here and there, when I deem them appropiate. Anyway, as of this post, Chapter 2 is uploaded!
  7. There you go, the first chapter is just uploaded, freshly typed and checked and what not. This fic is rapidly growing on to me, I noticed during writing for this, I am gonna have lots of fun writing this, so yeah. Without further ado, I present to you: Princesses of the Night
  8. To me, OCs are a tricky thing. Especially in fandoms with a lot of established characters, the author probably made sure that pretty much every archetype is present and that each personality is connected to the others in one way or the other, so throwing in someone completely new, it sort of breaks the tightly-knit net of personalities. Another aspect I do often not like about OCs is inconsistencies. While a canon characters personality is more or less written in stone and is untouchable (while still open to interpretation), an OC may fluctuate so much that it becomes irritating, especially if the author writes them in different times, with different mindsets. Of course, that does not apply to all OCs and there is of course a number who is well-written, but that number is vastly overshadowed by the amount of terrible OCs. Personally, I try to avoid them as much as possible and stick to OCs.
  9. And the time for more wishes is over, there you go: One day, two revelations
  10. I agree, this thread is bound to get convoluted in time. I suppose I will take the talk with NinjaGaijin to the PM-level and maybe we can just close this thread and say "Use PMs"? That would be much more manageable for everyone.
  11. Ah, the way I envision it is a rather slow progress, seeing as I'm not a terrible fan of PWP. See, Amy has grown up sheltered and spoiled under Raphaels care, so she does not quite even know what sex is, entering Hilde, a mature but not too mature woman with a kind heart that can show her this. Talim, I pondered about throwing in later for the sake of futa, if that is even necessary, I'll decide that then. Anyway, I guess the story would need a few chapters at least, the amount of ideas I have is too much for a oneshot and I don't want to see them go to waste, therefore I suppose I will write a few chapters of varying lengths.
  12. Ok, without reading through the entirety of this post, let me make this one statement as a non-native speaker of the English language: I think I am, due to my background, more lenient with it, but there is nearly no word that is bad. Now, in my own language, we have synonyms for every genitalia as well, but the problem is that it does sound awkward. Either it sounds scientific, prude, waaaay too kinky or just wrong, and so it is hard to walk the fine line of using non-awkward words and not be repetitive. That is the reason why I choose to write in English rather than German. Granted, I know there are also difference, but those don't appear that crass to me. The equivalence of Vagina and Pussy in german would either sound scientific and just outdated, but in English, I feel that are equally appropiate and even stimulating when used in context in English. It doesn't stand out as much as in German. Just my five cents to this.
  13. I've read that thread, The Pairing Guy, and I think I found a good idea there, thanks for bringing my attention to it. Never played FF4,but I suppose I can get it rolling, but even then everyone (me including) might have to deal with a few OOCs here and there... but yeah, I just think I might go for that, thanks.
  14. Now, touching base on "real ninjas", it's quite good to know that those, especially the kinky type, works with hidden weapons. Now, you might think of using poisons or concealing weapons in their clothes, but things such like hiding needles under your tongue was actually an often-used technique, so I'd suggest incorporating that. But that's not really an answer to your question, is it? ^^ As for me, the usual idea of picking up a girl in a bar or a geisha and taking her to a seperate location that is close to vital informations, especially if you're an important person, is something that very nearly pushes my suspension of disbelief over the edge, but here are some ideas that I have come up with that you might be able to use: - The target is a yakuza or has in general a tattoo that is key to a treasure, secret hideout, you pick it. Now, since you wouldn't put that on display for everyone to see, it would require an intimate relation with said target to uncover the key/map/password, and either memorize it or skin him/her.... on second thought, forget the latter - Thinking of historical ninjas, it was said that especially enlightened people could make a waka (a certain type of poem with set rules, not unlike the famous haiku) in any situation, most impressive that would be of course when said person is either close to death or orgasming, because those are the moments in a persons life where he is overwhelmed with massive emotions. Now, the point of making someone orgasm to see if he/she can make waka at the time might either be a very subtle form of interrogation or it is used simply as a bet. Think a daimyo/business man hears that his enemy is said to be able to pull it off, so he hires kunoichi to find out if it is just like the rumour says, either intending it to use it as a measure to gauge his (mental) power or to blackmail and exploit if it fails. - A scene that could always lead to smut is the ninja being uncovered (maybe even intentionally, as a distraction) and she uses her body to get out of there. - As a reversal of the above mentioned Cliché scenario of seducing somebody to get into their house or whatever could be: Seduce the enemy of your enemy A and get abducted by the enemy A in an attempt to get back at enemy B (either enemy A is known to do that, or a mole plants the idea of kidnapping enemy B's girlfried [the kunoichi] in enemy A's head). Then break free and voila, you've infiltrated the castle/building. Confusing and genius, isn't it? That's what I could come with in the span of 15 minutes, hope you can use some of th ideas here. btw, I'm a wikipedia-freak, so if you want to enlighten me just which fandom it is, I might be able to make more educated guesses ^^ Also, is it like "modern ninjas" or the historical kind of ninja, like, say.... I dunno, I think it's Tenchu or whatever the name of that game was. If it is not exactly what you're looking for, give me some hints as to what is, and I'll see what I can come up with.
  15. Hello, newbie here. I am not quite sure if this is even the right place to post, considering it would be better off in the challenge-section, but here goes nothing, and if a mod deems it is better off in another section, please feel free to move it. I'll give you a quick rundown about me, I suppose that's the best. I'm 20 years of age, male and English is not my native language, German is. However, due to growing up with MTV and reading a lot of fanfictions, I do consider myself well-versed enough to write in English as well. My style is still a little formulaic and there may be plenty of grammar errors, but that's what beta-readers are for, right? I have started out with doing Forum RPs, mainly based on Naruto and from there on I was drawn to writing smut and lemons. I have written one discontinued fanfic so far, which was so plot-heavy and IC that it simply smothered me. Still, I love plot but I'm not aversed to PWP. So, what's the point of this thread, you may ask now, if it's simply done for introductions? To put it simply, it's a shoutout for more challenges. Considering I have some free time on my hand right now, I'd be more than happy to write and my muse is flowing as well, so I'm up for anything. Here I post a list of franchises, series, shows w/ever, that I do know well enough to write smut about them. If something does not appear here, it can mean one of three things: - I don't know about it at all - I know of its existence, maybe a few characters, but that's about it. - I have at least read a summary of said series/movie/etc. and roughly know what it's about. All the other items on the list here are rooted in my brain firmly enough that I can pretty much start writing smut about it with little to no research. Knowledge of: Anime: Naruto Bleach One Piece Gantz Sailor Moon Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei Fate/stay Night Avatar Code Geass Games: Warcraft Zelda Soul Calibur Tekken Final Fantasy Kingdom Hearts Neverwinter Nights Mass Effect Movies: Star Wars Batman-universe, sorta Lord of the Rings (please bear in mind that this list is not complete and I simply forgot to include something here, but I suppose the most important things are listed here) Following is another list of fetishes that I am willing to include in any future fics. If something does not appear here, then I have a neutral stance to it and might be inclined to do something like that. Fetishes I like: Futanari (dickgirl) Tentacles Yuri Incest slight BDSM slight gangbang+bukkake threesomes Anal Oral Beast Mind Control Genderbending Things I do NOT like Guro/Gore brutal rape scat Now, yaoi, M/M, Shonen-ai, w/ever, I never wrote that, but I am mildly interested in it. So, you may be able to talk me into doing one of those. B) I accept pretty much any challenge issued to me and I'll be happy to do so. I do not expect a fic in return, if that even is normal standard here, but for stuff that I would have to do some research for (for example, yaoi or shows that are not listed), I would like a little something in return, but I am willing to make deals here. Reviews are of course always appreciated. So, considering it hopefully is in the right place, I am waiting for PM's or simply replies for this thread. I don't know just how much requests I can handle at once, but I guess we're gonna find out, eh?
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